Monday, 25 August 2014

Busy at Epworth Show

Hello bloggerettes. You don't see many of these at an agricultural show. A robot came to visit Epworth Show today, and the crowds loved it. Standing over eight feet tall, he entertained the audience with his banter, and anyone who was unlucky enough to get too close got a soaking from his squirty eyes. He was such fun chatting in his alien voice. 

All the traditional attractions were there as well. The funfair.

Lots going on in the produce tent. Gorgeous flowers.

Fruit and veg on display.
Cupcakes in the junior baking section.

Make a miniature garden in a tray.

Crafty bags.

 Flower arranging skills on show.

The usual vintage tractors.
 Veteran and classic cars.

Girls disco dancing troupe.

Birds of prey on show.

And here is our stall in the craft tent.
We did very well today. Sold a load of STUFF, didn't take much STUFF home with us, thank goodness, now I have some space in my spare room. Made loadsa money for the cat rescue.

I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend. We had a shower in the middle of the afternoon, but apart from that the weather held out. We got a bit busy when it rained as everyone came into the tent, good for our sales. A jolly good day and well worth the effort.
Toodle pip.


  1. I'm glad you make money for the kitties! The veg basket looks fabulous. The carrion bird looks a lot like our turkey vultures.
    Jane x

  2. Your stall looks brilliant! Glad you sold lots, was thinking about you and hoping you did well. We ended up at Keswick, we went on a boat trip and did the charity shops! Are they your bags in the pictures? Debbie

    1. Hi Debbie. No, not my bags. I suppose I could enter something but these shows usually focus on people living in or close to the town.

  3. Wonderful news Ilona! So glad that you made a bunch of money for the cats, it's such a worthy cause.Jan F

  4. So glad you had a good day ! Was a bit worried for you...its been filthy weather here, rained ALL day ! Think the weather gods were with you. Bet you are ready for your bed now, ha ha. Nice pictures. I especially like the flower ones.

  5. So glad to hear your stall did well, and so glad you didn't have to cart much back. So happy for you and the meowzers.

  6. So glad that you had a good day and sold LOTS of stuff for the Cats.
    Rocky seems to be in the lap of luxury and enjoying himself.
    We thought of you as it has been pouring here all day.
    Wendy (Wales)

  7. Good job raising money for the cat rescue...too bad it never of those cupcakes would hit the spot right now!

  8. We had a fair in Texas this weekend as well, and saw lots of lovely crafts and beautiful animals. That robot reminds me of a movie I saw as a kid .... The Day the Earth Stood Still

  9. Well done with the stall for the kitty kats. That show looked a lot of fun. I used to go to the Corbridge county show in Northumberland when I lived near there. Our pooch slipped his leash and ran on to the arena where the queens gun dogs were demonstrating. What a showing up walking onto the field to retrieve him!
    Normally a well behaved dog as well.

    1. Dog democracy it's called !!!


    2. Lol he got more cheers actually

  10. Well done! If you have unwanted leftovers and you have a local Cat Rescue Shop - take it straight to them!

  11. Hurray for cat rescue loadza money !!!
    Ilona has loadza metta !!!

  12. Well done Ilona! 'Gutsy Lady'. So glad the day was a success. We hoped you would be under cover as the weather was horrible here. Lovely photographs. Bet lovely little Rocky enjoyed lots of attention.

  13. Lovely photos - the robot is Titan. We saw him for several years running at the Kent County Show - and he scared me to death! Most children were fine with him, it was just the adults whom he made edgy!.

  14. A great day out plus the reward of more money for the Cat Rescue.

  15. It's looks great! I like a good village fete :) I love the robot, what fun! The flowers and veg look great and I do love vintage tractors!

  16. Good to see Rocky manning the stall...he is definitely the reason why you made so many sales...who could resist that cutie cutie face?

  17. We've just been away for a few days and met the robot at Alnwick castle gardens, he was very entertaining. Well done on raising lots of money for your cat rescues. Looks like the show was quite a big affair.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now.

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