Saturday, 1 November 2014

Love Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Hi de hi, howzit going. Tis a warm and sunny day up here in my little corner of North Lincolnshire. Yesterday was a dry day so I took a trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, not far from Wakefield. It's easy to find, just off the M1 motorway at junction 38. I was last there a while ago but thought it worth another visit. Although it is free to enter the grounds and buildings, there is a car park charge. I was intending to pay this but when I saw how much it was, I changed my mind, and instead drove half a mile to a village, parked there and walked back. To park costs £2.50 for one hour, £5 for two hours, and £8 for all day. Why the big jump I thought, it's a very big park, too big to walk around and see everything in two hours. Three or four hours would be about right, and as I calculated I would be there for three hours I decided that the £8 was too much. 
Some of the outdoor sculptures have been there for a long time, so I was looking for those I hadn't seen before. Here is a spectacular piece by the artist Ursula Von Rydingsvard, called Bronze Bowl with Lace. As the winter daylight ends, the sculpture is illuminated from within giving it an ember like glow. 

There are several sculptures dotted around, some outside and some in the underground gallery. 

This owl is by Thomas Houseago. Click to see some of his other works.

This sculpture stands in the corner of a garden, and it's by Marc Quinn. Click on his name for more of his art work.

This six metre high iron tree is amazing. It stands in the Chapel courtyard, and is by artist Ai Weiwei. If you scroll down and enlarge the photo, you should be able to read about the tree and it's maker. Here is a little bit more about Ai Weiwei, taken from the Sculpture Park web site. 

I finished off with a walk around the lake. It was a smashing day out, and in the end it cost nothing apart from the petrol to get there and back.

Enjoy your weekend. Toodle pip.


  1. Thanks so much for the pix, Ilona! I've forwarded a link to your blog to an artist friend, one whom I've made sculptures with and exhibited with. She'll love this!

  2. I love day trips, and in the future when I am my own boss (AKA retired) I plan to make them a regular part of my weeks. We fit in some now but hard to squeeze things in a two day weekend and get caught up on the things neglected during the work week. Sculpture gardens are a favorite place to go, and this one seems wonderful. I wonder if there is a directory or an online source that features sculpture gardens around the globe, and better, breaks down by country and area.

    1. Hello Sam, I think time away from the daily grind is good for the soul. It was hard for me to get time off when I was working, and when I did, I was too knackered to go anywhere. I made the effort though, and sometimes drove long distances on a Friday night to get to a truck show for the weekend. Your time will come, and when you are retired you will think you're in heaven, ha ha.

  3. Wow what a fantastic day out, thankyou so much for sharing the pictures.

  4. Love the pictures! Thank you for sharing your day with us! Will check out your links too. Is Weiwei still imprisoned in China?

    1. I think he is Kathy. From what I can gather, he is not allowed to leave the country. It's great that he can send his artwork all over the world.

  5. Wow, what can I say, they are superb. Considering Brighton and Hove is supposed to be a multicultural city we do not have anything like that down here.
    Hope alls well with you Ilona and the pets.

    1. The pets are all fine, Briony, thanks for asking ;o)

  6. We went to the sculpture park when we visited the UK a few years ago. I loved it, so thanks for the photos of new sculptures!

  7. Oh, I'd love to visit this! Do you think they'd mind if I took the owl for my garden?
    Jane x

    1. Hi Jane, You would need a crane to lift it, I think they would notice :o)

  8. What unique and beautiful sculptures. Sounds like you had a really nice day out. It rained here and was windy all day today. It is supposed to be very windy here tomorrow (40 mph winds) and tomorrow is the New York City Marathon. Can't see how anyone is going to be able to run in that wind!

  9. I have always loved modern sculpture and this park looks fantastic. I'm putting it on my list to visit if I'm able to return to the UK for a visit. Thanks Ilona.

  10. I love the tall sculpture with lace, but think the flower is my favorite. Thanks for the tour!

  11. A great day out, Ilona! And good for you not paying the parking charges. I'll walk a mile or more to avoid paying. And that way you get a bit more exercise....
    Paul H

  12. Looks a great day out! We had a lovely walk today from the door of our holiday cottage in the Lakes...Oh to take the view home with us!

  13. Wow ive never seen anything like it before would love to see in real life! Have a nice day love x

  14. That looks amazing Ilona. The parking is a little steep though. Don't blame you talking elsewhere.

    X x

  15. Opps meant parking not talking! lol

    X x

  16. Wow .... brilliant sculptures. I love dramatic, chunky sculptures that fit in with their surroundings and these fit all those criteria.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.