Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Skip diving for free materials

Hello. I thought I would do my walk a bit earlier this morning, but I only got half way round and was distracted by a skip. I've been keeping an eye out for a few more bricks, and some long lengths of wood. It seems it is the season for house renovations, we have several going on at the moment. 
I had a nosy in a skip and told the man what I was looking for. He didn't have any long pieces of wood, but I could have the pallets if I wanted them. I have just used two of mine so I picked two of the best ones out, they will go in the garage for future use. I went home to get my car. When I got back the man said he has some paving slabs if I want them, they were going in the skip. Yes please, just the job, better than bricks. He got five out and said there are ten more and he would put them by the gate and I can collect them. I'll go back tomorrow for them. Whoopee, my lucky day.
Then I had a nosy in another skip and saw some long lengths of wood. I asked the man if he had a tape measure because I wanted some 9 feet long. Lucky me again, two at 9 feet and one at 10 feet. These were easy to carry home, it wasn't far. They were full of nails, took me a few minutes to get them all out.

Beginning to look like a builders yard now, ha ha.

The second door is on, and I have built up the height by adding more wood to the tops. Two of the long lengths will go across between them to support the polycarbonate roof panel. I should get that job done tomorrow.

 A friend was chopping back some of the bushes in his front garden and putting the bits in the wheelie bin. The flowers were very pretty, it was a shame to throw them away. He said they were weeds, but I rescued some of them. I love these colours.

I still haven't been shopping, it's amazing what you can find in the freezer and cupboards when you think you have no food left. For lunch I had beans on toast with grated cheese. Dinner was the last two Quorn sausages, last bit of cauliflower, three potatoes and a handful of frozen peas. I might get to Tesco tomorrow night, if I have time.

It's late and I am ready for bed, so I'll say goodnight. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Hi, Ilona. I'm not religious but I do think that the cosmos helps them who help themselves. Your finds are proof of that. Also, "lucky" people are those who know how to recognize when opportunity is knocking -- and you are one of those people. My friends often call me lucky and I always tell them that good luck is being able to find a way to put something to a new use. We're not skinflints at all, right? Just creative. By the way, yesterday I read "Creativity is intelligence at play." Warm wishes as always, Elaine near Philly.

  2. What a lovely bouquet! You know the definition of a weed--it is only a plant that is growing where you don't want it to grow. :)

  3. You are so handy! You put me to shame! (But I'm getting better.)

  4. A beautiful bouquet, an intriguing and lovely shed and so much potential and possibility in your life. I'm loving it!
    J x

  5. Well done on spitting the skip treasures. The flowers are so pretty also the vase.
    Enjoy your day.
    Hazel c uk

  6. You did well with your skip haul. The pink and red flowers are Valerian - not a "weed" in my book! I guess some people never recognize beauty when they see it, but at least you benefitted.

  7. Ilona I love the fact that you reuse things. Hubby hates it when I say can we turn this into that etc. But it saves money and waste. Looking forward to seeing the shed update.

  8. Brilliant blog with lots of inspiration and I love all your tips but I do find it difficult not to over eat and make things last. Sharon

  9. Wow,that is looking wonderful Ilona.It's so unique too.I also believe in the universe giving us gifts if you are open to it.I love the Valerian in my garden and just deadhead it when in goes over and it lasts all summer long.It reminds me of the seaside x

  10. I hate to see things going in the dump, we find if we are on the lookout for things we eventually find them on freecycle.
    Pretty flowers and a very pretty vase.

  11. Not only to I love your recycling, I love the fact that you asked.

  12. That's a great haul! Good for you. :)

  13. Beautiful flowers. Love your resourcefulness.

  14. im trying drop spinning at the minute so went walking up the mountain where i live and gathered sheep fleece.all soaking to get clean now but all free.i love free stuff too!

  15. Brilliant about the 'extension' Ilona, well done. I did a good deal today, a friend who does small jobs around the house and heavy work in the garden that I can't do, have settled on him taking my old-but-still-working chest freezer for 'payment'; it will do him a good turn and I certainly don't need to be running 2 freezers (my 4-drawer freezer is plenty). Everyone is happy. Amanda

  16. You're right ...it is amazing hat you can put together from a few freezer and cupboard bits and pieces. I decided in May to eat our main meal almost solely from what we already had in instead of buying more. Mid June and we're still at it. Eloise at thisissixty.blog


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