Friday, 18 September 2015

The last day in Norfolk

Good morning. I bet you are worn out with all that walking, I am recovered and could go again if I didn't have commitments here. A much easier day for the last day of the Norfolk holiday. How do you fancy a stroll along the beach to see the seals. 
I left Hunstanton Hostel to drive to a village near Great Yarmouth to visit my friends, Julie and Frank. You may remember me writing about walking their blind Spaniel Jessica, when they were living in my village. They both travel a lot, Spain and Canada, so I was lucky to catch them in their new house in Norfolk, soon they will be off  again. 
I arrived just before lunchtime and as it was a sunny day we sat in the garden to eat, drink, and chat. Afterwards they suggested a short run out to the beach to see the seals. Oooh, yes please, that will be good. The new puppy Meg stayed at home because she has not yet had her inoculations. We parked in the pub car park and took a short stroll over the sand dunes and this is what we found. There were a few people photographing but everyone kept their distance, best not to get too close. 

I'll put a quick note in here for anyone who is in the Lincolnshire coast area in November and December. The seals come onto the sand dunes at Donna Nook at this time to give birth. It is a spectacle worth seeing if you fancy a trip out because they come really close to the fence. Some good photo's to be had. Check here.

It was a bit blustery but we were prepared with extra clothing, the sun was shining in a clear blue sky so not that cold. 
Me still got my shorts on, I've had them on all week.

We had a couple of drinks at the pub, lots of lovely cider to choose from. I picked a fizzy pear cider first, then I had a still apple cider with a rich golden glow, it was delicious. It must have been a bit chuffin strong because I felt woozy when I came out of the pub, I can usually manage a pint without falling over. There were people sitting outside on the picnic benches and I saw an opportunity for a laugh. They were gawping at me, so I gave them a show, pretending to be legless. You've seen it on the tele, one step forward two steps backwards, stagger to the left, then to the right. I kept prattling on about them getting me drunk saying what did you give me. Julie came rushing back to me when she saw me wandering off in the wrong direction. She held my arm to guide me to the car and I was still nattering to myself. She asked if I was kidding. I only let on when we were out of earshot, and chuckled to myself as we got in the car, admitting that it was all a show. I would make a bluddy good actor, if only I could learn lines, ha ha.

The rest of the day was taken up with playing with Meg, she is a sweetheart.

We watched a bit of tele, and enjoyed a lovely evening meal of veggie quiche, garlic bread and mixed salad, with ice cream and raspberries for pudding, all washed down with a glass of wine. Brilliant company.

I left the next day and drove home. I had intended to make a stop at Sleaford and visit the Arts Centre there, but the town was chocablock so I drove in and straight out again. I didn't get a break until I got to Tesco at Lincoln, then it was a short hop home.

So that's the end of that holiday, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Nothing else planned, probably some days out. Rock's arthritis is troubling him at the moment so my days will be planned around that, I have to keep my eye on him. Heidi will need more blood tests soon, to see if the medication has had any long term affect on her, or if she needs more. They will compare the red and white blood cell readings with the first test to see if her body is fighting the illness or if she will be reliant on medication for the rest of her life. She is back to how she was, quite lively and eating well, but there might still be something not quite right in her body.

I shall sign off now. Thanks for reading. More sewing, will post about that soon, and a trip to Barton on Humber at the weekend, probably tomorrow, Saturday. It's the open studios at the Ropewalk Arts Centre, and there is an exhibition on in a church, hundreds of knitted teddies to be sent overseas to needy children. More about that later.
Toodle pip.


  1. Loved your adventure to Norfolk .I remember going to Mablethorpe to look at the seals whilst staying at a caravan site there. Wasn't prepared for the size of the bull seals. Walking along the fence there was a HUGE one at the side of me keeping up with me. To say I was apprehensive wasn't a lie lol. Glad when he veered off to see to his lady friends. Was a beautiful sight though and hoping to go again this year.

  2. I have so enjoyed reading about your holiday. Just the sort I'd like.... Keep meaning to get over in that direction. I've heard of Holt, which you mentioned the other day, as there's a shop there called "Old Town" that I've long wanted to visit. There is a pair of shoes in your pic of the lovely puppy - the shoes (your friend's?) look as lovely as the puppy! Can you tell me what make they are or is that asking just too much.....???!!

    1. Hello Lizzie. They are my boots, I got them from a charity shop. Don't know the make, there isn't anything on them to indicate the manufacturer. They have the name Tropical Paradise on the side.

    2. Oh well. Obviously, as I already knew, charity shops are the best place to buy stuff! Thank you your reply Ilona anyway!

  3. Thanks for sharing your holiday. Have a wonderful day out tomorrow and glad to hear the furry friends are doing well.

  4. Really enjoyed reading about your holiday and seeing photos of several of the places my husband and I visited a week or so earlier. My parents live in west Norfolk so we visit as often as we can. Our dogs just love the beaches and unlike some places they are dog friendly all year round. Maybe you might consider walking the Pedders Way if you go again. Kristel

  5. Hi Ilona, thank you for that. I like the north norfolk coast, I used to go as a child to visit an old family friend. I have never seen the seals though - they are very interesting looking.

  6. Gorgeous beachy area. What a darling puppy and who wouldn't want to snuggle that sweetie. Thank you for letting us tag along to these wonderful walks of yours.

  7. Ilona - I love your joie de vivre. Over the decades (working in a doctor's office) I have met many people of advanced years. Some were much like you, but the majority were what most of us picture as pensioners; depressed, negative, waiting for "the end" and not searching out ways to enjoy the final 3rd of life! Although I still have my SO after 40-something years I truly hope that if something dreadful happens I can continue on looking for wonders even on my own. You are such an inspiration and I hope you'll continue this blog til the day you're called upon to be of use elsewhere - not necessarily on earth LOL (and I have to say, I'm not a "believer", but one never knows what happens when the curtain comes down haha). Keep up the good blogging. And, for heaven's sake, think about putting lots of your ideas into an e-book. Might as well make a few bucks on the fountain of usefulness you've discovered. Keep on truckin'. D

  8. Wonderful photographs of the seals. I have enjoyed your latest trip. X

  9. Lovely trip Ilona and as everyone else says, keep on truckin'! . The puppy is fabulous, just like mine when she was that age but a different colour. Cocker Spaniels are so adorable.

  10. Thank for your Norfolk holiday blog and so glad you enjoyed yourself here with us Norfolk-ites ! Loved seeing places I know so well with fresh eyes and a great photo journal..... Ruby in Mid Norfolk x

  11. I love your walking tours and your beautiful photos. That Meg is the most adorable puppy, cocker spaniel pups are ridiculously beautiful. Thank you Ilona for another wonderful adventure lived vicariously also by your many happy followers. You are a lovely lady . Xx


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