Sunday, 16 October 2016

Mix and Match

Hello. We've had a rotten morning weatherwise, piddling it down, but now the sun is out so I am tempted to go outside. Before I do I'll post this. Every morning I use my mini chopper to prepare my breakfast. Nuts, seeds, and fruit all go in there to be smashed to bits, then added to my branflakes, with a banana on top, and strawberries if I have some.  
I always keep my eyes open for other cereals when they are reduced. The Cash and Carry is good for this, and I have also found some in Poundstretcher as well. I usually put a few of these in the mini chopper as and when I need them, but I am concerned that I may be expecting it to do too much, because the lumps are pretty hard. I don't want it to conk out through excessive wear and tear, so this morning I decided to zap two whole packets in the big Kenwood, then it will be ready to use.

These were 50p each from the Cash and Carry. They are like small fruity Shreddies.

I have double bagged them to keep them dry. Two spoons in my fruit, nut, and seed mix will be enough.

This is the rest of my breakfast ingredients, I mix and match any of these. Three types of nuts, sultanas, linseeds, and porridge oats, plus whatever fresh fruit I have, bananas, strawberries, nectarines. If I see any other types of nuts and seeds at a good price I will buy them. This is what starts my day most mornings, though now the weather is getting a bit cooler I won't be using as much soya milk, I will start making hot porridge, with all the rest added.

What's your favourite breakfast? Any good ideas that don't cost a lot of money and take only a short time to prepare it. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Since I've been cutting down on carbs my usual breakfast tends to be either a half cup of yogurt OR a half cup of cottage cheese for protein - and then fruit added (tinned, fresh, frozen) - love it all.
    If I feel like a change it might be 2 crisp breads with either cheese or a hard boiled egg and tomato (avocado if I have some). And always, a big mug of strong tea with milk!

  2. you have a pretty good routine going on...very very healthy..

    me, I tend to somehow not be "able" to eat the same / very similar thing for more than a few mornings in a row. no idea why, just doesn't appeal after a few days.

    mostly I have some sort of veggies (weird huh?), and something else...

    having said that, every so often I do a few days run of something that looks quite a lot like what you have.

    often I just heat up some left overs..

    of course,
    if there is pumpkin pie left from thanksgiving, that is a good pick (grin) for me. All in all, pumpkin pie is not a bad breakfast..Lots of oxidants and nutrition in the pumpkin.

    this morning , I just had a bowl of "instant" noodles....Most always when I do that, I will toss in some frozen veg, but this moring had it plain.

    1. Hi. Some of your breakfast food I would have for lunch. Seems a bit odd to have veg first thing.

    2. odd to have veg, yes, suppose so..Most folks would have fruit...I eat fruit, but not so very much. It often seems to sweet for me, and I find veg gives me more variety and nutrients. Oddly enough, I mostly like it. (with the fruit, it must be the type of sugar in it...I have heard of others that just don't process fruit sugars well)

  3. As I have to take iron tablets (anaemia), my doctor advised me to have breakfast cereals with iron in - I go for the cheapest weerabixy type things with soya milk with water. For my lunch, I often have a variant on breakfast in the form of a shake - always a banana, soya milk, water, kale and any other fruit. Sometimes with nuts, peanut butter, strawberries, cucumber. Evidently, strawberries are bad for your teeth in a shake as the shake washes over the whole surface of your teeth. Hey ho. I often add porridge oats too. Kiwi fruits make for a refreshing addition. If you want a warm brekkie, mash up an overripe banana with one egg and add a little oil to a frying pan and fry till on both sides until golden. I serve with bio yoghurt and nuts (and golden syrup if had as more of a pudding). Natalie

  4. Hi Ilona we have similar breakfasts but also have fruit and yogurt when it has a yellow sticker on it.

  5. Porridge most days and if the weather is very warm, I try tomake my idea of Birchers muesli the night before. Like you, I add ground seeds ans usually some king of fruit. At the moment, I'm using coconut drink as I really dislike milk. Sometimes I thin down plain yoghurt as I like it too. I have tried other breakfasts but they always leave me ravenous after a couple of hours. Catriona

    1. Hi. If I have a bowl of only cereal I feel hungry soon after. All the bits added make it a bit more filling.

  6. I make my own cereal too with nuts fruit oats and seeds but steer clear of any packaged processed breki cereals as too full of sugar and palm oil rubbish for me lol. Usual breki is natural yoghurt and banana or if a treat is needed and it's on offer smoked salmon and poached egg which I love.

  7. It depends what the weather is doing here in the UK as to what I eat for breakfast! In light and summery sunshine days I like yoghurt and berries; autumn usually have bran/museli or toast and honey/peanut butter; in the winter, no sorry, has to be a bit more filling: porridge with whatever fruit and yoghurt or eggs/beans on toast. I am a morning person, breakfast is important or I can't concentrate - I don't eat late at night; we're all different. Amanda

  8. you can mix your oats and other stuff with plain yogurt and leave overnight - like porridge but no need to cook. we do this on our camping trips especially for 2nd breakfast - sometimes water it down before eating

    1. Hi. I think I might try that leave overnight method. I'll do it tonight and see what it comes out like in the morning. Thanks for the tip.

  9. Need sausage, bacon or fried egg on a fluffy big roll for breakfast!.lunch home made soup. Supper chicken or fish with salad or mash n veg.

    1. Hi, I thought my dad was the only person who ate veg for breakfast! He used to cook far toom many veg so he had leftovers "for tomorrow". He would chop the veg up and mix in mashed potatoes and fry in dripping till golden brown, it was delicious. Fat was a valuable commodity in his day and was never thrown away. My mum had a mesh metal cone for purifying fat. When it reached the stage we couldn't eat it she would make bird food and we'd watch the birds in the garden, nothing wasted. There was no concern about obesity or diabetes then and we always ate saturated fat but we were out all day very active, healthy kids.

  10. One very economical breakfast would be cornmeal mush. A little goes a long way. The quickest way to make it would be with quick-cooking corn grits by Quaker. A little salted butter makes it taste good. If you want some added protein have some eggs on the side with it.

    1. Hi Lana. Anonymous further down is asking what corn grits are. I don't know, maybe you could tell us both. Thank you.

  11. I do mostly protein for breakfast...omelette with veg, cheese and chicken or small chicken quesadilla...less often a protein shake...

  12. Hi - I saw your blog url over at SonyaAnn's blog. A really good breakfast makes the rest of the day go so much better doesn't it? Our choices are fairly similar - I use large oats as my base, after cooking them I add a mixture of chia seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, ground almonds, walnut and pecan pieces, shredded coconut, a couple spoonfuls of plain yogurt, berries and/or banana, nectarine etc. I just love it. Oh, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. I shop at the Bulk Barn where everything is a bit cheaper plus they have coupons once or twice a month. I too am retired (into my 3rd year) and living on a fixed income made up of my work pension and the Canada Pension plan. I'm comfortable but cannot splurge too much. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    1. Hi Jane. Welcome to Tightwad Towers. When I was working I often had a quick breakfast, toast or cereal. Not a very good start to a 10 hour day. Now I realize how important it is to have a good breakfast. Glad to hear you are managing on your pensions.

  13. Most mornings, I have either bran flakes or All Bran with skim milk and a half banana. In cool weather I switch to oatmeal (porridge) and milk and often a little brown sugar.

  14. Louis likes any leftovers from the night before. Soup is a particular favourite. xx

  15. I don't generally like a heavy breakfast so tend to have fruit and homemade yogurt most days. In the winter though I might have porridge with sultanas and other fruit added, or I like to soak couscous or oats in the fridge overnight and mix in yogurt and fruit in the morning...I like it cold but it could be warmed through.

  16. Scrambled egg on toast sets me up for the day.
    Love reading what other posters have.

    Hazel c uk

  17. Toast, has to be toast and a frothy coffee.

    1. Hi. I love seeded bread toast with lashings of real butter. I'm afraid I may be eating too much of it.

    2. Honestly I don't think you can be Ilona- look at your energy level and your weight. You are doing something very right!

  18. I LOVE scrammbled eggs but I also really like porridge and have been eating it with a splash of milk, a good handful of forraged blackberries so they make juice instead of too much milk topped with linseeds or this morning I had a banana mashed into it. I do like a bacon sandwich when allowed but trying to drop a few pounds.

    1. Hi. I love scrambled eggs as well. Just had them for lunch, with mushrooms and spinach. There's nowt better.

  19. Hi Ilona, I love a good brekky, I usually have a bowl of my homemade muesli followed by a bowl of fruit and yogurt. Just lately though I have been making oat, chia and yoghurt pots. The recipe is 3 tablespoons oats, 2 teaspoons chia seeds, 4 tablespoons whatever milk you like and 2 tablespoons yoghurt, again whatever kind you like. Mix all the ingredients together, cover the bowl and leave overnight. In the morning add whatever fruit you like, a splash of maple syrup and some more yoghurt. It's so delish and very easy.

  20. interesting post and interesting comments...what are grits ? i like porridge in the winter not in the summer as it makes me feel like i have steam coming out of my ears....i have yogurt and fruit in the summer

    1. Hi. I don't know what corn grits are. I've posted a comment below Lana's, so maybe she will come back and tell us.

  21. I just read a recommendation to add a teaspoon of mayonnaise to lightly scrambled eggs when they are almost done. Talking soft scramble here. I tried it and it made them deliciously creamy!

  22. here in America we do eat grits for breakfast. it is corn ground very coarse and you warm it up with water. it is a more of a savory breakfast and can be salty. you would serve with butter. here you can get it in packets like instant oatmeal.

    1. It's more of a Southern thing, isn't it?

  23. On days I don't work, I like to eat either eggs or oatmeal that takes a couple minutes on the stove top. I add raisins to it as water boils then add the oatmeal. Yummy with milk and brown sugar. I also have cooked up a hearty tasty cereal on days I work, and it lasts me til my lunch. It's gluten free which I like. I always eat breakfast or I am out of sorts! :.} Becky

  24. Hi, for breakfast I also use the overnight method; I make enough for 3 portions and it lasts 3 nights in the fridge. I just put an apple chopped with the skin on and an orange chopped up, all juice goes in aswell. I use about 2 level spoons of rolled oats (porridge oats)per portion with 2 or 3 level spoons of natural yoghurt. It should be sticky consistancy and it keeps better that way, add more yoghurt or milk when served. I keep it simple but you can add what you want.


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