Friday, 22 July 2016

Not yet.

Hello. Thank you all for your comments yesterday, it's comforting to know that there are so many kind hearted people who understand. When Rocky has a sad day it makes me sad too. I think, is it too much for him, is now the time? He can still walk about, we go into the garden, but don't go any further. He does his toilet, everything is working ok. 
Rocky has had a good day today so I'm feeling a bit better. He was up early wanting to go outside. I have moved his food and water into the living room so he doesn't have to go to the kitchen for it. The hard lino floor in there is too slippery for him, he walks much easier on the carpet. Today he was keen to eat. I think it was the heat over the last few days that he was struggling with. I have given him a hair cut, and I put a fan heater set to cold near him to help cool him down. It hasn't been so hot today so I think he is back to normal now.
It looks a bit messy in here. Bugsy's litter box is in the corner, there are newspapers around Bugsy's bed because he has been known to be sick sometimes. This morning he scoffed his food down far too quick and it was lucky I was sitting here, because immediately the wretching started  I jumped up and held him still over a few sheets of newspapers while it all came up. After that he went back to bed for a couple of hours before he asked for more food. Bugsy tends to eat more during the night so I always put some in his bowl before I go to bed. 
A redundant Pyrex casserole dish is re purposed for a dogs water bowl. Old curtain on the floor to catch the splashes and dribbles.

I've kept myself busy working on the picture, and now it is finished. I'm very pleased with it. I had a frame in mind but now I find that the glass has a long scratch in the middle, so it's either get a new piece of glass, or look for another frame at the car boot sale on Sunday. Probably more cost effective to get a cheap frame and buy it for the glass.

We're supposed to be getting some thunderstorms, so I don't know whether to water the flowers or not in case it chucks it down during the night. The ground was slightly damp this morning so there was a sprinkling last night. I've had a man round to clean the gutters out. There wasn't much debris, but a down pipe was blocked. Should be alright now.

Bugsy is next to me scoffing like there is no tomorrow, I gave him a small portion so it should be alright. Lucky so far, nothing coming up. He's looking for more, but he isn't getting any. He's now washing his face. The sun is going down so I'm off out.

Thanks for popping in. Have a nice weekend. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Glad to hear everything is Ok. Your pets are truly blessed to have a mum like you! I'm sure this heat affects all our pets in a bad way. Certainly out 4 year old cat is so lethargic in the heat you'd think she was poorly - come midnight and she comes alive and we can't get her to come in. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. I'm glad Rocky is okay Ilona. The weather does affect our pets especially older ones. Our last dog lived for his first 12-18 months in Crete, but he wouldn't go out in the sun here. My husband used to take him out in the evening when it was cooler. Our animal friends do worry us at times don't they.

    Joan (Wales)

  3. I wish people would take care of us the way we take care of our animals when they get old. You have a kind heart and a wise mind.

  4. Glad to hear Rocky (and you!) are feeling better today.

  5. So happy to hear that Rocky is doing better today. And, I hope that you are, too. Take care, Pat xx

  6. lovely photos Ilona, so pleased to know you and Rocky have had a better day today. Hope you have been able to tell Rocky and the puss cats the results of the shed of the year competition even if it has to be a secret from everyone else ;-) . hope you have a good weekend, love from onlyjo

  7. Yes, the heat was too much for him. Glad he's on better form today. Natalie

  8. I think the heat has just been too much. We always ask ourselves what their quality of life is like and can they go outside to the toilet, are they eating? When the quality of life is not there, we know it's time. We never keep them going for our own benefit, it's always what is best for them. Rocky looks like he is enjoying his grub, goes out to the loo and a potter, he has a good life with you. Heat has knocked us all this week. X

  9. It is so moving to hear you talk about your pets.

  10. Pleased to see Rocky up and about and to hear you are feeling better too.


  11. so glad to hear that everyone is feeling a bit better today. We are also under a terrible heat warning - it's been well over 30C for much of the last couple of weeks and everyone is a bit frazzled. We get warnings all day about not leaving children or pets in a car and maybe of the big mall parking lots station security people at the entrances to remind people of this when they drive in and then they check the back seats just to be sure. I ride two subway lines home and the north/south line has new trains that are very well air-conditioned but the east/west line still has the old trains so the A/C can be a bit hit or miss - tonight I was in a car with no A/c! luckily I had a bottle of very cold water with me so that helped but it really does hit you so I'm going to have an easy night. Hope you all keep cool!

  12. I'm really glad that Rocky is better today.

    I know that you have had unusually hot weather and I agree that Rocky has probably been uncomfortable in the heat. I hope that your hot weather is over for now.

  13. I couldn't comment yesterday - bit too emotional, I suppose. But I must say that I am so glad Rocky is feeling a bit better and also glad it has cooled down some. Our cats were a bit lethargic over the last couple of days and I did attribute it to the heat. The air pressure can affect animals as well as us, so that may have been part of it too. Glad you are feeling better too. Ranee (MN) USA

  14. I'm so pleased Rocky is feeling better. I think elderly dogs are more affected by the heat than the younger ones. I didn't get chance to comment yesterday but I'm so sorry Rocky's health is declining. It's always hard when our beloved companions get old as their lives are much shorter than ours and we always want more time with them. I think Rocky will let you know when he's had enough but also be guided by your vet. Take care all of you. Kristel

  15. Hope you have a nice weekend too ~

  16. Glad to see sweet Rocky eating and looking more perky.

  17. Ilona, you have saved money for the causes next to your heart. I hope you will at least consider having the vet come to your house when the time comes for Rocky to leave you. From all our friends we hear this is the most loving end. JanF

    1. I agree. I called the vet out for my last baby and it was 'seamless' for him, despite being devastating for me. I didn't know this was an option for all my other babies and I have to live with the guilt of that.

    2. Hi both. Yes, I will be calling the vet out when the time comes. My emergency fund is for my pets, and I have enough to cover it. He will have a peaceful send off.

  18. Hi Ilona, I don't comment very often, other than the 1000 mile updates, but wanted to say thank you for this blog. I read it almost every day and just find it a great little vacation from my life, and beyond that, I find it very helpful to learn new skills and attitudes. I also enjoy comparing your life, weather and village to my life in Arizona. A great way to see the world. Thank you again.

    1. Thank you Hilogene. I am pleased you are doing well with the walking challenge. Keep it up, and I'll see you at the end.

  19. We are watch as our Toby seems to age a month every day. He still carries his ball out to play but 1-3 balls thrown close and he's through. Some days he won't drop his ball to be thrown but wants lots of petting.Getting deaf yes, getting food picky yes, and this last week he hasn't been jumping on the coach. Sleeps a lot and just generally sweet and content. No potty problems though so that's a plus. Much empathy from me to you.

  20. Never mind the mess it's great that you have set Rocky up comfortably - I have litter trays and paper all over the place for my 17 year
    old cat! So glad you are both brighter now. SueM

  21. Lots of love to Rocky and you.

  22. Good to see you today. Who cares about the mess etc. You are a very kind woman and your pets are safe and happy. xx

  23. Happy Rocky is feeling better Ilona. X

  24. Hi Ilona, never commented before but often read your blog. Could well be the heat affecting rocky, I have a 15month old terrier who is usually quite manic but heat even got to her and all she has done is lie around. It is such a hard decision to know when the time has come to say goodbye. They become so much a part of family and Rocky looks very loved.

    1. Thank you for your comment, and welcome to Tightwad Towers.

  25. Rocky brings tears to my eyes...knowing the lovely life you have given him, he knows he is loved and that's the most important thing...everyone will be waiting for him on the other side of the rainbow bridge...he's a celebrity with friends all over the world...

  26. It's lovely to see so many people like us caring so much for our dear animals.
    Much love to you all xxx

  27. what a kind hearted woman you are...we could do with a few more like you

    all the best tessa

  28. Spotted your photo in Saturday's mail tv supplement advertising she'd of the year on Friday, good luck. Glad Rockys having a better day x

    1. Thank you for that Wendy, I know someone who has that paper, I will pop round there and take a look. No doubt she will let me have her copy when she has finished with it.

  29. We met a lady out walking her dog the other day and she asked how old our dog was (he's 11.5 years). She responded by saying that it's a privilege to have and look after an elderly dog. I've thought about this since and of course she's right as many dogs in this world never get old do they. Rae x

  30. If Bugsy eats too quickly and then throws it all back up. Consider a bowl with parts of the base stick up 'anti bloat bowls'. They really do slow down the eating.
    I have a seven stone labrador that kept doing this and large piles of vomit are not nice.
    It really stopped her wolfing food like a starving waif.
    You might want to try one.

  31. Animals can be very messy, but they are like children and look to their people for all their care. You have a very tender heart to be so good to them, and share your home.
    Bless you! And them!

  32. I'm surprised no one has suggested this for an over-heated pet. For dogs a tub of water they can get into and cool off is a big help. (A mess if they aren't outside) For both cats and dogs we have frozen two liters of water for them to lay against, damp towels work too. Ice cubes in their water bowl; the chicken really liked that one. By the way all of these thing work for we humans, too!


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