Saturday, 19 September 2015

On the make

Hello. What have I been doing all week, apart from blogging about the holiday? I've been busy sewing. A couple of weeks ago I popped into the church on a Saturday morning, it is open from 10 till 12 throughout the summer. I noticed that there weren't many cushions available and the wooden seats must be quite uncomfortable to sit on for any length of time. Then I had an idea, I have some spare fabric which would be just right for some covers, and I had some curtain linings and crumbed foam to make the cushions. Bingo, twelve cushions made for hardly any money. Just the job, I was wondering what to do with the fabric. 
Some of it is a brand new curtain found in a skip, a curtain bought from a charity shop for £1, pieces picked up at the Scrapstore, and some is a piece of fabric which a reader gave to me. There you are you see, it all comes in useful for something. Won't be so much shuffling about to get comfortable now. I am delivering them tomorrow morning at 9 when the church opens.

More sewing. I made this string of felt hearts for my friend in Norfolk for her new house. I think she will like them.

And two more shopping bags made.

So all in all I am on a sewing roll. Still more projects to do, two more shirts to make into cushions, and more bags to make. These will be sold on our Christmas market stalls to raise funds for the cat rescue.

I believe we are in for more sunshine, so make the most of it. I went to Barton today to the Open Studios at the Ropewalk, had a chat with my favourite artist Michael Scrimshaw. Also went to St Mary's church to get some photo's of 3,800 knitted teddies, but they weren't ready, I was too early. I'll go back tomorrow for those. Have a nice Sunday.
Toodle pip.


  1. I love the string of hearts. Are they difficult to make? I would love to make my daughter some pink and cream ones for her Christmas stocking. I'm sure you will do well at the Christmas markets xx

  2. The hearts are so lovely, and I'm sure she will enjoy them. Great job on the cushions!

  3. 3,800 knitted teddies!! Goodness that will be a good photo.
    The cushions are a lovely idea - should stop numb bums :-)

  4. Looking forward to the teddies. Good for you doing the cushions for church and the great job on the hearts! JanF

  5. well you have been a busy girl. how thoughtful of you to make these cushions for the church, those hearts are really pretty too. I am working on some lighthouse pictures in stitch and coloured pencils

  6. Fantastic job with the cushions Ilona. How very thoughtful of you.

  7. Hi,Ilona.Not sure why but my comments have not been going through possibly?Hopefully after running updates and scans this one will.I was reading about your recent wonderful holiday and want to thank you for the beautiful photos and info.I love to see all that your stunning country offers.Am glad that you are healthy and your walking tours will continue for some time.The cushion sewn for church are,I'm sure,going to be appreciated very much.It's a kind and thoughtful thing to do.But then,that's you,all over!Hope the furry family is well,bye for now,D.

  8. I love all of the creative and thoughtful things you make and do.your hand stitching is beautiful.

  9. I would love if you could do a mini tutorial on how to make the hearts, so cute! I have just joined a crafting club and this would make a great project after I finish my half done things! I already have a good supply of felt and lots of beads! Thank you! :) I agree the hearts make a really nice house warming gift or done in holiday colors, could make a really nice gift-holiday decoration!

  10. You've been busy! What a nice gift for the church. I'm sure that your friend will love the hearts.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the knitted teddies.

  11. We have thoroughly enjoyed your holiday. All the pictures make it so interesting. I love all the sewing you do, but especially the string of hearts. Hope Rocky's arthritis is not paining him too much and that puss-cat is feeling better.
    Wendy (Wales)

  12. Your friend will love those hearts I'm sure. I would. Great cushions too. You are always busy! Xxxx

  13. Wonderful sewing...Best to you and the animals.

  14. I just love your felt hearts, those would sell like hotcakes at your cat stall too. I am sure your friend will love her gift. How nice!

  15. Ilona I had to smile about the hard seats in church , I was told by a priest some time ago they are hard as a punishment for your sins, hmmm !!!!!! I know your cushions will be well appreciated by many Sorry to hear Rocky is suffering with arthritis, he is such a lovely boy. Hope pussy cat gets good results when she see the vetinary. we all know the pets are in good hands with you.

  16. I think you must have more hours in the day than me in order to get so much done. I'm sure your cushions will bring comfort to many bums! :)

  17. The grey striped bag is lovely. What a nice gift for your friend the hearts are. I think I'm going to copy this idea, if you don't mind.

  18. What a lovely idea to make those cushions for the church, I'm sure they will be really appreciated.

    I think of you everytime I fill my blue Ilona bag up with shopping :-)


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