Saturday, 12 September 2015

Checking back in.

Ello ello ello, didya miss me? Well I told you I was going on my hols, some of you must have forgotten because I've had emails asking why no blog posts. Do not fear, Meanqueen is here, back from North Norfolk. I've had a belting time, met two smashing blog readers, walked a longish way, had fun nights in Youth Hostels, and finished up staying with my good friends Julie and Frank who live near Great Yarmouth. Bet you are wondering about this cute little doggie. This is Meg, a baby cocker spaniel who has been lucky enough to be spotted by Julie and Frank who are her new mummy and daddy. Photo taken this morning just before I left to come home. She is adorable.
My little family were pleased to see me, all clamoring for cuddles. The sitters have done a good job in looking after them for me. I am lucky to have good friends who will help me out. Heidi had her first venture out into the garden in three weeks this afternoon. She is making good progress and looks well. Rocky was beside himself with joy when I went to collect him. They are all indoors now and things are back to normal for them.

I have 170 photo's to sort out now so I'll make a start. Come back tomorrow for the first batch. Thank you for popping in. I hope you have a fantastic Sunday.
Toodle pip.


  1. So glad you had a wonderful holiday and that you are back with us again. Seems wrong to go more than a day with no post from you. :) Looking forward to your pics.

  2. Glad to see you back! Looking forward to your Norfolk photos. I love the posts about your trips, it's nearly as good as going away myself!

  3. Welcome Home nive to have you back xxx

  4. Welcome home, glad to have you back, hope your holiday was ace!

  5. I was getting worried about you. I'd completely forgotten you were going on a jolly. Pleased you had a good time. What a gorgeous puppy, I thought you had another addition to your furry family.

  6. You have been missed! Look forward to reading about the holiday,xxxx

  7. Welcome back, glad you had a good time. What a lovely puppy, xx

  8. Welcome back! Looking forward to seeing the photos :)

  9. So glad to hear Heidi is doing better!!!

  10. Welcome home and good to see you back . Hadn't realised you wouldn't be blogging whilst on holiday. Great that you had such a good time. North Norfolk is one of my favourite places so am looking forward to the photos. Kristel

  11. Hello and welcome back. I did miss your daily blog. I am another who is very much looking forward to hearing every detail of your holiday. How blessed you are with such wonderful friends to help with your pets.

  12. Nice to see you back Iiona looking forward to seeing the pictures of your travels. I wouldn't have been able to resist putting that cute little pup in my bag lol
    Sue R

  13. Welcome home and yep...missed you. I clicked over everyday for the just in case you popped in. :) Can't wait to see the pic's.

  14. I did wonder if Rocky had acquired a pal when I saw the pic!

  15. Yes, I missed your daily posts, but I knew that you were on your holiday. Glad to hear the good news about Heidi. Sweet Rocky missed you, I know. Glad you are home safe and sound and I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip.

  16. So pleased you had a good time and happy for Heidi and Rocky, too.

  17. Meg is a darling and it sounds like you had fun on your hols.

  18. Welcome back Ilona, glad you enjoyed your Norfolk jolly and good to see you home safely. I certainly enjoyed the meet up and the walks. Adorable puppy, I had one like that once, not that colour though, very cute.

  19. Yes I did miss you, and I'm waiting anxiously to see your photos of your trip. I love traveling around with you Ilona.
    That little puppy is sooo cute and adorable, wish I could have a squeeze and a rub nose of the darling.

  20. Hello,Ilona.Glad all's well and your break away was a good one.Yes,I missed you too,like many here.It's wonderful that Heidi is going out again and is progressing.Great news there! That is a very sweet little puppy your friends have.The furry family sound like they are overjoyed to have you back too.Looking forward to a great read soon.Bye for now,D.


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