Monday, 24 September 2012

Walk abandoned

It is with regret that I have had to abandon my home made coast to coast walk. You have probably seen the weather reports on the TV and in the newspapers, heavy rain along with high winds overnight, and for the next two days.
When I got up this morning I was still hopefull that I might be able to carry on but after seriously thinking about it over breakfast I realised that it would be not only foolish but also dangerous. It's not so much the rain falling that bothered me, but what happens to the ground during and after a heavy drenching. Paths become lethal skating rinks, especially when they are not level in the first place. Stones become slippery, soil becomes a mud bath and extremely slippery, and it only takes one slip sideways and a lot of damage can be done. I could not risk breaking my ankle and being out of action for several months while it healed. 
So now I am back home. I was lucky with the transport, and I almost made it the whole way back for free on my bus pass. I got a bus out of Bakewell to Sheffield, then I was lucky to find a bus leaving in a matter of minutes for Doncaster. There I enquired about a bus to Scunthorpe and was told there is only one a day and I had missed it by 20 minutes.  So it was a short walk to the railway station where I jumped on a train with only minutes to spare. I paid the conductor £10 for my ticket. My lovely friend and cat sitter Janet picked me up when I arrived back.
I am feeling a bit sad, and wonder if I should have tried it. You know I never like to give up, but my safety has to come first. Looking out of the window now it is pouring down with rain, with no sign of any let up. Never mind. there will be other walks, I just wish this British weather wasn't so unpredictable, maybe we'll get summer in November. The cats are pleased to see me anyway, and I'll get Rocky out as soon as the rain eases off a bit. Toodle pip.
PS. I really hate this new Blogger dashboard.


  1. Pleased you are home safe and sound. You can always finish the walk another day. Here in Herefordshire we have had 2.5" in the last 24 hours and it is still raining.

    Best Wishes,

    Dianne - Hereford

  2. So pleased you made the right decision. When the weather picks up you may be able to try again. If not you could always do a coast to coast trip by public transport.

    Sue xx

  3. The weather forecast is, frankly, 'orrible. I doubt if you'd have enjoyed the next two days very much, so bailing out (almost literally!) is a good call.
    I'm staying in for two days anyway....

  4. Walking in the rain and slipping around does sound dangerous. You will walk again another day if you are uninjured. My hair was in my eyes, and I thought you said "cat sister."

  5. Thank goodness. So pleased you decided to call it a day. I have been thinking about you off and on all day. We all know you have given it your best and as you said your safety has to come first.

  6. Having broken my arm in a fall in February..I can say you made the right just cannot take the risk. Glad to now you are safe and sound. The coast to coast will still be there when you try again.
    Jane x

  7. Yes, do stay safe, what would happen to Rocky if you broke a bone?

  8. You know you made the right decision. What is the point of plodding through mud and rain? You don't have any need to prove anything, you gave up gracefully and took the sensible option. Anyway, we wouldn't have had very much to look at with photos of driving rain and mud. Have another bash at some time.

  9. You made a great decision. Safety first. Enjoy your cosy home.

  10. I don't blame you missus, keep yourself safe.

  11. I cannot comment from my Wordpress account. Maybe something to do with changes in Blogger. Anyway , glad you are safely at home. We've had to give up twice this year because of this terrible weather. We've never done that before even camping in snow when kayaking at Easter one year.
    This year we cycled from Baslow to Buxton using the Monsal trail so I know where you have been. I still have a hankering to complete the Way of the Roses route which we gave up on at Ripon , the day that the Great Yorkshire show was called off.
    No doubt you'll be busy washing the mud off your clothes. Take care.
    Brenda in the Boro

  12. It is definitely the best idea-There are severe floods at the moment. Always better to err on the side of caution as you may have *had* to be rescued and that really does not bear thinking about.

  13. Glad your back home safely in the warm and dry.

  14. Sad to hear you had to abandon your walk. But, as everyone else already said: Better safe than sorry! I`m planning a good days walk along the South Downs Way, starting at Amberley Chalkpits museum, heading westwards. I`m hoping that my plans don`t get washed away like yours. I`m hoping to do my walk on Sunday, Oct. 7th. With a bit of luck I might get a reasonable autumn day.

  15. That was definately the sensible option. It sounds like with a bit of forward planning you could get back to where you left off using your bus pass. Maybe thats one to do another day when torrential downpours are not expected.

  16. You were right to avoid them stair rods! Hope you can resume the walk where you left off.

  17. Glad you are home safe and sound - as others have said it's not worth the risk, as there's also the risk of falling branches/ trees. Pleased you managed to get most of the way back with your bus pass too!

  18. I agree with the others, really not worth the risk.

    Gill in Canada

  19. What they all said! Glad you are home safe and sound xx

  20. I agree with others - I think you have made the right decision. The weather today is horrible and it's forecast to stay that way for 48 hours - it would not have been any fun, and you are right to not risk a broken ankle (especially walking alone, it seems responsible to be sensible, if that makes sense).

  21. You made the right decision for you.

    I have loved your adventure.

    I know it won't be long until the next one.

    Well done on getting so far on your bus pass!

    Sft x

  22. Having slipped on the mud myself today I completely know where you are coming from. It is not fun landing on your behind and would be even less so if you had to call the emergency services. Give the cats a cuddle and start plotting for the next great adventure. That is a much better place to be tonight.

  23. I've been thinking about you all day and hoping that you would take the sensible decision to go home. It is dreadful here in the north west, with the number of severe weather warnings increasing by the hour and people being warned to stay at home unless their journey is essential. I'm glad that you are home safe, well, and dry, and thank you for letting us know and putting my mind at rest.

  24. Good call Ilona:) Pleased to hear you are back home, safe and sound♥ xxx

  25. It's a shame you had to abandon the walk but I think it would have been very grim at the moment and I'm sure it was a wise move to head home. You could always pick up where you left off another time, or start again during the better months.

  26. Sorry you had o abandon your walk and | defiantly agree about the new dashboard.

  27. Sorry to read that your trip has come to an abrupt end. I think you were wise, the weather forecast is bad with an amber warning out. The consolation has to be that you've made your pets very happy :) Elizabeth

  28. That sounds a wise move. Hoping that you will be able to do your Coast to Coast walk another time and in better weather!

  29. You did the right thing. I think these walks are supposed to be enjoyable, not life threatening.
    I am finally getting to grips with the new blogger dashboard. Hang on in there.

  30. Your safety thoughts were just good common sense, and that trumps the idea of hating to give up. It will all still be there another day.

  31. maybe scotland next

  32. Discretion is the better part of valor :) There's no point in risking a preventable injury just for the "joy" of pushing on. Glad you are back home.

    (Is Rocky your very own dog now? I'm wondering if I missed that somewhere along the way...)

  33. I had heard about the nasty weather hitting the UK. So sorry that you had to abandon the current adventure but as the saying goes.... better safe than sorry. There will be other opportunities. :)

  34. Shame you had to abandon your walk, but due to the weather, I think you did the right thing. Hopefully you'll be able to give it a shot another time, and when the weather is a bit better. Pleased to hear you made it home safe and sound; your furry, four legged friends will have been glad to see you come through the door too. Take care of yourself. Cheers, Christy.

  35. There are always other walks and your health and safety come first.

  36. There's plenty more time when (if) the weather gets better, the walk will still be there.

  37. Very wise, it would have been no fun at all in this weather, and the forecast seems to change every half hour. As you say, not safe.
    It took us an hour to do a 30 min drive last night - the other cars were splashing through the flood but we saw one broken down with lights flashing and we decided to detour. Still a flooded road but a little dry bit on one side.
    Iwish I knew how to work my satnav well enough to find the best detours without wandering the lanes.

    How far did you do in all?

  38. We have vast deserts here in Australia where it hasn't rained for years. Maybe you could consider one of those although the scenery would be a tad ordinary compared to all the English lushness and history.

  39. Thank goodness! I will be able to sleep tonight knowing you are safe, dry and warm in your own bed.

  40. Hi Ilona You have done the right thing, best to be safe than sorry. You would not have enjoyed it if you had carried on. There's always another day. Regards Jean

  41. We know how much you wanted to complete your walk but it was the best thing to make straight for home. As someone earlier said, you will be able to go back by bus sometime and start again from where you had to leave off. You have all the lovely photos from the first part of your route. I loved seeing the ones of Chester as we live quite close.
    Wendy (Wales)

  42. Thank you for your comments, you are right, I can always finish the walk later.

    Hi quinn, no, Rocky is not my dog, I just do the best I can for him.

  43. Sorry to hear this, but you made the right decision. It's just not worth the risk. The UK weather can be frustrating. Looking forward to your future walks. I did very much enjoy this one.


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