Thursday, 21 July 2016

Please tell me when you're ready

 Hello. If only our pets could speak. They could tell us when they are happy and when they are sad. They could tell us when they are having an off day, or when they are feeling better. They could tell us when they are tired, or when they want to go out. Young dogs could probably tell us these things, but older dogs cant.

Older dogs slow down naturally, they don't wag their tales as much, they don't get up as early and stay in bed longer. They don't tell you when they want to go to the toilet you have to remind them and lead them outside. They don't listen to your chat any more because they have gone deaf and can't hear your voice. If you leave the room they wonder where you have gone and start to worry when you are no longer there.

Older dogs move a lot slower, they can no longer play, they don't want to play, they just want a quiet life. They become picky with their food and we look for food that they will like. Because they are old they should have nice food that they like.

If only our old pets could speak. They could tell us when they are struggling, that they have an ache here or a pain there. They could tell us when they are too weary to go on, and say it's alright mum, I'm ready to go now. There's going to be a massive hole in my heart when the time comes for this little fella to bow out. Who knows when it will be, one week, one month, several months. I think within this year. I hope I can spot the signs when he is ready.

Feeling down, but I'll pick up. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip


  1. I do hope that you will be feeling brighter soon, Ilona. Our pets become such an integral part of our daily life and it is a sad fact that through our lives, we lose several of them. I had a lovely retriever and for months after she died I found myself bracing my knee against a he kitchen door when I came in from work because that was what I always did to stop her jumping all over me when I arrived home. I am quite new to your site and really enjoying it. I was laid up for a few days with a bad ankle recently and spent several hours looking through your old posts right back to 2009. Lovely way to relax ! XXX

  2. He is in great care with you. Take care.

  3. 2 lovely photo's of Rocky. (((hugs))) to you both - stay strong - have a nice weekend

  4. Bless you Ilona. You've made the last years of his life happy and comfortable and he loves you for it. He's such a sweetie.

  5. Ilona, friends who have had older dogs with cancer (and other ailments) have been told by their vets that they do tell you in a way and that you WILL know when the time is right.
    You are surrounding him with love and care. That is all you can do for now. I feel for you. JanF

  6. Hi Ilona, hope you feel OK. A dear friend was having the same dilemma and got up one morning to find he couldn't walk or even stand. It was time to say goodbye. As she says , these are Vets bread and butter so if they say they cant do any more then that is it. Its the time when you don't want them to go too soon, that is the anxiety making time. Hugs Brenda

  7. Ilona I am sure you will know the signs, its always a sad time when our little companions get ready to cross the rainbow bridge, but non of us want them to suffer, You have given Rocky a wonderful few quality years which is wonderful and you must know when the time comes you will not be on your own shedding a tear, lots of us here love Rocky also and remember how things were before you got him permantly. Buck Up Lass its not like youto be down.

  8. My heart is with you x

  9. Aaw Ilona! I can't think of anything useful to say! Sending some cheery wishes your way! I bet poor Rocky prefers the cooler weather - our cat is hating this heat.

  10. It is difficult to know and when there is no obvious sign it is really hard. We've been through it five times. Apart from two who were obviously at the end we had to take advice from the vet on our other three. They were all loved and had their own personalities and we miss them all so much, as does anyone who loves animals.
    Our last dog, who must have been 15 and was a rescue dog (we weren't sure how old he was, but we'd had him 13 years and he wasn't a puppy then), died a year last March and we still don't know what he died of. In the morning he was his usual self, by teatime he was acting strange. I can't put my finger on it, but it was like he didn't know where he was. Anyway to cut a long story short he stopped eating anything, even treats. All he was doing was drinking water and the vet advised that he was at the end and not eating would be having an effect on his organs etc. It is so very sad when you lose a pet as they are part of the family. Make the most of Rocky, Ilona. Give him a cuddle from me.

    Joan (Wales)

  11. Hello, just a quick message to cheer you up because you are feeling down. I love to read your blog it is so interesting and thought provoking. My oldest cat was very poorly a couple of months ago we don't know how old he is as he is a rescue and we love him so much and we were wondering if he would get better but he has surprised us and is back to his old self. I always look at your blog first as you are so feisty and positive it encourages me:-)

  12. My heart goes out to you, Ilona. I have been through this exact same thing many times and it doesn't get any easier. Please try and take some comfort from the fact that your boy has had a wonderful life with you. x

  13. I know how you feel looking after at an elderly dog is hard work and catches you out sometimes, just when you think he's doing good something else crops up and then you think ahead a little bit (a bit too much sometimes) to the heart break time ahead. I try not too as we have an 11.5 years young Labrador cross who's been diabetic for about 12 month's so along with age we are fighting his health everyday. He's really good at the moment but I do so wish he could talk to me, tell me just how he's feeling today. I could answer back and tell him just how much he's loved (I do that anyway) and what a big hole he has carved in our hearts and that we will always be there for him whatever it takes. I guess that's true love of a four legged friend.... nothing beats it. Take Care and give little Rocky an extra hug from me tonight Ilona x Rae x

  14. You've got me crying :(

  15. Ilona, there is no one in this world who could give Rocky and all your pets a better life. The love between you and Rocky is so evident in the photo of you two. Be well.

    1. So very true and thanks for putting it into words. JanF

    2. What a lovely comment. And so true

  16. Awww little Rocky. Our little four legged friends give us unconditional love and companionship. You'll know when he's had enough and although your heart will break you'll know he had a very good life with you.

  17. Your photo is lovely you can see the love you have for each other x

  18. You will know when it's time. We talked about it for such a long time and worried about that decision we would have to make, but one day she didn't want to go for a walk, not even to the end of the road. We just didn't recognise her, there was no life left in her other than sleeping and eating. We'll be here to support you when the time comes, just enjoy the time left with him.

  19. 18 months ago we said Goodbye to our 2 Yorkies,they were 16 years old and had been together since they were pups. Hattie had kidney failure and was off her food and was leaving puddles everywhere, she became really poorly. Sidney had dementia, was deaf and nearly blind, we just new the time had come and it was fitting that they went together, it was so so hard and we wept for days. They gave us such unconditional love and much joy, even the vet and the nurse cried with us. You will know and he would thank you for it if he could, I dread the day that you will be posting the news but my heart will be with you., Chrissie. x

  20. Yes I too wish they could talk. My Abby is 12 years and she is slowing down. She May go two or three more years but I will not let her suffer, that I have decided. It will be difficult but it is the right thing to do. I just wish when old people get that way they could peacefully put us down.

  21. I have been through this many times with loved pets and it never gets any easier. However, I always console myself with the fact that
    my animals had the very best of love and care, the same way you are, and not all animals are that lucky. My thoughts are with you Ilona. SueM

  22. Oh Ilona, so sad for you and hope Rocky picks up as it gets cooler. Our cat (aged 11) has hated the recent heat and just stayed in the hall as cool flooring. When we lost our previous cat he was old (not sure what age as rescue) and was on lots of medication got so bad we knew it was time, Heartbreaking but we held him in our arms and he purred right until the end. I still miss him and that was 7 years ago. Just know that Rocky loves you and you have given him the best home ever. Thinking of you. Sue xx

  23. God love him xxx

  24. Ilona, you are always so upbeat that you are entitled to feel down once in awhile. I hope that you feel better soon.

    Rocky is so lucky to have you. (((Hugs)))

  25. A heartbreakingly sad post. He's as lucky to have you as you are to have him. Karen.

  26. Oh, Ilona, from the love you and Rocky share, he'll tell you with his eyes when the time has come. Our sweet Bassett Hound, Daisy, was 17 when she told us it was time for her to go. Her eyes told us with her steadfast love. We miss her still.


  27. Ahh Illona, I have been there with beloved dogs as they age. It is a difficult time seeing our pets age and knowing there time is limited . Rocky is abeautiful boy .

  28. Even though you can see it coming you are never ready for it. I had my lovely boy put to sleep 2 weeks ago and haven't felt right since. Have tried to keep busy and done a lovely grave with a slate headstone. I enjoyed designing it but cried my way through it. We will be here to support you as only dog owners can. We know what a hole it leaves when they pass to doggy heaven. They are all beautiful.

  29. You'll know! He'll tell you.
    All our furry children did. :(

  30. Such a well written piece Ilona. We are so sorry that Rocky is causing you concern. As others have said, we have been there several times and it is SO HARD. As long as his little old eyes can see you it will give him comfort - you are his Angel.
    Wendy (Wales)

  31. Oh, Ilona, what a wise and tender heart you have. What a blessing and privilege we have to care for our furry friends. We just let go of our sweet Jakers this past Monday. I have a huge hole in my heart for my sweet friend. Our love has made a difference to their lives and we're forever changed because of their faithfulness and companionship. Savor each day together. Such a gift.

  32. Oh Ilona, I'm another moved to tears by this post. It is so hard when they get old. I have two rescue dogs, ageing, but still themselves, I have these thoughts from time to time, but their time is further away than Rocky's I suspect. Rocky has such a fantastic life with you- I've been thinking how lucky that dog is since I found your blog a few weeks ago- he gets out more than I do! And is so well travelled. I know you will cherish whatever time you have left together, and you will have the memories of him forever.

  33. Your sweet pictures brought tears to my eyes. Like others have said, your pup will let you know when it is time and, altho it is so sad and difficult to let go - you know you have loved him well. He looks like such a contented pup. In the past year my 16 year old shih tzu and my 17 year old malti-poo had to be helped over the rainbow bridge. I held both of them as they were put to sleep and I was able to tell them goodbye. Now, my remaining pup, a Bichon, is 16 and I feel like it will be within the next year cause he is showing the signs. Good for you to be thinking about Rocky and what is best for him.

  34. What a sweet photo of you and Rocky! It's so hard when they get old. But you've given him some happy years.

  35. So sad. You've both shared a lifetime and given love to one another. I hope you know when it's time.

  36. Dear Ilona, your posts have helped me immensely over the last four years in a number of ways and I am saddened by your news. There is nothing that I can say to comfort you as I have had similar experiances with my cats. I am thinking of you.
    Colin from Kent

  37. A big hug to you both. Natalie x x

  38. Difficult as this is, Illona, you and your lovely Rocky love each other. That will never change. You will always love him and he knows you will do the best you can for him including make the right decision at the right time. I am a cat woman and have been since I was a little girl and have had a cat all my life. I miss them all but know that I loved them and did my best for them. xx

  39. Sadly, our pets have short little lives compared with ours so most of us animal lovers will have had to face your situation, Ilona, perhaps quite a few times. It never gets any easier, does it? You have given Rocky such a happy life and it is some comfort to know that you will not let him suffer when his time comes. You are usually such an upbeat person that I feel quite upset to think how sad you are. I hope you are feeling a bit brighter today.

  40. I had my Golden Retriever put to sleep in March. A horrible time. He was nearly 13. I am having a woodland burial and have arranged with the funeral director for his ashes to be placed in my coffin. We will spend eternity together. When the time comes ( Hopefully not for a long while yet).Just remember all the good times that you and Rocky have had together. You have given him much love and affection. And the best life that you could give him.

  41. Rocky is such a gorgeous little fella.
    I too,have been through this with my previous dogs and it truly breaks your heart.As soon as you give your heart to a pet it is something you know will be inevitable one day.
    But you know what...I wouldn't swap having spent such happy times with my lovely dogs for anything.I have always found comfort in the thought that they were loved and cared for and led a fantastic life. Unfortunately a doggie lifespan seems short but if all dogs or cats were as loved as ours,the world would be a better place.
    Lots of love to you and Rocky and I hope he feels better soon,he might be just feeling the heat at the minute with this warmer weather.
    Jan x

  42. You have a heart of gold Ilona, little wonder it is hurting. - sending love and warm thoughts to you and lovely Rocky. from onlyjo x

  43. Sending you and all of your animal friends hugs...Rocky is such a handsome little dog!

  44. Love to you both.

  45. The sadness is for us who have loved our pets and the loss they leave us with when they die. We must not think of us though, but of them. It is better that they go a little early than too late to save them suffering. I have seen many suffering animals being shuffled backwards and forwards to the vets, it's unkind as it is stressful when they are so near the end. I have seen a dog that could not walk being winched on a harness to its feet and dragged along, all because their owners would not let go.

    We have the option to stop the suffering before it really starts, so to let them suffer and only then act is not the way in my opinion. The end will always be the end and it will be tomorrow, next week or if we are lucky in years to come. But come it will, because we cannot stop time and we need to be ready to make the end the best we can. That sometimes isn't possible, but often it is and we should be responsible and caring and prioritise them and not ourselves because we want to keep them here a little longer.

    Animals will tell you, and often they will say goodbye with a specially poignnt time, a longer cuddle than usual and just an extra sense of 'understanding' going on. My lovely cat had such a peaceful and quiet ending after his illness and though it was awfully sad that he was gone, it was such a comfort that he went in such a way. We don't have them for long enough it is true, but if we have given them happy lives then what more could they or us ask for? Nothing is forever except perhaps happy memories.

    To give your pet a peaceful end when you can is something that we can do for them. We should do that. They won't mind if we are two days early if it saves them pain, but it would be worse to be two weeks too late because we want to keep them. It's an act of love not betrayal and we are privileged to be able to help them right to the last.

  46. I think most of us have gone through this, I know I have more than once. I hope Rocky feels better but in any case you have given him a wonderful life and I believe with all my heart that when we die we will be reunited with all our furry friends.

  47. The saddest news. Rocky is a cheerful little dog; you'll know Ilona when it's time. Am so sorry, but, landed on feet when came to live with you - happy, loving home. Shedding a tear now for you so will send love and sign off. Amanda x

  48. Just been through that - a couple of months ago, two on the same day ! My darling Lady Leah 1, and Itty the Kitty, both over 20 years old. My heart aches fit to bust, I'll never get over it.
    One is bad enough - but two ??

  49. I still have two cats, but when they are 'gone' I'll never have any more animals of any sort, my heart won't stand the pain of their loss.

  50. I understand. My little Junior has stomach cancer. He still wants to play a little and is still eating, but I don't think he has much longer. The vet says the care he has now is "doggie hospice" ~ we just love on him everyday.
    Sending hugs))

  51. Beautiful post, Ilona. Catriona

  52. Oh so sad. Hope he can enjoy life with you for some time yet. I share my life with a Yorkshire Terrier who, I think is about eight years old, I know what you mean about the slowing down. He has always been something of a low energy boy and he is feeling the heat at the moment. Love your blog.

  53. Oh Ilona, they really are family - my cat is my child and I can't imagine life without him. ((((HUGS)))) xx

  54. So sad, but you will know when the time is right, Rocky will let you know.

    When this hot weather passes he will feel a bit better. But eating his favourite foods, being able to go out to the garden and knowing how much you love him is enough for him now.

    Gosh think back to life he used to have, he has had a wonderful 'retirement' with you, been to places he would never have been too and known so much love and companionship.

    As for Bugsy, I have always found cats to go downhill very quickly so you will spot the signs when he has had enough.

    It's sad but it's the price we pay for loving them and for being lucky enough to be loved by them. Xx

  55. Tears are running down my face because I just lost my Marley pup. I never thought loosing a pet would be so difficult. My tears are for you because of what may be awaiting you. Good luck and stay safe.

  56. I have just lost my lovely girl too, she was a Beagle and such a funny little thing. She was attacked by another dog, when we were out walking, the dog ran 75m down the road to get her. She survived but was so badly damaged we had to put her down the next day. The council have put the other dog down, but that doesnt compensate in any way for her life. I stayed with her when the vet injected her, told her we loved her- it was hard for me to do but it was the best for her. When the time comes Ilona you will know. Hoping Rocky keeps going for a long time yet


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