Friday, 3 April 2015

Don't try this at home ;o)

Hello. I keep getting distracted, do you? I have a list of things I want to do, I walk about the house, pick up stuff, find something else that needs attention, and off I go on another tangent. Yesterday I dismantled the old home made greenhouse, now there is a pile of rotten wood waiting to be taken to the dump. It's raining today so that job will have to be put on hold. Not sure when the dump is open over the Bank Holiday weekend, will have to check the council web site. 
This morning I am up and down like a fiddlers elbow. feeding animals, looking in crafting books for pictures of small cottages for the landscape, tracing them onto paper, and searching for suitable materials to make them. Then I came across a peak cap which I forgot I had. I have just lost my union jack sun visor so this cap will be butchered to make a new one. Another job on the list. I went to the Scrapstore again on Wednesday, two ladies from the club wanted to go. Now I need to put away the stuff I bought, which was more fabric for shopping bag making, and scrap that could be used for my new hobby of book making. Don't know when I am going to get round to doing that. On top of all these jobs to do I am itching to get off on a long walk, which might happen soon. My new Railcard has not arrived so I've had to chase that up.  
So, all this buzzing around in my head and what do I do?  I had another idea to try, a daft idea really, but it might work, but then it might not. I have an abundance of shredded paper. I could bag it up and send it off with the council recycling lorry, sometimes I compost it, but what about turning it into a type of cat litter and mixing it with the bagged stuff I buy. What I really need is a cross shredder but I haven't got one. So, what else have I got that chops things into small pieces? I know, a food processor. I load some into it and whizz it for a few seconds. 
Nope, that didn't work. It twisted itself around the centre spindle.

What about starting it off by chopping it up a bit smaller with a large pair of scissors.

Nope, that didn't work either, just made a lot of dust. Oh well, back to the drawing board. I'll put this job on hold for a while, with all the other jobs mounting up.

Now what was I doing before I let my mind wander, must try and focus. Tummy rumbling, almost time for lunch, need to use up some eggs. Stopped raining so dog wants a walk. I need to make a list. Must get on. Helen D, I need your address please. Got your's Caz, will be posting next week.
Have a nice weekend. I'm not going anywhere, would rather stay at home when everyone else is out on the road.
Toodle pip


  1. You can make wonderful paper for your books with that shredded junk mail. Lots of lovely youtube videos show you how; SO easy, you just soak it in water. Also Sea Lemon does very nice videos on how to make simple books.
    Using it up in litter is a good idea or put in your compost or mulch your plants with it. Put it out just before the rain, it will settle it down nicely.

    1. Lizzie, that is what I thought she was going to do with the shredded paper! I think, I have also seen where they put the paper in the food processor/blender with the water and whiz it around. Then they used window screening to make the sheets.

  2. I'm looking at all of those lovely bits of shredded paper and wondering what could you do with them, not sure if they are any good for papier mache or not.
    I know what you mean about wandering about and getting not a lot done, I do it all the time.
    We have just found interactive scrabble online and are hooked, this means that even more stuff gets left. lol
    Have a nice peaceful Easter Ilona.

  3. Those paper strips make me think papier mache. Which you can make into sturdy book covers for your upcoming artist books! Just saying..

  4. You made me chuckle this morning with your attempts at pulverizing the paper. I'd say the best idea is the compost. Have a wonderful weekend, Ilona.

  5. If you visit my blog I have videos and instruction on papermaking from my workshops :)

  6. I'd use it for mulch..and save the blades on the processor!
    Jane x

  7. This is so true to life and made me laugh as I totally recognise this. Footering about and picking up small jobs ALWAYS leads to these kind of 'bright ideas'. To be fair some work and you discover a brilliant means of doing something but all too often, in my case anyway, I manage to make a bloomin' mess and only learn not to do that thing again.

  8. Does your shredder reverse? If it does you could try sending the paper through the shredder halfway from each direction.
    Would it be better to put the rotten wood in your bin rather than mess your new car up. Just put a few pieces in every week.

  9. Good idea, Ilona, but I'd be careful using the food processor to shred paper or you might dull the blade. It's the same with scissors which is why I have seperate ones for my paper crafts and others for cutting fabrics.

  10. I actually liked your idea about using it for cat litter. Shame it didn't work in the processor. Yes, I've been out and about today and the roads and shops are chaotic, you are right to stay in. Have a good weekend whatever you end up doing. Debbie.

  11. My brother and I used to make papier mache in a blender but didn't dare tell our Mum!

    1. How about your mother's pinking shears for a pretty edge on your paper? Boy, did that upset her! Brother and I could never figure out how she knew until I got older and learned that paper really does dull a pair of good scissors. LOL My kids heard the same lecture about my Ginghers. Which reminds me I need to find someone to sharpen my Ginghers because I have some silk I want to use. I think, after 10 years, I have petted it long enough.

  12. Best thing for that job is a cross cut paper shredder. However I have used strip cut shreddings as cat litter and it's been fine - TBH it's less mesdy tgan lots of smaller pieces. Cheers! Cordelia x

  13. Hello.You have some really great ideas in your comments today re: the shredded paper uses.Am glad to read that I am not alone in the distraction thing and the "domino effect".Some days the whole day has gone and I've been flitting from one thing to the next and really don't feel much sense of accomplishment. I just try to get at least one thing finished a day and accept that the lack of focus will pass,eventually. bye for now,D.

  14. All my straight shredded paper goes to my local hedgehog rescue centre - they use bags and bags of the stuff for bedding. (Cross cut has too much dust in it)
    Best wishes
    Rose H


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.