Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Adventures in needle felting

Hello. Here it is, my new artwork. I've taken the photo's without glass in the frame to eliminate reflections. The frame was 50p from a car boot sale, I have painted it with Crown silk emulsion shade apple tree, a very pale green. It suits the picture perfectly. I haven't used a mount because I don't think it needs one. Overall measurements are 23" x 12".  

This is where the background stitches have been changed, they now go up and down instead of across. Much better.

It was a lot of stitching but I think it's worth it. I find hand sewing very therapeutic, it's something I can pick up at odd times and play with it.

Preparations are coming along nicely in the garden. Hedge cutting yesterday, grass mowing and weeding today. A bit more paint on the back of the garage, a door to paint, flower beds to top up with compost. Three days and it will be ready.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Yes, I now see where changing the stitching was an improvement. Before I didn't see why it was problem.

    1. Yes! I see it too now that we can view the entire piece. It's lovely! Well done. JanF

  2. Very,very nice. I think I would call it naive art.

  3. It is brilliant, I really love it.
    J x

  4. Beautiful :)
    Eilidh x

  5. The picture is beautiful with so much care taken with the stitching. You are an inspiration. Jane x

  6. You're very talented Ilona:)

  7. Beautiful work, you are certainly one talented lady.

  8. It's fabulous Ilona. Wonderfully creative and individual.
    just like you.
    Jacquie x

  9. Oh my goodness, it's beautiful - thought it was done on the machine! Fabulous, you clever lady. x

  10. Had to add how wonderful the picture is. I am having chemotherapy and this has inspired me to start one as it will be something I can manage. Please keep inspiring me.

    1. Audrey, I will pray for you during your chemo. When I was having radiation I picked up my hand stitching and my mental attitude got much better. I think it was because I could take my mind off of that part of my life. Chemo is a life changer while you are having it, but you will come out the other side and get your life back! Blessings sweetie!

  11. It's lovely Ilona,just like you are.Sounds like you're on track to complete everything, even in this heatwave.I am unable to do anything but early dog walk.Rock on you x

  12. Absolutely beautiful Ilona. You are very talented and a lovely lady. I love your blog and you are an inspiration. Kindest regards, Maureen.

  13. Your art is fabulous and so are you!

  14. Your folk embroidery is beautiful Ilona. Don't overdo it in the heat.
    Hazel c uk

  15. Love your artworks, such a talent!
    Well that's me totally up to date, blog read from the very start. It's been a fabulous read, thank you! Not sure what I'm going to do with my evenings now.........get a book out I suppose.... or maybe find another blog off your side list to have a look through ����

    Look forward to following your future posts ����

  16. Absolutely beautiful! Your stitching is amazing!!!!!!

  17. Lovely, are there no ends to your imaginative talent.

  18. Your picture is fantastic! I love to do hand stitching also. I do Sashiko which I find very calming. When life feels like it may overwhelm me, I pick up my stitching and I feel much better. You have such a wonderful eye for design and color.

  19. Fantastic work, Ilona. I see now why you unpicked the horizontal stitches! Catriona

  20. Fabulous! So colourful, simply lovely.

  21. Lovely all round. Natalie

  22. I really love your artwork! I liked the beach huts so much that I put your photo as my ipad home screen, you can see it here it looks fab!!!

  23. Absolutely lovely. Sarah

  24. You should be really proud of that. It is beautiful. I love hand sewing too - it's really therapeutic and I like craft tasks I can pick up or lay aside at will.

  25. Beautiful - that sort of style would make a gorgeous coral reef depiction! I also like sewing, but am a machine sewist - maybe I'll mellow out and get a bit more patient one day.

  26. oh wow, Ilona you have such an incredible talent, it's wonderful, I really wish I could come to the party and see all this gorgeous work xx

  27. I'm also one who couldn't see what was wrong with the stitching, but the way you've done it makes it more of a subtle directional 'flow'. You have a good eye in how you want to interpret your work to look. Well spotted.
    By the way, just as an aside, we SHOULD be moving back to Devon on Friday, so from next week I shall be signing as Devon and not Wales (hopefully).

    Joan (Wales)

  28. that looks so good. wish I could be at your open gardens day

  29. Absolutely fabulous, Ilona.

  30. I love your work Illona. If I ever get to England I will buy a piece from you. Just wonderful. Jane

  31. Wow it's stunning. I love it.

  32. Ilona - your art work always amazes. When you first start a project I'm wondering how something plain will turn out and then you make it into a work of art - well done - I love everything you do :)

  33. It is absolutely beautiful! You were so right to take out the stitches. The creative stitching makes the picture.

  34. I love it. It is so much nicer to have your own artwork on display on the walls of your home than shop bought pictures which have little or no meaning.
    You are one very clever lady, and inspiring too.

  35. Miss Ilona, it's just amazing. It's like a glimpse of paradise I saw once in magical dream. The colors, shapes, and textures, the stitches all harmonize in a magical way. Your picture should be treasured. Sheri

  36. Just beautiful! Lovely :) Chris

  37. Wowww!!! That is a breath-takingly beautiful piece of art you have created.


  38. Another great example of your talent Ilona. You are an inspiration to me in so many ways. Your frugal tips have helped me so much and your craft adventures have given me the nudge to try different things. Thanks for the wonderful blog, Jenny in Canberra

  39. I love this art piece!! The stitching is wonderful!!!!


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