Wednesday, 14 June 2017

No time to go shopping

Hello. Sorry, but it's another Summerhouse post, bet you are getting fed up with them now. I have to press on with this, I want it ready for my visitors. All the nails removed from the long pieces of wood, and painted white. I only did one side and the edges, the other side won't be seen. Two tables and a step ladder make the job easy. I found half a tub of white emulsion in the garage, it had been there ages, I remember Helen gave it to me after one of her house renovations. It was a bit thin so I had to give them several coats. 
There we are, the roof supports are up and the plastic roof is screwed into position. All looking solidly fixed, that won't fall down.

There is an overlap with the main roof, I didn't join them together. The porch roof is slightly lower so sits underneath the main one.

Just one gap needs filling with a piece of wood, then it can all be painted.

The man from up the road doing the house renovation said there would be more paving slabs if I went back today. He was right, I now have a total of 26. I will be able to lay them out at the front of the Summerhouse. I was dead lucky to get these. They all need a good scrub, free ants were included  :o)

I did my three miles tonight, and now I feel tired. Still haven't had time to go shopping so another day with cobbled together meals. I might get to Tesco tomorrow night.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. My dear, there is no need to apologize to us about what you are doing. We...well, anyway I, love seeing what you are up to.

  2. The stepping stones were a great find. And enough to have a really good sized patio in front of the summerhouse. Can't wait to see it all in place. Oh! Don't you just love when they throw in the free ants? We once got a sample of flooring from a lumber yard that just happen to have a ant nest attached to the back of the boards they had so kindly put in a box for us. When the little devils started attacking us in the car and after my scream fest we like to have never gotten rid of them. eek!

  3. Your summer house looks wonderful, so bright and fun, and one of a kind, not like all the boring ones you see in every garden.

    1. Ha ha, I know what you mean. Some of them are dead boring.

  4. Your summerhouse is brilliant and so colorful. Talk about waste not "want not" you certainly know how to do that. We can all learn a lesson or two from you. Thank you for some great ideas.
    Enjoy the day,
    Hazel c uk

  5. Love posts about your summerhouse. The porch has really come together now. Looking forward to seeing it when it's had it's final touches.

  6. love how the summerhouse is looking. well done

  7. I hope you are going to send an update to William and The Shed of the Year Team!

    1. Shed of the Year 2017 has just finished recording. The winners will know who they are but must not tell. I expect the programmes to go out in August like last year. I follow William, and Max, on Twitter so yes, I will let them know when mine is finished.

  8. I was looking at the prices of a decent shed/summerhouse a few weeks ago and they cost several thousands.Yours is much more fun x

  9. Ooooo, free pavers!! That is a fantastic find. I'm happy for you, and wishing I could be so lucky. Can't wait to see the finished project. Sheri

  10. I never get sick of summer house posts. Can't wait to see the finished veranda. It's such a cheerful space.


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