Friday, 8 July 2016

The kids speak

Hello, Mayze here, we are taking over here today, the boss is having a day off. I do love the way she leave stuff lying around all over the place, plenty of places to make a bed. A new project is started and stuff from the previous project is not put away. Look what I found here, a plastic carrier bag full of mesh fruit bags. it's lovely and snug and comfy in here, I think I will curl up and go to sleep. 
Hi, my name is Heidi, and I have a little blood problem so I am on constant medication. I must say though that the boss makes sure I get the check ups I need at the vet, and vet Marian is ever so kind. We went last week because I hadn't got any tablets left. They took some blood again and tested it, and Marian said I should stay on the same dose of half a tablet every night. I have got used to the routine now, the boss wraps me in a towel and pops the tiny tablet in my mouth. I take a big swallow and it's gone, then I get a treat of my favourite food. I am playing  a little game here, Rocky has a few treats on this saucer and I am watching over them for him.

Hi, I am Bugsy, the second boss in this household because I have been here the longest. I might be an old man of 20, but I know how to keep the young ladies in their place. I'm sitting here waiting for the slave boss to come and fill my bowl. Excuse me, I'm hungry, you are not paying attention, have you not noticed that my bowl is empty.

Hello, I'm Rocky. I just want a comfortable peaceful life and most of the time it is nice and quiet here, except when the boss puts the radio on and dances and sings to the Sounds of the Sixties. Gawd, it's a hell of a racket. Probably a blessing that I am going a bit deaf. I like my soft bed where I can rest my tired old bones, and when it's sunny I can amble around the garden. I don't like to go too far from home these days because I feel safe here.   
Thank you guys and gals, saved me a job for today, I'll be back tomorrow.
Toodle pip.


  1. Hello Kids, I really enjoyed your contribution today, well done! SueM

  2. Love them all! So happy Rocky is with you now, I remember when he wasn't. Have a good day Ilona

  3. Wow! Bugsy is 20 and doing well! All your furry family is loved and taken care of. It's a treat to see them all. JanF

  4. Hi you adorable pets , how priveledged you are having a slave like Ilona to panda to all your cares and needs. Good that you gave the servant the day off, but dont make a habit of it she could get to like it hahaha.

  5. Hello pets - so glad to know that you are being looked after so well. Keep an eye on your mistress and make sure she doesn't play too much!

  6. Mayze, you are so cute snuggled in that shopping bag. And, I'm happy to hear that you are doing ok dear little Heidi. Your a beautiful cat Bugsy. And you Rocky must be an extremely patient dog to live with three cats! Lilly sends her meows to all of you :)

  7. Great post, always love to see little Rocky.

  8. Lovely post! Meows and paws from Lily, Sonny, Manu and René and their humble servant Wendy

  9. Good evening to you and the lovely pet family. Glad everyone is well. Did not realize Bugsy was twenty. I hope both of mine live that long...

  10. Hi kids. I loved hearing from you and seeing your lovely photos.

  11. Nice to hear from the kids now and then, of course seeing Rocky fills my heart with've given him such a wonderful life...Mayze my cats have the same opportunity to sleep on piles of stuff...quilt fabric, wool for rug's everywhere...glad mom got a rest...hugs to all!

  12. This blog post made me smile. :-) Your kiddies are infinitely lovable!

  13. It's always nice to see all the furry family. They look quite content with their home. I'm sure they all appreciate the love and kindness that you give them every day. They surely must know how lucky they are. Many merows and purrrs from my feline females, Claire and Rylee. Ranee (MN) USA

  14. Lovely to read the kids post.
    Our beloved Labrador was put to sleep last Sunday, the hardest, most heartbreaking thing we have ever had to do. She was nine and only appeared to have been poorly for a week. Give your kids some cuddles from us Ilona xx. Please delete this if you think it inappropriate.

  15. So lovely to have a post from your family. Natalie

  16. Loved hearing from the kids! So lovely of them to blog & give you the day off. Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
    Patty (IL) USA


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