Sunday, 2 December 2012

A real pea souper

Some time ago, back in April actually, I bought a 1kg bag of frozen peas for 50p from Asda. In my haste to snaffle a bargain, I didn't notice the word 'Mushy' on the front and thought I could use them as normal, a handfull added to a pan of steamed veg, or a stew. I turned them over and read the instructions on the back of the bag. It says they need to be simmered for 30 minutes, oh bother. I'm hardly going to cook a few peas for that length of time, when the rest of the meal only takes ten minutes. So, what to do with 1kg of peas.
I know, put the whole lot in a big pan and cook them for the recommended time, add a couple of chopped onions, and some herbs and spices for flavour. Then zap them with the stick blender, and there we have it, a have a massive amount of pea soup. Well, it's a bit thicker than soup actually. It is more like the consistency of wallpaper paste.
I put some in a bowl for dinner tonight, (no I didn't eat it out of the pan), and the rest will be put into tubs and frozen to use at a later date, either as soup, or added to a stew. Anyway, checking the instructions on the back of the bag, it seems I have done it all wrong. It says do not keep the peas after the best before date, which happens to be 27th April 2012. Then it says do not re heat, which I aim to do. Also it says, we have given you these cooking instructions as a guide only. Well thank you very much then, I shall please myself how and when I will eat them, and see what happens. Will I be generating enough wind to blast me into outer space, or shall I be sat on the loo all night. We shall see, ha ha. Toodle pip.


  1. Oh dear, I read your post about economising on toilet paper and how many sheets to use . . . maybe you will have to revise that when pea soup is on the menu! Lol, lol.

  2. hehehe.... you make me smile! A nice addition to that would be a teaspoon or so of mint sauce. The best soup I ever ate was minted pea soup - divine! A cheap and easy (and very low fat) meal which is a favourite in our house is mushy pea curry! Sounds disgusting but is actually lovely! A couple of cans of mushy peas (probably about 10p in Aldi at the moment) a tin of chopped tomatoes, a can of baked beans, some chopped cooked onions and some curry powder to taste. You can use it on its own or add lots of extra veg and have it as a base sauce. Just chill your loo roll the night before if you know what I mean!! ;)

    1. O.M.G. That sounds disgustingly good, That is on the menu this week.

    2. I thought of mint sauce Kim, but I don't have any. I put some vinegar and toasted sesame seed oil in instead.

  3. Looks just like traditional Amsterdam pea soup, except that has bits of salami sausage in.
    It's very thick, filling and warming on a cold day.

  4. Well ok .... people are going to think I'm REALLY weird but I love fish finger and mushy pea sandwiches. In fact I love mushy peas full stop and therefore it's probably a good job I live alone with my dogs and cats who can't complain :-)

    1. I must try that Kay, it sounds good. Perhaps toasted bread might be something else to try.

  5. Sell by dates on frozen peas like heating instructions are for guidance only I'm sure you will survive Ilona :0)
    I made my hubs have a corned beef sandwich for lunch today cos the sell by date was 28th November, he is still alive and kicking lol well there's so much preservative in corned beef.... and the bacon I had for breakfast was dated 25th November. Now I am wondering why we have food so long in the fridge with all these hungry men in the house! Nothing usually lasts that long....

  6. I have this hilarious image of you shooting over the roof tops, in your reflective waistcoat, like a comet, sparking a load of letters to the local paper, from folks who spotted a UFO over their town LOL

    1. Kath, your sense of humour is as daft as mine, ha ha. You make me laugh.

  7. Either way you're in for an interesting evening,eh?

  8. I am a shame to my birth country...I HATE MUSHY PEAS!!
    Jane x

  9. Better you than me. Not a fan of mushy peas.

  10. lol. I'm glad I don't live next door or down wind!!

  11. Jeez you're a funny bugger sometimes Ilona!! Cracking me up tonight!!

  12. Enjoying a good laugh here on the other side of the world. (maybe its just as well ha ha !!!!!!!!!).

  13. Hi Ilona, Enjoy your thick pea soup, (fart fodder). You'll not need an electric blanket to keep you warm, all the methane generated will do the trick. Pity you couldn't bottle it, you'd save a few quid on gas. Love pea and ham soup myself, and as my late gran would say, wherever you be, let your wind go free. Heck, even the Queen farts. Cheers for now, Christy.

  14. Too funny!!! Your blog really does make me laugh out loud. You are so not the stereotypical prim and proper Brit :)


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