Saturday, 23 July 2016

He's a bit of alright :o))

Hello. Just a quick one tonight. Who's this dodgy looking geezer lurking in the street outside? I'll give you a clue, it starts on Friday night on Channel 4 at 8pm.  
Hey William, you're on the wrong side, it's over here.

I'll be back tomorrow.
Toodle pip.


  1. oooooh! lucky you.

  2. Looking forward to seeing you on the telly (eventually) and I might just catch a glimpse of this chappie, too!
    Margaret P

  3. Not only nice looking but seems like a great guy and good fun too ...if only I was a little bit younger but a girl can dream huh lucky girl x Rae x

  4. ooh he is lovely, and very talented, you lucky thing. have put the show on the planner to watch, have a great time. Julie t

  5. Looking forward to finding out how you did in this programme. Your picture is on the advertising page in the Daily Mail Weekend Magazine!! You are getting more famous by the minute. Good luck Ilona. P.S. I use your shopping bag (that I won) all the time and its main use is to hold all my 'cold' groceries because of its fabulous lining which keeps everything cool (been especially useful during last weeks hot weather!). Best of luck with your summerhouse. Love Ann x

  6. Now I know why you made that shed!! crafty!

  7. I LOVE shed of the year and will be even more excited this year knowing you will be on it. Creating a shed is one thing, building a summerhouse for FREE is absolutely awesome. I hope you win!

  8. We are recording the series, so hope to spot you in it eventually.

  9. That is brilliant - you finally got to meet your heart throb!!

    Linda xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.