Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Splodge splodge

Here she is again, the little madam Heidi. The rag strips were flattened when I got up this morning, there was a warm round dent in it where her body had laid. Here is an update on rag rug number two, it's looking good. 
I have ten colours so far, and enough of these to make more splodges in the same colours. It's a matter of spacing them out, mixing and matching. The red looking splodge on the right is in fact peach, and there are two shades of green in there, as well as three shades of blue, one of turquoise, one red, one purple, and one grey.

I went to town this afternoon to the £1 charity shop and bought three more teeshirts. That makes five I have bought so far. I don't intend buying any more, because to spend money on it would defeat the object of making something for nothing, using rubbish that would normally be thrown away.  Pity the car boot sale is not on, I could get them a lot cheaper there.

This is taking my time up at the moment. I did think I would spread the job over a couple of months, but it's quite exciting to see the colours grouped together, and it spurs me on to keep going. I am enjoying working on this one more than the first, because a bit more artistic thought has to go into it. What shape to make the random splodges, and which colours go best next to each other. The finished article is going to look brilliant. Something else to brighten my house up, I'm excited :o))
Toodle pip


  1. It's looking great so far.
    Love from Mum

  2. Looking good. Look like paint splats.

  3. The rug is looking great Ilona, a lovely burst of colour to brighten up your house.When I made my rag rugs I have used mostly cottons and ended up with lots of threads working loose and looking a bit straggly after a while. Does the t- shirt material not fray much along the edges? If not that might be ideal fabric for me to use to make a rug for my living room as I can't find one I like in my price range.

  4. This is going to be really lovely Ilona, if you can't complete it maybe you could wait until the car boots start again, you should be able to get loads of t shirts cheap there.

    1. I think they should be starting quite soon, Bri.

  5. Its looking fab ... how do you attach them? a tutorial would be great on this :)
    AFM xx

    1. Just wondering the same thing? Do you hook through with one of those rug hooks?

  6. So it now looks like Heidi has decided you're making a cat mat for her rather than the original plan of making a rag rug for you then Ilona!

  7. That rug looks like big shaggy flowers all inn full bloom , its really lovely Ilona, so pleased Heidi approves of it so far. Is this rug going to be a round one, nice thing is as its basically cotton fabrics it will be washable .

  8. Looking great ... it reminds me of a bunch great shaggy flowers like dahlias or something.
    Vicky x

  9. Your rug looks lovely Ilona and is bringing back childhood memories for me when I watched my mother make her rag rugs. She used canvas for the backing and cut our old clothes up, including coats for the top. I don't think there was a specific pattern to them, but I remember they lasted for years. I wish that one of them had survived to be passed down to me.

    When my husband and I were engaged we sent off for a rug kit from Readicut, which was quite easy to do, and that lasted for years as well. We reluctantly got rid of it when it became too worn and grubby with our dog who loved laying on it. We live and learn don't we?

    Joan A (Wales)

  10. Looking good Ilona. Love the colours and I think Heidi has already bagged this as her own.

  11. You'll never see it when it's finished..Heidi will be on it!
    Jane x

  12. Those lovely bright colours will cheer you up as you work inside on these rainy winter days.

  13. Mum and Dad once made a rag rug, it was so big and heavy it took at least four of us to take it outside for a beating!
    Just a thought here, most charity shops sell on their rags to a dealer. If you are friendly with the shop staff, they might let you rummage through it for a donation of course. Worth a try.

  14. looks great can't wait to see if finished.................

  15. You're really cracking on with the rug - car boots would be much cheaper for the t shirts though. I get withdrawal symptoms in the winter and really need my 'car boot' fix in March or April when they get a few more stalls again. Heidi is adorable.

  16. This is simply beautiful....I love it. Tell me about your cutting technique for the strips. Thank you

  17. It's gorgeous, Ilona! (and so is Heidi).

  18. It's looking beautiful. It could take months if you wait around to buy 2nd hand t-shirts at the lowest price :-)

  19. Fantastic! I love the thought of making things out of "rubbish", this week I have been making Birthdays cards of out things that I have "saved". Ribbons off chocolates boxes etc., interesting birthday/christmas cards, (cutting out the beautiful pictures and the pretty patterns), old gift wrapping paper, coloured cardboard, saved buttons, lace etc.

    It's very satisfying to create something out of bits and bobs.

    Cathy M

  20. I love the look of the splodges, and it does make it addictive to keep going doesn't it seeing each area of colour grow :-)


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