Saturday, 9 July 2016

Feeling blue

Hi, Good Morning. You just gotta have a look at this. In Hull early this morning 3200 people stripped naked and painted themselves blue for a photo shoot. It's all for the City of Culture 2017. The pictures are going to be amazing.
Click on this Twitter link.
Sea of Hull

Photo credit Anne Marie Tasker

Back later, have a nice Saturday. Toodle pip


  1. Love this kind of thing.Looks brilliant with them all lying down like that.

  2. Just fabulous! Love it. Thanks for the link. X

  3. Are you amongst that lot, Ilona? ;-)

    1. No. I did think about it. Don't mind taking my clothes off but didn't fancy being blue. Looks like it could have been quite messy, blue clothes, blue car.

  4. I wondered if you might be there too Ilona when I saw it on television this morning. By all accounts it was fairly cold so maybe they would'nt have had to use too much blue paint.

  5. They all looked like they thoroughly enjoyed themselves making a bit of history.

  6. My daughter Jenny signed up for it a few weeks ago but I didn't fancy it. i dropped her off in town at 2am this morning and she came back home at 8am on the bus - still with a blue face, hair, hands etc haha. She needed 2 baths to get it all off, with my help. She really enjoyed doing it and said she wasn't cold, but didn't like walking barefoot on the prickly roads. We've seen lots of links with photo's and video's :)

    1. Thank you for that link Lesley. Such a lot of negative comments, from the readers of the Hull Daily Mail, and also from the Daily Mail article. There are a lot of people who don't get it because they can't see further than the nose on their face. I feel sorry for those who close their mind to art, they miss out on so much.

  7. One of my blogging friends is in there :)

  8. the Blue Folks are lovely.

    thought you might like a gander at this

  9. I think this artwork is going to be very important in years to come. The blue bodies in the streets of Hull depict the sea creeping inwards to swallow up vast areas of land, a consequence of climate change. I can also see the connection between great tides of immigrants crossing continents, their bodies being washed ashore thousands of miles from their homeland. A very thought provoking piece of artwork.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.