Saturday, 5 September 2015

£1 well spent

Hello. Thought I would show you what you get in a £1 pack of  seeds and bulbs. I planted them in five storage boxes, I had already drilled the holes in the bottom because I've been using them for growing veg. There are lots of little pink flowers with two colour leaves, and some pink flowers on long stalks. Quite a good show for £1, think I will get some more next year. 

Can you talk among yourselves while I pop out, won't be long. Turn the light out when you leave.
Toodle pip


  1. Your little gardens look lovely.
    See you soon.

  2. What a great show and all for £1 - well done. I don't recognise the blooms so don't know what they are called. Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

  3. You're inspiring me to plant up some boxes on the little deck at the back of the house once the inside is sorted out x

  4. That looks lovely .... and all for £1. Worth every penny.

    I couldn't find the light switch so I threw a cloth over the shade .... hope your house didn't burn down ;-)

  5. The tall pink ones on stems are 'liatris' a beautiful flower and quite expensive in florists. Looks lovely. What a bargain! :)

  6. Have a nice time wherever you go x

  7. Your flowers are gorgeous and certainly worth what you paid for them! The only thing I would like better would be FREE (it's a very good price!). We have had cooler weather and a little rain, and today I divided bergenia (and planted 5 pieces) and Siberian irises (6 pieces). I also dug up the gladiolus corms left from this year's display--which over-wintered last year, but probably never would again. I wish I were better at starting things from cuttings. However, I checked several common snowball (viburnum) branches that I've been trying to layer--and they have taken root!

  8. Always love seeing what you achieve with very little. An lovely display. Enjoy your holiday in Norfolk. Kristel.

  9. Hello,Ms.Frugal Gardener extraordinaire.I sure do wish our dollar shops carried bulbs.We do have seeds on occasion but hard to find because they are scooped up so quickly.It looks to me the multi-coloured leaf plant might be an"oxalis"or commonly called shamrock here..Not sure about the pink flowered tall,but the other tall looks like either"iris" or "gladiolas" from the photos.Just lovely and full and a very good deal as well,Ilona.Bye for now,D.

  10. They look nice. I have some Crocosmia Lucifer which are tall and red and were out a couple of months ago, they are taller than the orange ones which my Mum calls Mombretia. I like them because they fill in gaps so long as you split them after a while.

    I'm trying to remember the name of the shorter ones with red centres in, I have grown them but I understood that they are supposed to be difficult to grow. Mine came up every year for a while.

  11. You've been quiet Ilona, I hope all is well with you and your furry friends.


    I saw these and I thought of you, the pussy cats and your crafting!
    Thank You for keeping me informed and amused and inspired everyday.
    Best wishes,

  13. I think the pink flowers on long stalks are liatris. I have some, too...freebies from a friend. They are perennial.

  14. Hope everything is ok with you as its unusual for you not to post. Maybe you are just having some quiet time. Take care. Kristel

  15. Missing your posts, hope all is well. Look forward to your return. Jan B.


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