Sunday, 26 October 2014

Nice and easy Sunday

Hello. Now what shall I write about tonight. No, that isn't a question for you, it's a question for me. I do not expect you to come up with ideas for a blog post, though if you do decide to ask me a question, I can usually cobble together an answer. You want to know how my day has been? Well, a bit uneventful. A mug of coffee got me going at 7am, nice that it's a bit lighter in the mornings now. The third tree was on my mind, the yellow one. I did some pink stitching on it last night, but wasn't happy, the colour wasn't right. So I unpicked it, and chose orange. Much better, orange stitching on a yellow tree, that will be fine. I got it finished, cross stitch, then had a bowl of bran flakes.

I did think about doing a load of washing but couldn't be bothered, There wasn't a full load in the basket so I decided to put it off until a bit more was added to it. The mess on the table was getting on my nerves, all the materials I had gathered together for the weaving were now a big tangled mess due to two cats using it as a bed. So I sorted it out to make some space to work on. Some of the fabric got binned, it frayed easy and was just too messy.

My elevenses was a banana sandwich, and my lunch was some of the tortelloni with spinach. This afternoon I did a bit in the garden. All the bean canes are now sorted, grouped together in size, tied up in bundles, and stored in the garage. I had a big hole in the middle of the raised beds, where an apple tree used to stand. It finally keeled over a few months ago, with a bit of pushing and shoving, and the hole needed filling in and the ground flattening. There was no apple tree root because it had rotted away, but there was a rose bush root which was next to it. A bit of sweating and cursing as I attacked it with a fork, and finally it came out. I put the contents of the compost heap in the hole and covered it up with soil. All riveting stuff, eh!

A bit more on the picture this afternoon, I can see the end in sight, but not yet. Just as I think it is not far off ready, I come up with another idea. You can't rush these things. You know I said I have been given another chrome towel rail exactly the same, well it isn't exactly the same, it is bigger. So, I have the choice of making another picture with it, or another idea is that I can place the smaller one, the picture, on top of the new one, and fasten the two together to make a frame. I wasn't going to give it a frame because I didn't think it needs one, but looking at them together, I think it looks pretty cool. I will give it some more consideration. You never know, I might come up with a better idea.

Dinner was steamed potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, and sweetcorn. I made a drop of gravy in a mug in the microwave to go with it. Very nice.

Well blow me down, the bulb has just gone in my desk lamp, I think I've got a spare somewhere. Nope the spares don't work either, think it needs further investigation, maybe it's the switch or the fuse in the plug. I'll check it out later, meanwhile I'll finish this with the ceiling light switched on. I have another desk lamp upstairs if I can't get this one to work.

Oh gawd, here's Heidi back again, she will insist on lying on the table in front of me. I might as well give up.

I will sign off now as I've got the bath water running. It's a bit slow at filling up but I think it's almost ready. A nice long soak awaits me, bliss.
Toodle pip


  1. Beverley here from Elk Grove, California, Busy Sunday for me today between filling trick-or-treat bags, making applesauce, cooking turnips and housework. Why so busy? I got a part time job six weeks ago doing yard duty at a local school and I love it! I work 4 times a week, three hour shifts. I get there a little early with my pedometer and start the walking. My yard duty job means I am walking all the time except when I need to settle playground disputes, etc. I try to get in my 10K steps per day. No weight loss yet but at least I am not sore anymore after work. I love what I am doing! After spending over 30 years in an office/cubicle I love being outdoors. And working for a school is fun and I work with some terrific people. I still try to stay on top of frugal things and not spend $$$ but it is a challenge juggling things. Take care.

    1. Hello Beverley. You sound like you are buzzing. I'm so pleased you have a job you like. All that walking will be doing you a lot of good. Best wishes,

    2. Hi Beverley, the school job sounds great! Perhaps you can help me; I'm really mystified about Americans and apple sauce! Over here it's just apple with a bit of sugar and water, goes nice and soft and we eat it with pork. However, I keep seeing it as an ingredient in all sorts of recipes from America, so is there something totally different, or are Americans just more creative with slightly mushy sweetened apples?

    3. Sarah here, also in California. Applesauce is often used in recipes as a replacement for all or part of the fat. Helps to keep the product moist.

    4. Hi, sorry this has taken so long I was not able to get my message to post when I got this message and then have been busy with work, etc. I'll see if I can get this to work. To start I woul take about six to eight apples, core and peel them. Slice them up and set aside. Boil the cores and peels to make an apple juice. Add apples to juice in saucepan. Add 1-t cinnamon, 1/4 cup brown sugar and 1-t allspice. Once apples are soft puree in a blender or food processor. The applesauce may be a little lumpy but that's good too. Beverley in Calif.

  2. Now why I haven't I ever thought about gravy made up in a mug in the microwave .....

    1. S'easy. Half a mug of cold water, two teaspoons of gravy granules, one portion. You have to stir several times or it goes into jelly like lumps. I have some Bisto vegetable flavour, 170grm for 50p. One tub lasts me ages, I only use it occasionally, makes a change from plain steamed veg.

  3. I'm glad your crafting is going well. Like you I did some yesterday but me and my sewing machine had a fight! I'm leaving that particular collage now for another time - when my shredded nerves have settled!

  4. Nice idea to add a bit of flavor to your veggies. I enjoy reading your restricted diet items,as I grew up on meat and potatoes!


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