Sunday, 10 July 2016

Fancy learning a new craft?

Hello. A quick one tonight. Blog reader Lesley sent me a link to Mandala painting. I haven't heard of this before and quite like the look of it. You might like it as well. Thank you Lesley.

I'm loving the yoootooob videos for arty fabricy quilting, applique and crafty stuff. So many ideas to play around with, and techniques to learn. If you have an appetite for creativity, have a look at this one. How to make an art quilt. It might inspire you to have a go.

I'll push off and leave you to watch these. Thanks for popping in. we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. We did stone painting when I was in kindergarten in the early sixties. I have a nail art qualification and do much the same on nails. You tube is a fabulous resource. Natalie

  2. by you need a steady hand to do that stone painting. I will stick to my quilting.

  3. Beautiful mandala creations on stones.

  4. I've been reading some of your posts about long distance walks with great interest, since I used to walk in the Yorkshire Dales and Lake District when I was younger. (I'm now living in Australia). Are you planning a long walk this year? I want to suggest that you might like the Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain. Accommodation in the albergues is very cheap (€10 to €12 per night). I go every year to do a section of this pilgrimage way - at a much slower pace than you, I might add! Have a look at my blog:

    1. Hello Margaret. Thank you for your recommendations. I am not able to do a long walk at the moment because I have an elderly dog who needs constant care and love from me.

      When I am free I will be doing more walks, but I will not be travelling abroad, I will be staying in the UK. My passport ran out a year ago and I have not renewed it. I prefer to stay on this island, or smaller islands off it. I love the UK, there are plenty of places I haven't seen yet.


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