Thursday, 22 June 2017

One happy kitty.

Hello. I know you like fuzzywuzzy happy ending kittykat stories, and as I am busy, Janet has kindly written this report on our latest re homing. 
This is the story of Marmalade/Millie.
Marmalade, who is about eighteen months old, came into rescue having been discovered straying in a very small village in Lincolnshire.  A family who had been feeding her (and named her Marmalade) unfortunately were unable to keep her as they were in rented accommodation where regulations stipulated pets were not allowed.  
She was not micro-chipped and despite efforts to trace her owners, including a message on the local radio, no-one came forward. The family were very sad at the need to re-home her as they had become very attached to her. 
We took Marmalade to the vets to ascertain whether or not she was spayed and as no scar could be found it was assumed that she had not been done.  A couple of days later when she was operated upon it was revealed that she had indeed already been spayed.  Marmalade soon recovered from the operation and was put up for adoption.  There was a lot of interest in her but for one reason or another, mainly close proximity to busy roads, we were not entirely happy that the right home had come along. 
Eventually she was homed to a wonderful family who had recently lost their elderly cat and who are at home most of the day.  She has a garden to enjoy in a peaceful safe location.  Marmalade (now Millie) is a very special girl with a wonderful temperament.  She is so placid and enjoys lots of affection and has instantly settled in her new home. Her new family adore her and she is being thoroughly spoilt. The picture shown is Millie in her new home.

Aaaah, what a pretty cat, a bit like my Mayze, though by the sound of it, completely different temperaments.

I'm getting there with the garden, have extended the slabbed/paved area, painting all done. I was hoping to get the grass cut this afternoon but it is raining. Maybe later, or tomorrow. Couldn't find the Shed of the Year plaque, I remember putting it away thinking I wouldn't need it again. Found it at last in the office under some paperwork.Now I'm making a wooden back for it so I can hang it, I don't want to drill into the front of it, so I'll screw it on from the back. I keep thinking everything is ready, then find something else that needs doing.

Thanks for the story, Janet.

Thankyou all for your lovely comments about my art.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Millie. Certainly is a pretty cat and I am glad she has found a loving home. You told the story well Janet.
    Sorry it's been raining Ilona, it has been mild here but strong winds. Hope you get your grass cut tomorrow. Glad you found the plaque.
    Hazel c uk

  2. I like the guest author. A lovely story about Millie. Natalie

  3. I am so happy that she found a home, thank you for sharing it with us
    Alana x

  4. My cat Shrimp is also a colourful calico, not placid at all, though at 16 years 4 months she has mellowed quite a bit.
    I am so glad you've found a suitable family for Millie the gorgeous cat!

  5. What a happy ending, may she have many happy years in her home. Polaria, what a fabulous name for your cat 'Shrimp', I really love that. Amanda

    1. Thank you Amanda, it was actually my mother who picked up the name when my cat was a few day old.

      She said "She looks like a little shrimp!" (she was the tiniest of the litter; since she was a calico we knew it was a female), I replied "Let's call her Shrimp then!"

  6. Such a heart warming story from your friend Janet x

  7. I am glad Millie found her forever home.

  8. Such a sweet story. And I wish I could have a cat, but sadly it is not possible.

  9. Lovely to hear a heart warming story during these troubled times. SueM

  10. Awww! What a beauty.

  11. That was a lovely story with a happy ending. We have a happy ending of our own on the feline front. My husband had fed a stray cat at his works for about 2 years. The cat was very attached to him and followed him everywhere. To cut a long story short, we agonised about bringing him home as we have two house cats and were worried that we would upset three lives. We worried that he would not like being in a house after being out on the streets and we worried about our 2 cats being upset and everyone not getting along. The decider can at Christmas when he turned up at my husband's work with a poorly foot and we bit the bullet and brought him home. Six months on it is just so lovely to have the three of them. He is the sweetest, gentlest boy ever and he is really happy in his new home.

    1. That's a lovely story, Louise, thanks for caring, and sharing.


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