Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Getting excited

Hello. If I get a good feeling about a new project from the start, it usually turns out well. As we have had a lot of rain in the past couple of days, and it's raining now, I am getting on with this. I have to go with the flow while the brain is engaged. Early mornings are best for me, yesterday up at 4 am, today at 4.45 am. 
As I said yesterday I found the design in Stitch magazine, and got the needle felting kit out which had been languishing in the spare room for months. Time to get a grip. 
I have used a piece of net curtain for the backing, the wool sticks to it nicely. When all the felt is in place I shall be putting a thicker backing onto it before I begin stitching into it. 
The colours aren't exactly right on the photo, but you get the idea. I don't follow the instructions in the magazine article, I put my interpretation on the design and do it my way. I end up with something similar but not the same. This is more an exercise on technique, getting to know how to manipulate the wool by altering the angle at which the single needle enters the work. If you want a sharp edge to the shape push the edges towards the centre. If you want a more  softer edge so that it merges gently with the background, push the edges away from the centre towards the outside. All good fun.

Some of my newer readers might ask what's this got to do with money saving. Well, while my brain is engaged with something interesting to do, I don't feel the need to go shopping. People shop out of boredom, the buzz they get from treating themselves helps relieve boredom, for a while. I suggest anyone in this position who sees shopping as a feel good factor might find a hobby which keeps their brain occupied. Shopping is not my hobby.

Nearly 9 am and I have got to go out in the rain and walk Bailey the poodle for Joyce, she is busy this morning. Later I shall be visiting the mobile library to change my books and have a natter with Stan. The rest of the time I shall be working on this, it's a no spend day today.

Gawd, it's a raincoat and brolly day, I shall have to go. Enjoy your day, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. What an exciting project! Was thinking about you yesterday evening, Ilona, when I saw an advertisement for a new TV programme called "Living Well." It starts on C4 next week, I think. Anyway, my first thought was to hope that they had consulted you! I think you could teach a Master's degree in living well!

  2. This project is looking good.
    I agree it's a stay in Day it's pouring here at Heathrow.
    Enjoy your day.
    Hazel c uk

  3. I have a friend who goes into our nearest city sometimes to just browse the shops....I have asked her many times why she does it...she says she enjoys it. No one said as they are leaving this mortal coil I wish I'd gone shopping more! As I get older I realise I don't want to waste my precious time going shopping....life is for living these days. Rae x

  4. Another great project!,I know what you mean by keeping yourself busy!,Since ive been reading your blog,i can now go sometimes from Sunday till Saturday without spending anything.I dont waste a thing now!Alot of my clutter has gone,i recycle,reuse and now have alot more brain space!This morning i have sorted all my plates,teaplates,bowls and knives and forks.To be honest,i havent got that many because i havent bought any for years!Its raining very hard and windy outside so it looks like i will get cracking on clearing a few more bits out of my spare room.I want it back into a bedroom again!Hope you are all having a good day!,Debi,Leic,x

  5. Your project is looking very nice. It is raining here in Scotland too.

  6. still pelting down here too Ilona. I have to go out but to another town for work so will go in the car and not cycle. love your needle felting. I have the stuff but haven't really tried it.

  7. I love your new project, especially the beautiful colours...very uplifting on a miserable day!

  8. Hi Ilona I love your daily blog just wanted to tell you about 'upcycle' on pintrest think you would enjoy it. Love Lins x x

  9. It's been raining cats and dogs here also.Got wet earlier but the dogs enjoyed themselves with the dog walkers 5 .I love your new felting project Ilona.It looks like an underwater glimpse-very aquatic.I now also find ways to enjoy my life that are virtually free.All too often I have picked something up in a shop,gone to the till,paid for it,thrill gone.Now I can see that free is more fun.Thank you for sharing a small part of your life with us,it helps to keep me focused x

  10. I'm not a good artist and rarely do any crafting (just not my thing as I don't have the skills) but I do enjoy seeing your projects. I do enjoy art galleries and museums but when it's foul weather as today I can easily catch up on reading (borrowing from the local library - I'm really concerned our small one will shut if not used) and using the internet to find out about things. These are my entertainments when it's a day indoors, gaining a bit of knowledge and not getting bored. Amanda

  11. I'm like that too Amanda-always curious to find out about various things,there is such a lot out there to know in this life,I never used to be like that-but my mum and dad each said I should have been a detective-nosey more like x

  12. Thats a lovely piece of art Ilona-well done!

  13. Ilona, you've made some wonderful artwork, but this is fabulous! You are such an inspiration on so many levels - thanks

  14. It's a beautiful design. YOU are such a creative fiber arts artist! Pat xx

  15. Well,today the sun is shining in Leic.Ive already made my hubby a higher table at the side of his chair,because the other one was too low and because of his arthritis in his hands,he kept dropping his cup of tea.So a vintage trolly has sorted that problem out without having to spend,cause i had already got it!...Now...I am making a bird feeder out of a small old guitar that i have had,collecting dust,on my kitchen wall for the last 20 years,lol.Its just where to hang when its finished because ive got 5 cats so it needs to be very high up else it will be a ready meal for them!,Hope everyone is well,Debi,Leic,x

  16. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun Debi, not spending x

    1. Oh i am Flis!!,I love all this.Years n years ago,when we had more money,i used to spend n not really give it another thought...But times change and to be honest,things mean much more to me now....Mmmm,Im just looking at my Hubby and wondering if i can upcycle him into Tom Hardy!!,lol,..Debi,Leic,x

  17. I love your new project, especially the beautiful colours...
    very uplifting on a miserable day!



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