Saturday, 22 September 2012

Looking for a bed

Hello, I am really struggling with the signal tonight, it is pretty hopeless in Buxton, which is quite surprising considering what a big town it is. Perhaps being surrounded by hills has something to do with it. I have tried to upload the pics but it's taking an age, so I will do this post another time, perhaps tomorrow.

Yes, I did get to Buxton, but there is a funny story to tell. After plodding through miles of mud along the Dane Valley Way, I couldn't keep up the mileage slipping and sliding everywhere. I got to the Youth Hostel at Gradbach at 4.30pm hoping to get a bed, but found it was fully booked with a private party. Nothing else to do but to plod on and hope I could get to Buxton before it got dark. I thought my best bet was to try and walk faster along the roads, so I came off the footpaths. I found myself climbing a massive hill towards the village of Flash, big mistake, Flash is the highest village in England, this slowed me down a lot. I asked someone where I could get a bed for the night, and they said go up to the main road and there is a pub up there which has rooms. Thank goodness I thought, it was 5.30pm and I was ready for stopping.

Luck was not on my side, they had no vacancies, so I asked if they would call a taxi for me as I had to go into Buxton to find a bed. The taxi came and I asked the driver to take me to the town so I could find a bed. He drove around a few streets looking for a place, we stopped at a couple of B & B's, they wanted £70 which I thought was too much. I suggested that he drop me in the High Street as he had to go off and pick up another fare. I think he was a bit concerned that I wouldn't find somewhere, and I don't know how it happened but now I am sitting in his house talking to his lovely wife. Yes they offered to put me up for the night. So, thank goodness I found the best taxi driver in Buxton.

Anyway I must sign off, as we have been nattering away and it's nearly midnight. I will be taken back to Flash in the morning to continue my walk. Toodle pip 


  1. Gosh you have some adventurs. How nice is that taxi man. Some of the things that you write about are the reason I am such a SookyLaLa and don't go off on more of my own adventures. That and the fact that I am a lazy thing. lol.

    Barb. Western Australia.

  2. That was luck! Obviously, you looked desperate for a bed, just an old lady, maybe a bit daft and muddy. Teasing. I just hope they don't chop you up and stuff in a freezer tonight!

    1. PP I do not like your comment.

  3. Isn't it great that there are still good, honest and generous people in this world. It keeps our faith in humanity alive.

  4. Can't beat the Brits for friendliness and hospitality.

  5. We've had this happen to us twice this year. I don't know if it's payback but we did it for a family last year. There are more good people around than we realise. The media really only reports the bad stuff so good got you reporting the good. Hope today is better on the tracks. We had great weather yesterday.
    Brenda in the Boro

  6. How could you possibly spend a night in a strangers house and not be scared or suspicious in the slightest. There are bad people out there - you are just lucky and have not found them. I am saying this for your own safety.

    1. Hmmm you do this when you stay at a bed and breakfast. Big bad scary folk are everywhere. And if you cross the road you ll probably get hit by a truck so best stay in and not go out ever.

      Oh lordy ! Best never get a taxi either.

    2. It works both ways, that wonderful couple invited a stranger into their home.

  7. How lucky that you found such a kind couple. I'm pretty sure you would have a feeling if there was something wrong. Having said that, you are braver than me!!

  8. What a lovely story, gives you faith when you hear about the kindness of strangers.

  9. Just hope the meter's not still running!
    Rose H

  10. That is lovely. It's always nice to hear there about friends souls out there walking the good walk (oh dear, a semi-intentional pun).

  11. Hi Ilona Just shows there are some very nice and kind people still about. regards Jean

  12. Some people have very strange ideas about the kindness of strangers. You were blessed to meet that taxi driver.

  13. Glad you did not end up sleeping on a park bench. Gotta be honest though, I worry for your safety.

  14. What a wonderful story to read before 8 am. I read this post out loud for my husband and SIL. You are lucky to meet such nice people. And anyway, the cops will know where to start their investigation if you go missing! The world knows from where you were last heard! I will be smiling all day. And laughing some too. You enjoy your travels today. Can't wait for the next installment.

  15. You were very lucky to have met such a kind couple and I am sure you would have done the same. Funny how things turn out...
    The world would be a very sad place if we all trusted no one.
    A stranger is just a stranger till we say "Hello"


  16. You were so close to me too! I have family in Flash and am not far at all from Buxton! I'm glad you found somewhere to stay in the end! Hope you're doing ok today, shame the weather has turned grim.

  17. A great blog hope you are enjoying yourself
    Midlands annie

  18. Brilliant, what a nice couple. I'm sure your lovely open, friendly nature helped you out Ilona.
    Twiggy x

  19. On behalf of my wife and I (the taxi driver), we would just like to say what a lovely lady you are and extremely interesting to chat with. My wife was a bit apprehensive about having a 'stranger' in our house too, but it was a pleasure to have you stay with us and we wish you all the best on your travels. We look forward to hearing where you ended up today, we know you were intending to head for Baslow or Chesterfield, possibly via Chatsworth. So sorry the weather turned nasty and hope you didn't get too wet. Tread carefully. Kind regards S & C

  20. Two new friend made for your collection of pals Ilona, I am sure you are wise and sensible enough to sus out people after all the years on the road. Similar thing happenned to me in USA, I was returning to UK after 7 years out there and took a trip to Annaheim to Disneyland got there and as it was winter months the place was closed for a few days , I parked on some spare land a guy came out of his office( like a shack) and I explained what had happened , he said not safe to be there on my own in a transit van and invited me home , a bit dubious I hesitated, next out came his wife and to this day we are friends on skype and mail, kindness is all around us and every offer is not always bad. I am following your journeys with great interest Ilona and love all the pictures, I was in Chester myself a few weeks ago on a coach holiday. Safe journey home Danneke

  21. Wow, what a kind taxi driver. Glad you didn't have to pay the 70 pound also!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.