Friday, 16 June 2017


Hello. A big FAIL on this erm bargain yellow sticker. Reduced from £2 to 50p, worth a try I thought. What on earth 'Barrel Aged' means I do not know. It tastes as if it has been in a barrel dragged up from the bottom of the sea from a sunken ship. 
You know that nasty taste you get in your mouth when you have been sick, it's like that. Mind you, I can only just remember, I haven't been sick for many years. In fact it was nine years ago when I was rushed to hospital with severe abdominal pains. So if you really like the taste of sick, get this, otherwise don't bother wasting your money. You know what my thoughts are about wasting food,  sorry, this had to be binned, even the smell made me feel sick.
Lunch finished, back outside for some more painting.
Catch you later.


  1. I don't throw food away either but a while ago I decided to try some reduced goats cheese, hard and a soft one-I really tried to eat it but I couldn't stand the smell or taste,I reluctantly put it in the bin,but at least it wasn't full price x

  2. "Barrel Aged Feta has a stronger, sharper flavor than feta, and a full aroma. It is made with 70% sheep and 30% goat milk. It matures in brine in an oak barrel for a minimum of three months" wouldn't me my choice.

    1. Thanks for that. Wish I knew before I bought it.

    2. The feta sounds interesting, unless it was truly spoiled. I d give it a try, I love highly scented and flavorful cheese. Maybe make your own salad, store bought salads can be iffy, even without icky [to you] feta.

  3. Sorry, had a right laugh at this. Especially with the explanation in the comments !

  4. I love cous cous and feta cheese but Sandyexpat's description has just put me off barrel aged feta cheese for life! Console yourself Ilona that it's only just a one off throw away amongst many enjoyed discount lunches x Rae x

    1. 50p wasn't much to lose. I gave some mushrooms and potatoes away, that was another 50p.

  5. Sandy's description makes it sound dire. You were very brave to attempt it, Ilona. Eilidh x

  6. Oh no! That doesn't happen very often but every now and then it goes straight in the bin. My daughter hates feta cheese and says it smells like vomit.

    1. Your daughter is right.

    2. I'm curious if it is the first time you had tried Feta or whether it was just this Tesco concoction that tasted particularly bad? I like feta particularly on Pizza - but never had barrelled aged feta - mental note to give it a miss.

  7. hope you got something else nice to take away the taste

    1. I brushed my teeth and had a drink of apple juice..

  8. I love goats cheese. Each to his own!

  9. Yuck! I'd tell the store. They probably won't give you your money back, but they don't like selling bad food either.

    1. It's not bad, tana, that's how it should taste. Spose some people like it.

  10. Well at least you didn't pay full price, the thing with yellow sticker shopping, we often buy things we haven't tried before, if you don't like it no point eating it, food should be enjoyed, and at that price it was no big loss that you didn't like it.

  11. You have my sympathies. I've cooked an item or two that were impossible to eat. I always keep a jar of peanut butter in the cupboard for those emergencies.

  12. Sorry about your experience Ilona good thing it was not a lot of money. I am very careful what I buy for I don't like the look of foreign food, so I stick with simple foods that I enjoy.
    Hazel c uk

  13. Feta made from cow milk is a lot milder. One of my friends cannot stomach feta made from sheep milk but is ok with the one made from cow milk. (I am not sure the cow milk version can be called feta though.)

  14. I got a jar of peanut butter from Tesco - it was like axle grease. Had to chuck it. Natalie

  15. Agree with the comments - if that ghastly, chuck it. I loathe feta cheese, to me it is rank and I would never buy it. Good for you about your earlier post 'yellow stickers'; again, reduced or not, I would not buy avocados, can't stand them. It's trial and error isn't it. Amanda

  16. I think i have tried Feta cheese n found it tasteless...thats why i didnt buy it again...Although,i can remember having Parmesan cheese,for the first time,about 30 years our Italian friends,who had asked us round for a meal.I thought that one of the kids had been sick!!..But love Parmesan cheese now!!.Cant see why Feta would taste like this unless it was off..n then you should get your money back,for any meal it has ruined aswell,Debi,Leic,x

  17. Its an acquired taste for sure. I can go through a slab in no time and still want more. I have some odd tastes though. Jane

  18. We bought barrel aged feta from Tesco for the first time last week. I made my own couscous salad and included the feta and it was delicious, hubby and both children liked it too. I'd recommend buying the cheese again on its own and you might be surprised but then again you might feel you'd wasted £2.00. We all have different tastes and are lucky to have such variety available. For me, I try to steer clear of the prepared salads and mix my own at home but for 50p i guess it was worth a shot.

  19. The smell itself would have made me through it away instead tasting it! Bleah! We had a nice lunch together on Fathers' day, which is today. I think I ate too much as my stomach was protesting a bit ago. Some yogurt, washed down with water, has helped. The skewered garlic shrimp were delicious though. All 12 of them...and .....Have a good week!


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