Thursday, 7 January 2016

I'm having a souper day

Hello. More chuffin rain coming down on us today. It went very foggy for about half an hour, how can there be rain and fog at the same time? A mystery to me. I thought someone had lit a bonfire, it came down all of a sudden, now it's gone. This global warming palaver is playing games. 
I have three packets of Brussels Sprouts, 10p on a yellow sticker, to use up. So, what to do with them. Make soup. Chop them into quarters. Add four chopped baby turnips. Bring to the boil and then simmer in a stainless steel pan. 
Add a handful of spinach.

And the last few leaves from a salad bowl (10p sticker).

Spices needed. I added a teaspoon of vegetable granules. And a small chunk of grated cheese. 
Looking good, smells good. The meter reading man arrived at this time, so I showed him the meter.

It only takes a few minutes to cook, then zap with the stick blender. Excuse my manners but I ate it straight from the pan, less washing up. It was bloomin lovely. I was going to save a portion for later, but once I started I couldn't stop. I scoffed the lot. Cost? About 18p. If you are cold, fed up, and hungry, make soup. it's a great body warmer.

I hope the rain stops soon, enough to do a walk. I am up to 18 miles this month, having made up the 3 miles I missed on the 1st. It's a bit darker now that everyone has taken down their Christmas lights. Keep at it everyone, only 358 days left to do  ;o)

Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip


  1. The rain you are having must somehow be traveling to Arizona :(. We are having five days of rain, the TV crews are hysterical and filming puddles in the street. Am right on track walking this month but today is iffy unless the rain slows down a bit. I had dreams of getting a few extra miles in early this month to have a bit of a cushion but no luck so far. Thanks for creating the walking project, it is nice to have a shared project with folks around the world.

  2. Certainly soup weather, cheap and filling nothing better, x

  3. I'm all for eating out of the saucepan, i do it often. One of my favourite meals is shopping day soup using up all left over veg in box, it's never the same but always yummy!Give me a pan of soup and a hink of bread and I'm a happy bunny!

    1. That`s the way I make soups, too. They always are a hit with my DB!

    2. yep same here. Love the surprise factor to it as well lol

  4. That looks and sounds lovely! It has snowed for a week here, and -11 C and dropping as night falls, wind howling outside and a snow blizzard forecast...what to do? Make soup! Turkey soup bubbling away on the stove now, Turkey bits and broth from Christmas dinner, vegetables left over from various other meals. Candles and wood fire lit, life is perfect this evening! Pam in Norway

  5. A great way to get all your greens. Stay dry. Cheers!

  6. I love making soup - so bloody easy to use up things in the fridge. Baby spinach leaves are my current go to salad veggie. I hate a lot of cooked veggies like spinach and turnips but happen to love them raw - spinach leaves last forever in the fridge just like cabbage so I go between the two to make our salads. I rarely get them on sale but I have discovered that I can buy a large container from Costco for $4 bucks that lasts us weeks, so in the end a pretty frugal veggie if used right.

  7. Your soup is making me feel hungry!
    The rain turned to snow for a bit when I was out this morning. The dog and I managed 3 miles anyway but sadly it was too bad to run later on. Hope to catch up in the better weather.

  8. Potato soup here tonight...need to use up leftover celery and onion and a partial loaf of bread from pasta night. Always look forward to your creations--foodwise or crafts :)

  9. Yes, there's been a lot of soup eating here this week too. Miserable weather and lots of leftover veggies mean that soup is the only way forward. I've never been tempted to eat it out of the pan ..... I have eaten oven chips out of the tray though :-)

  10. Another way to eat brussel sprouts is to make bubble and squeak with them. It's something I saw on a Jamie Oliver programme where he put the sprouts into a food processor to chop them down and then put them into mashed potatoe. Easier than chopping cabbage.

  11. Hi Ilona, I love soup and I love making soup. Frugal, healthy, warming and yummy.....yours sounds delicious. It is always good to have some in the freezer.
    It is dry, so very dry here in South Australia....we have had 1.5ml of rain here in the last 6 weeks...and December and January many days well over 30 degrees some getting up to 40 degree! Nursing the vegetable garden along with buckets of water from the rain water tank! Need some rain to fill it up again!! Take care. Cheers

  12. It is my firm belief that soup is essential for the soul. I can't get enough of it.

  13. I made home made soup today and it was blooming lovely, so tasty.

  14. I've made two pots of soup in the last couple of weeks. We need it to keep warm. Don't mention rain, we've had a week of torrential rain without a break. Schools are closed, roads are flooded and care homes and people's homes are being evacuated for the second time this week.

    I went to the Coop today and because it was so quiet (probably due to the awful weather) I picked up some brilliant bargains.

    Hope all your readers are safe and warm.

  15. Instead of a north/south division in the country, it might well be divided by soup-makers (those of us meeting with Mean Queen here) and those who rely on a can of Heinz or, if they think themselves posh, Baxters! I make soup all the time, vats of it, so that on the day of making we always have a bowl and then I freeze the rest in two-person portions, for husband and myself. Made soup from turkey stock after Christmas with all that I could find in the veggie drawer in the fridge with the addition of lentils and a can of haricot beans rinsed and drained. Also made broccoli and blue cheese (not Stilton, but St Agur) the other day, and that was wonderful. Tomorrow it will be tomato and courgette. There are still several cartons to use in the freezer for days when I don't feeling like cooking, but I rarely not feel like soup-making! It's so easy, who more people don't do it, I don't know.
    Margaret P

  16. I often make 'fridge soup'. Whatever is left over on Friday goes into a pot of soup. Cucumber, lettuce.... in fact you name it I have made soup with it. I am tempted to make fondue with cheese left from Christmas. I just need to find a good tutorial.

  17. absolutely chucking down rain today but it magically eased as I set out on my bicycle. did 8.44 miles so that is 34.5 miles this week. I am pleased given the awful weather. I remind myself that I wont melt in the rain

  18. Wow! I think we are all on the same page. Chicken veggie soup here...well, really veggie chicken soup. You have to look carefully to find the chicken. Got a couple more bowls left in the pot and then I think it will be lentils, veggies and ham. Got a ham-bone left from when ham was on sell several months ago. It's time to get it out of the freezer and make something with it.

  19. Hi,Ilona.Where would be be if we didn't have the weather to discuss,eh?I am quite affected by weather,even physically ,not just mood wise.I am known as the barometer in our home,tee-hee.I love soups of many kinds and yours looks very yummy.I gave my stick blender away,now wishing I had kept it.Happy hiking,whatevering, everyone,keep on moving!Bye for now,D.

  20. Oh yum. Your soup looks lovely. It's a bit warm here right now for soup, but in Winter it's a staple for us, and with some crusty bread ... delicious! When my kids were young it was also a great way to get them to eat the veggies they didn't really like. Once it was blended no-one could tell what was in it and they never bothered to ask. Walking's going well. Will get a few more kms in before the weather heats up again and will post totals at the end of the month along with everyone else. xx

  21. Soup looks yummy Ilona!
    I'm having Turkey soup made with leftovers from Christmas. I had some the other day and it was delicious.
    It's certainly soup weather!

  22. I love to see what you cook and do and it's lovely to see what commenters from other countries do too. Natalie

  23. add a few red lentils or a few split yellow or green peas.....SO cheap and so good for you....

  24. ı made caulıflower soup and ı allways add a grated potato whıch thıckens any soup---after blendıng ı sprınkled grated cheese on top of the soup---fabulous!


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