Friday, 31 October 2014

The best green soup ever

Hello. I wanted something quick and easy to make tonight. I've been out for most of the day at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, and didn't want to be slaving over a hot stove when I came in. As usual I popped into the big Tesco on my way in, to fill up with fuel and to see if there was any yellow stickers. I found a huge bag of spinach down from £1.60 to 78p. Fantastic, all those greens will be good for me, and it is quick to cook.  
For tonight's soup, the last one of the week, I used chick peas and spinach. The chick peas I get from Home Bargains at 29p a tin. Into the pan went half a tin, with a veg stock cube and a shake of mixed spices. Then I stuffed a load of leaves on top, and mixed it together, It takes about 30 seconds of heat for the spinach to shrivel. 
Then I stuffed some more leaves on top. When it was ready for zapping with the blender, I added the magic ingredient, a teaspoon of pesto houmous, with a 15p yellow sticker of course.

And here we have green soup, with a blob of plain yogurt. Bingo, I've hit the jackpot here, the best soup of the week. It was fandabidozi delishus. I will be definitely making this again.

I will post the pictures of the Sculpture Park tomorrow, it's too late to do it now. If you want to see them pop back sometime over the weekend if you have got a minute. The fireworks are going off around me as I type, and I expect many more in the next few days. Be careful if you are having a  party, and don't forget to search the bonfire for sleeping hedgehogs before you light it. Have a nice weekend.
Toodle pip


  1. here ın turkey chıckpeas are called nohut and are added to rıce wıth a chıcken stock cube whılst cookıng--strıps of chıcken are laıd across the served up rıce--very sımple but tasty.Another easy cook staple ıs bulgar and you just add boılıng water and a tıght lıd on the pot---- ıt can be flavoured wıth garlıc ,stock cubes and padded out wıth tomato sauce or veg and ıts really fıllıng .

  2. Tescos ethnic aisle does 4 tins of chick peas and ditto of chopped tomatoes for £1.

  3. We will be trying that one too, thank you!

  4. Definitely a soup to try when I'm home alone! It looks lovely, and I like spinach.

  5. I like the idea of adding pesto. I love spinach too. I have just made a massive batch of curried pumpkin soup which was delicious for lunch


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