Sunday, 12 April 2015

Making pictures on a wet Sunday

What are you doing on this wet and windy day? The DIY in the garden has come to a halt, I won't be doing any more out there for a couple of weeks. My fixing must be good, the wind hasn't blown down the pallets. I am hoping that this is the storm before the calm, the weather forecast says the sun will be back, YAY :o))
I was wondering what to do with the rest of the colourful paper I made at the crafty club. A picture came to mind. I have this brown wooden frame, bought from a car boot sale a couple of years ago, never did anything with it. I did some wavy machine stitching across the paper, and added a red and an orange mesh bag, then run the machine over it a few times. I found some artificial flowers and took them apart and arranged them. Hmmm, not too bad, but not quite right.  
This is what I ended up with. The frame has had two coats of while emulsion paint, I hand stitched some beads on the mesh, and put two big plastic flowers on it fastened with a bead and sequin in the centre. I love it. 

Next I thought, instead of making a picture, why not make a frame with it. So, if you want to copy me, this is what I did. Cut a square as big as you like, with a little bit extra for folding over to the back. Cut a square aperture in the middle, snip into each corner and fold one mm to the back.
You could make your margins wider if you like. Next get a stiff piece of card and cut it to the size of the frame.

Then find a picture you want to put in the frame. I have chosen a piece of fabric. Cut a piece of card bigger than the aperture, and fold the excess fabric to the back and stick down with tape.

This is my picture. It looks like the flower is hand painted.

Now back to the frame. Fold the margins through to the back and stick down. I have used some superglue under the tape just to make sure it sticks. 
Do the same with the outer edge, a good idea is to use clothes pegs to hold it together while the glue sets.

All is stuck down at the back, the frame is done. I got my tape from the Scrapstore, but you could probably use masking tape, or other tape you can get at a DIY store.

Next to stick the picture on the back. Check at the front to make sure it is in the right place. Add more tape. I didn't use glue at this stage.

Finally add a loop, glue if you like, and cut a piece of card to cover the whole of the back. I used a Bran Flakes box. Stick tape all around it close to the edge for a neat finish. 
And there you have it. My home made picture and frame is 7 inches square. 
Who is going to have a go? You can use anything you like to make the frame and picture. You just need stiff cardboard, any boxes will do, some tape,and some glue, You could paint the frame, or cover it with fabric. The possibilities are endless, bags of imagination required.

Dinner time now, I've got some veg to use up. Crafty Club in the morning. I'll catch you tomorrow. SS Email me your mobile number, you never know, the timing might be right.
Toodle pip


  1. I really like both your pictures and you have inspired me to finish the three small ikea frames I painted last year and then forgot about them! I have just finished reading Clare Balding's book "Walking Home " and it's something you mightenjoy too. I spent a very stormy day today making the first of five baby quilts that are needed by July-i am doing it as frugally as possible which takes time as cutting needs to be very accurate but I have enjoyed myself without spending any money. Catriona

  2. The picture looks very colourful and I like the frame. It reminds me of a project/tutorial that was in a woman's magazine in the 1980s, which was so easy but a bit messy as UPVA glue was used. The materials were cereal boxes, wrapping paper and the UPVA glue. You cut out two pieces of cardboard, both the same size, but you had to cut a hole the size of the picture/photograph in one piece, cover them with the wrapping paper, then glue them together. The picture had to be slightly bigger than the hole and held in place with a bit of glue. There was also instructions to make a 'stand' for the back for the frame to stand up. I made a few at the time and I was pleased with the result. You could also tape a loop onto the back to hang it on a wall. A good project.

    Joan (Wales)

  3. What lovely bright colours! I'm glad your garden work is still in one piece. Hopefully that's the bad weather out of the way before your next walk. What did I do on this horrible day? I started my own blog! I'm hoping I'm doing it right. I think I'll read back to your post on blogging and get some tips. X

  4. Hi,Ilona.The lovely vivid art you made is a great rainy day project and shows your creative talent.I am in garden mode and the sun shone today and I am starting spring clean-up outside in the front .There's so much to do here re:the landscaping and fence painting and steps and walkways etc.It is best I think to not tear and demolish but work with what we have here and modify those things without breaking the bank and still have it charming ,that's the theory anyway.Am glad your walls have withstood the weather and you have no worries there.I am saving lots of your blog's ideas for craft projects when I can complete what I start as I still have many unfinished things to complete before I start any new things.We went for a short walk to the local provincial park trails again and then went to check out the gleaming lakeshore on our lovely sunny day.Life is good,eh?Wishing you balmy, clear days for the upcoming trip,bye for now, D.

  5. Loved the first one.
    Loved the fabric on the 2nd.
    Your instructions were very good.
    I enjoy your creativity!
    Thanks for sharing.


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