Saturday, 14 September 2013

Walk with me

Aha, the video is ready, so if you want to come for a short five minute walk with me, just click on it.

Answers to some questions.

What an awesome number of miles in one day! Is that the most you've done?
Hi Judy. No, I once walked 30 miles in one day. It was the last day of a seven day trip, it was from Selby to the Humber Bridge. I was almost dead by the time I finished. My friends had to come and pick me up off the ground, ha ha.
Why don't you treat yourself to two nights somewhere you like the look of and really explore that area, just to give your poor feet a bit of a break from the constant pounding of the road.
Hi Sue, My aim for this walk was to cover a long distance, and take photo's along the way. It wasn't a sightseeing trip, I can do that on other holidays. Funnily enough, my feet hurt more when stopping and starting, they hurt less while I keep walking. Exploring an area still requires some walking, which doesn't really rest the feet. Also, if it is raining it's not much fun ambling around getting drenched, best to carry on and concentrate on walking faster.
Sorry but I HAVE to ask...was it 'naff' in Nafferton?
Ha ha, no it wasn't, it was a nice village.  
Hi dear,
What a shame you're so focused on getting home and don't have time to relax and enjoy the scenery. Mind you, considering the mileage you're doing every day I'm not surprised!
Hi Albedo. The whole point of it is to focus the mind to the job in hand. I like to see a bit of the countryside as I'm passing through, and I try and vary the route to take in different landscapes. But the interest for me is to make it up as I go along, to change direction, to make decisions on how I am feeling, the weather, and how long I want to be out for. At the beginning of a walk, I will spend time looking around, but towards the middle of it I will push on to reach the goal I set myself. I move the goalposts on a daily basis.

I can associate long distance walking with a journey through life. Short term pain will not last forever, it's just one of those blips you have to go through. How you deal with it moulds you into the person you are. If you cannot accept the highs and lows and move on, you will be stuck in a rut and will never do anything. Stepping out of your comfort zone might not be for everyone, that's fine if it suits you, but for me, life is about exploring. It's about testing myself, and  having a go.

Look at what happened in the garden while I was away. Loads of sunflowers have appeared.

 Need to look up to see them, great view from an upstairs window.

 Loads of massive courgettes. I've got a lot of cooking and freezing to do.

A friend has left me a bag of apples as well, so more cooking. I love stewed apples. I don't need to go shopping just yet, still got a lot of food to get through.
Life gets back to normal, till the next adventure. Toodle pip.


  1. You think like a young person. All that walking is keeping your brain in great shape. Keep it up.

  2. Thank you for doing this video for us Ilona, much enjoyed.
    I really do admire you for undertaking these walks, I am sure that you give a lot of people encouragement to do more exercise by your example. My husband and I walk every morning and we are pushing on a little further each day inspired by you!
    Pam in Texas. xx

  3. Love reading about your walking adventures. Today my oh and I walked for three hours in a country park. It made us feel really happy and tired! The total time out was four hours but half an hour for our picnic and half an hour spent in a bird viewing shed came off our walking time! The whole time we were in the bird viewing place it poured with rain, worked out great. Ginny x

  4. We really enjoyed joining you on a bit of your walk! I always get the map out and look at where you are going and all the pics have made it so interesting. Bet you were pleased to get home again and say hello to your pussies. The sunflowers look amazing.
    Wendy (Wales)

  5. Hi have thoroughly enjoyed enjoyed following your "walk" especially as you will have passed where I live. Your photos and narration have really remind me of the beautiful, if slightly industrial area that surrounds me. Thank you x

  6. Hi Ilona

    thank you for answering my question :) My goodness, you are a walking machine!

    Thank you also for taking us on your walks, it's most enjoyable!

    Judy xx

  7. amazing video, I would be tripping over my feet if I tried to film and walk at the same time!
    the sunflowers are so tall, boys howdy have they grown!
    do your knees every hurt from the intense pace?

  8. Hi annie. On a previous walk I did get a dull ache in my left knee, but this time they are perfectly fine. As I am so skinny there is not a lot of undue pressure on them, although they had to cope with a heavy rucksack, ha ha.

  9. Glad it wasn't 'naff' in Nafferton...the name shouldn't put people off now!
    Jane x

  10. And it was a heavy rucksack. Glad I didn't have to carry it all day. You and I have a similar style. Have a rough plan but don't be ridged. Great meeting you


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