Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Needle felting update

Hello. The weather is a bit better today, still windy but at least it's dry. I need to mow my lawns in the next day or two so I hope that's the end of the rain for a while. Here's me trying to get on with a bit of stitching, but Heidi is having none of it. No, you will fuss me because I demand it, she says. 

Here is a little update on the felting, seven minutes long. My videos are in the raw state, I don't know how to edit them. I make cock ups, and I stumble over my words, one day I might get it right, ha ha.

I've just had a BIG sandwich lunch and now I need a coffee, so I'll leave you to it. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Please don't change a thing about your videos. I love the messages and the authenticity. Your videos give me a big smile and a lot of good ideas. Miss Ilona you are the real deal, the genuine article, and an inspiration to me. Thanks for everything! You'll never know all you've done for me. Keep up the spectacular work! Sheri

  2. Your pussycat has a lovely nose. Natalie

  3. I've heard of felting ,but I didn't know how it was done.At school we just used squares of felt as it came for making a pencil case, I think.I remember being excited that we could choose our own colours.Ilona your videos are great.My words come out so odd sometimes now -when I spoke to a lady I had never met before,I think she thought I was tipsy.I said"we have jam or moamalode-limon or lame''she nervously giggled and walked away.I was helping at the church stall.Heidi looks as though she's saying''look at what my clever mums done now!"x

  4. Heidi is just gorgeous. Karen

  5. I agree with you Sheri, lonas blog has really changed my life!,I thought i was very Frugal before,..but,now even more so..and enjoying it all so much.i look at everything in a different way now.And saving even more money even though i have got rid of so much stuff.Debi,Leic,x

  6. Enjoyed the video, looking forward to the end result.

  7. I like your videos just as they are: authentic and from the heart. Heidi is so cute. She and my Jacob could be sibs. Cheers!

  8. Lovely video -can hardly wait to see the finished piece!


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