Monday, 3 December 2012

Wots goin on wid da Googlie thingy? Edited at 2.20pm

What's going on with this Googlie thing? I click on Mathews name because I know him, he reads my blog and I read his. I want to pop across and see what he is up to and read his latest post, because this is how I read all the blogs, I hop from one to the other. But now when I attempt to do this I get blocked. This message comes up, what does it mean?

Matthew hasn't shared anything with you.
People are more likely to share with you if you add them to your circles.

Is there some kind of exclusive club going on here? It says Join Googlie and connect with the people who matter most. All my blogger friends matter, not just a chosen few. Why can't I get to Mathews (and others) blog by just clicking his name?

I haven't signed up to the Googlie thing, and I won't if this is what happens. Can anyone shed some light on this, as I am baffled.

Edited to add photo's

Maybe this would help explain what I am trying to describe. This is my profile, this is how it's always been. Simple, with a link to my blog. This is how most people's profile looks.

This is Sarina's profile, it looks like an updated version, looks like a Facebook page. There are snippets of her blog posts so you can click and read the whole thing. There is a link to her blog.
This is Mathew's profile, this is what you get when you click on his name. There is no link to his blog. Maybe he doesn't want anyone to find him. Maybe he will come on later and confirm this. Or maybe he didn't know that you have to put more information on here if you want people to find you.  
Why do I need to update my profile to the new modern version? It looks like more work is involved. Keep things simple that's what I say.


  1. Hi Ilona, I've come across this message before and all I do is ignore it because I know that the blogs in question are not private, try again a bit later and everything works just fine. So, basically, I say ignore it, it's a gremlin in the works. Hope this has reassured you. Elizabeth xx

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I don't want to spend my life trying again, I want to read a blog when I click the link. I am busy and I would forget to go back to it, and before you know it I have missed a whole week of blog posts.

  2. Meant to say, I do use Google and have still experienced that dumb message. I have found nothing sinister about Google, in fact, it's a very useful tool to the internet. Elizabeth, again :)

  3. I am signed into Googal now, it is how I can comment on your blog. Never had any problems or reason to be wary of it.....

  4. Your profile page is as normal Kate, so why are some of them blocking me?

  5. Since I don't have a blog, I had to open a Google account if I want to chat with anyone on their blogs. Sometimes I have to sign in to Google to get on certain blogs or websites. It's easy. I just put my username in and then I can post on your blog or anyone else's I wish to. I don't know why you would have to do that after all this time but maybe give it a go and sign up. You shouldn't ever have that problem again after doing that.

    1. I already have a Googlie account. I'm not saying I can't post a comment on anyones blog, I'm saying I can't even get to read some blogs because it wont let me in.

      Underneath this comment box it says,
      Reply as: Meanqueen (Google)

  6. Is it that some people's profiles are private so you can't access that way, but can by a link on a page which goes directly to their blog? I have no idea about these things...they just confuse me half the time.
    Jane x

  7. You could be right Jane, but I can't find a link to a blog on Mathew's profile. Or maybe I am missing it somewhere.

  8. I can't help Ilona. It is all confusing to me. Eventually things do come right though.

  9. I get that message that I have to join a circle or something. I don't intend to join anything else. If I miss something, I just don't care.

  10. I've had the same problem. I leave it for a while and go back, and it works. Go figure! :)

  11. I'm still trying to figure it all out. When I made an account, I think I may have merged my Blogger, Gmail, and YouTube all together. It is a headache...Hopefully, everyone is right and it will clear up after awhile.

  12. Hmmmm... Well isn't that strange? I can't seem to find any link for a blog, but I put it under the "Contributer" section. Do you see it now?


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.