Thursday, 15 June 2017

Plenty of food in the house now

Hello. As you can see, I went shopping. YAY, I now have some food. Some lovely yellow stickers, and quite a lot of other stuff as well. I easily reached the £40 to use the £6 off voucher, in fact I went more than  £10 over, the bill was £52. I started off writing it down as I went along, but once the yellow stickers came out I had to act quickly and get my share, so I gave up at that point and just guessed.  
Mushrooms, potatoes, and cauliflowers.  
Bread, pancakes, and scones.

Fruit. Grapes, strawberries, bananas, kiwi fruit, mixed fruit salad, and avocado's.

Potato salad, cucumber, couscous salad, rocket.

These juices were on offer, two for £1.30. Their Value label is 65p each so I thought I might as well have these instead. Not sure why there are two different sizes for the same price. 
And just for a change, I thought I would have Guinness instead of cider.

I've stocked up on soya milk, cat food, frozen Quorn, veggie burgers and sausages, a few tins, and other bits and bobs. There's enough to last a while and my fridge is full for now.

More painting on the Summer House tomorrow. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Have been so looking forward to your shopping, Ilona! What a score you made. Some delicious, healthy meals ahead! BTW, being nosey, but have you any holidays planned? I love your trips.

  2. That's a wonderful haul, Ilona. You've got a lot of healthy stuff there. Enjoy!

  3. You are a wonder! I so wish we had yellow stickers here.

  4. Holy Moley- I can't believe how well you did, it almost looks like a record haul. Well done! JanF

  5. What a great shop I think it must pay to go shopping late in the day. I to had a voucher for £6 if you spent £40 but there was no yellow stickers in my trolley only for the fact I had to shop early afternoon because my daughter took me, but I did get my £6 back which meant I brought a few luxuries like strawberries and some apricots for they were on offer at 49p a punnet. The strawberries were same price and weight has Marks but the taste and quality was not has good as Marks. Looking forward to seeing what you do to your summerhouse this weekend.
    Enjoy the sunshine.
    Hazel c uk

  6. A fabulous haul. We never get offers like that here. Your juices will be different sizes for the same price as it looks like the larger two are juice drinks not juice. X

  7. I am thrilled you had such a successful shop.I love seeing your great savings.I even found myself saying ''at last''and sighing!Enjoy your tipple-you deserve it Cheers Ilona x

  8. Ahh what a fantastic yellow sticker reading your tales...x

  9. Hi again, Ilona,

    I thought you and your readers might find this article about how Tesco are trying to keep food prices down: Tesco says price rises are last resort as UK growth hits seven-year high

  10. I love the way you find those yellow stickers. Brilliant shop.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.