Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Plenty of flies on me

Hello. It's been a day mainly indoors today, with a walk and a bit of hedge trimming when it became a bit breezy. More sewing, so not a lot to post about. Here's a little taster of this picture so far. Still a lot more to do, it's a slow process. 

The flies in the house are annoying me at the moment. I've had most of the windows open to get a bit of a breeze going through. Anybody got a solution to get rid of them other than keeping all the windows and doors closed, and swatting them with a rolled up newspaper. I can't spray anything because of the pets, and I have tried those sticky papers but the flies don't seem attracted to land on them. I hate the critters.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Set the kitties on them! A fly in our house keeps our cat occupied for ages! Then she finally eats them when caught!! Yuk.

    1. My cats are lounging about under hedges, ha ha.

  2. I have seen this several times and the people who have done it say it works great. Fill a clear plastic bag about half way with water and add about 5 pennies. Smush out some of the water. Seal the bag with a twist tie or use a zippered bag. Tie a ribbon or string around the twist tie to hang from your doors and windows. Make one for any open window or door. Because of the flies compounded (?) eyes/vision, they will see many bags and they are suppose to be scared away and won't enter your home. One fellow adds an artificial flower just to make it look more appealing to the human eye. Maybe worth a try. Ranee (MN) USA

    1. Absolutely worth a try and free! JanF

  3. We use screens here, if you can find the screening material, cut it to size, put it on a frame that fits in your window, that usually keeps them out. Your new project looks very colorful!

  4. On the smallholding with chickens etc we had plenty of flies and found the only solution was a flyscreen door over the door and flyscreen stuff velcro-ed over the inside of open windows anything else was useless.

  5. All our windows here in the USA have screens, do you not have them?

    1. It is seldom hot enough here to want the windows open :-)

  6. Net screens or at least net curtains. You could also make the screens from old net curtains.

  7. (Shudder) Flies/mosquitoes are just awful! Windows in the UK don't come with screens???? I've lived in rural ares all my life, so screens on all the doors and windows are a must plus a fly-swatter. If you have cheesecloth in yardage hang that in the windows-n-doors. Next time you are at the Scrap Store look for screening material or start looking for a junk screened tent to cut up make curtains for windows-n-doors with tension curtain rods. Or you could add Velcro and get a tight seal around all your windows-n-doors. Flies/mosquitoes :>( now my skin is crawling.

  8. funny but true, a friend had a fly problem, she bought Venus flytrap plants and set them around; problem solved haha

    we use window screens to keep them out and the breezes in

  9. When I have the door open, I have the light off. So yes flies do come in and fly around but because they are attracted to light, they go out again. Usually after a very short while . If I do get an occasional hanger on, or a wasp or bee in the house, I just ask them to leave, and they tend to do so.

    I don't like killing things and I certainly don't want to poison them or me. Incidentally flies are our friends. Without them to break down all the waste organic matter, where would we be? We would have a lot more mucky stuff without them than with them.

  10. You can get vapona stickers look like sunflowers not the sticky ones the ones that give off a vapour work really well but not sure you would spend £2.00 on them.Kath

  11. We get loads of flies because of all the wheeley bins. I've bought one of those fly curtains with coloured strips. Still get a few flies but not as many. Cost a couple of quid from Wilkinsons

  12. Lots of ideas to keep flys away on Pinterest...animal safe

  13. I don't know of anyone here in Canada who doesn't have screens on all the windows - I would be appalled if there weren't any! As someone else said - perhaps some screening material that you can stretch across a couple of windows as a temporary solution?

  14. Here in the Midwest (USA) we have window screens on the windows and screen doors on the storm doors. When a fly or moth occasionally flies in as we are going in or out the door, it brings out the "big game hunting" instinct in our little Pomeranian. Very exciting stuff for him. I can't imagine not having screens, our house would be filled with flies, moths, mosquitoes, wasps without them. This is the buggy time of year here.

  15. I once used old net curtains to make a fly screen for the windows and doors.

  16. I was going to suggest the sticky paper but you've already tried that. This link has several remedies for ridding oneself of a variety of flies

  17. I hate those sticky papers - ugh ! I have an electric fly zapper, similar to the ones you see in chip shops but a smaller, domestic version, and free standing, so it doesn't have to be mounted on a wall. It uses hardly any electricity, has a tray to pull out and remove the 'bodies, and I highly recommend them.
    Of course, if you are interested in the welfare of flies (they are all part of Gods' plan after all) this is the quickest and most humane way of zapping them, it's all over in an instant, much better than see them stuck and fighting for their lives on a piece of sticky paper, I think that is so cruel.
    A note of caution, don't leave them on at night with windows open, they also attract moths, which we don't want to kill.
    If I remember correctly, I got mine from Screwfix, from their catalogue, but I think they have shops set up now.

    1. Thanks for that Wean, I might get one, we have a screwfix here.

  18. Obviously in Ausralia we have screens, however they still get in when the door is open etc. I find getting really good at catching them is key to avoiding sprays. The fat lazy ones will end up still in a sunny place on the window. Pounce with a tissue and squash them between finger and thumb. The smaller zippy ones I use a plastic fly swat. Again they'll usually end up near a window but it can take a few swats to get these energetic flys.

  19. Ps personally if I didn't have fly screens I'd consider a plant based pyrethrum spray or similar to get a big population under control. It won't bother you or the pets and it's better than maggots. I have to check my white windowsills carefully in case a fly has blown the maggots out. I wipe them up with vinegar.

  20. Here in Norfolk we are having same problem with flies. I have had to clean the windows 4 or 5 times this week alone. I have some garlic drying in the conservatory and suddenly bugs are not in there; so I am going to move the box to the kitchen and try it out. Hate sprays but also hate when they land on me. Love the sewing!

  21. Put out the word that you are looking for mosquito netting and make a screen or curtains for windows and doors.

  22. Try having a pot or two of lavender by the back door it seems to help


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