Saturday, 30 November 2013

Village fun.

Our village has it's own Christmas Fair, held in the village hall would you believe, ha ha. An obvious place to have it. The stalls are run by people raising funds for their own group or charity, it's quite a popular event. Refreshments are served so it's nice to have a cuppa and a natter with friends.
On this stall are all home made nicknacks, made by Ali who comes to our Monday Craft Club. She does a lot of knitting and crochet.   
I hid behind the tree on the stage to get this shot. A lot of people turned out to support the event.

Of course we had to have a Santa. He wasn't doing much trade as there wasn't many small children about. I did offer to sit on his knee but he said his old bones wouldn't stand the weight, cheeky beggar.

 Home made key rings and ear rings for sale.

I had a go at the tombola, five tickets for £1, but didn't win anything :o(
 I think this lady was Mother Christmas. She was a jolly soul.

The ladies from the Toddlers Group were doing a roaring trade. Our village caters very well for our young children.

The ever popular W I cake stall. There wasn't much left when I took this photo, the cakes always get snapped up. I treated myself to a scrumptious fruit loaf.

No manic consumerism here, just friendly village folk getting together for the good of the community. I like this sort of fun. Toodle pip.


  1. Santa looks rather grumpy. I hope he cheered up a bit when he saw all the fun going on around him.
    Love from Mum

  2. What a perfect event! I love that your village does this and I think you chose to live in an idyllic place.
    Those teddies ( in your first photo) are they made of recycled jumpers, they look to be Fair Isle or so?

  3. This is what Christmas shopping should be about Isn't it? A bit of a community get together and raising money for good causes. The cakes look scrummy.

  4. I went to a Charity sale today too,our village hall is quite small and it was packed out. Organised by Cancer Research but like your village each organisation had a table fundraising for them selves.

  5. Looks amazing, what talented local people you have. I do love a good Christmas craft fair.

    X x

  6. Those baked goods look grand. I could have put one of those gingerbread men to good use. Poor old Santa: I guess nobody wanted stacks of presents this year—good for them. See, we're not the only ones! ;)

  7. everything looks wonderful, how great for you all!
    looks like Santa needs some cocoa to cheer him up! teasing!

  8. Looks like a fun place to do some shopping and support the local organizations!

  9. I love christmas fairs we have one today that I will be going to. I usually find a couple of little treats either for myself or others.

  10. Now that is my definition of Christmas Shopping! I would rather spend time shopping at a village hall Christmas Fayre than clawing my way down Oxford Street.

    Lovely cheerful colourful photos xx

  11. Lovely seasonal, cummunity pix; my kind of event!


  12. From the angle of the photo, it looks like you climbed halfway up the tree.

  13. I do so miss the Christmas Fairs, here in the US we have nothing to touch them.
    Thank you for letting me visit again, albeit, virtually.
    Pam in TX.xx

  14. How nice to see it so well supported :-)

  15. I absolutely love this kind of event, full of home made crafts and cakes. Fantastic :-)



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