Friday, 23 June 2017

Unconventional money saving

Hello. While most girly girls have a collection of makeup to pretty themselves up, I have a collection of useful bits and bobs which may come in handy when I am playing with wood and building things. I have the normal hammers and nails, screwdrivers and screws, drill, spirit level, stanley knife, sand paper, tape measure, and suchlike, and bits of hardware recovered from things I have taken apart. You never know when you might need these things. 
I have a cardboard carry box to contain things I might need in the garden, found last week at a small garden centre I sometimes pop into, it was free. Their prices are a whole lot cheaper than the huge garden centres which sell everything you don't need. It's sturdy and just the right size. For the screws and other bits I have cut down juice drinks cartons which fit nicely, leaving room at the side for drill and screwdrivers. No need to buy a tool box, there are plenty of free ones out there. 
Yesterday I was looking for a piece of wood suitable for mounting the plaque onto. I didn't have one exactly the right shape and size and I didn't fancy spending time with a saw and making one. Then I thought of an idea. Why does it have to be a couple of inches larger than the plaque, and oblong, it could be any shape. My friend Bob made some large flowers to advertise the Summer Fair, and he gave me the ply offcuts.

The result, I used the same paint that I used to decorate the sponsors name. Haven't painted any flowers on it, I don't think it needs it. I like it, it's quirky, different, and fun. It has a wire across the back to hang it up.

A few more jobs to do today, nearly there. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Illona, I love it; it's so colourful and quirky! You've got such a great imagination and creativity. Great start to the day, thanks.

  2. LOVE the sign - very whimsical and eyecatching!

  3. we both like the way you have mounted the plaque Ilona. I hope it will have pride of place this weekend.

  4. Very colorful! I hope you have a nice time this weekend.

  5. Clever! Best wishes the weekend is a big success.

  6. I love the tool box, good idea, why on earth buy one? As you said, the bigger garden centres are just awash with over-priced rubbish; my nearest one sells books, kitchenware, stationery, crockery, clothing, the list goes on... all 'Harrods' prices. I do go in occasionally and wander round 'tutting to myself' thinking why do people fall for this time and time again. Amanda

  7. Great idea with the juice carton boxes :)
    Eilidh x

  8. You always think outside of the box Ilona,I admire you for that-and well done for getting so much done this week x

  9. Ilona, your comment about girly girls is currently making me crack up laughing. This happened to me today. Boyfriend and I going out for special night so I thought I would break the habit of a lifetime and make an effort. All dolled up, including false nails. This has literally just happened: was making a vigorous point with my wine glass in hand and one of the nails flew off and landed in boyfriend's beer. He is at loo now. Teach me to try to be girly.

    1. False nails indeed, I have never tried them. Seems a bit of a faff.

  10. Hope you get 100s of visitors and have a wonderful day. I shall look forward to pictures next week

  11. Hi liona, absolutlely love your blog!!!!!! On a blog of yours I was reading ( can't remember which one) anyway, you said you don't like using glue,did I read it right ? Why is this? Just interested, in case there's something I've not thought about? Thanks for your great make and mending ideas. Linda don't want to put anonymous but don't fit in anywhere else. X

    1. Hi Linda. I'm not keen on using glue because there are so many different kinds for different jobs. I have some PVA glue but don't use it very often. Glue is messy. If you stick fabric it seeps through to the other side, sticking paper together makes it go wrinkly. I either put too much on, or not enough.

      When you get the drop down box asking you to comment as, there is one that says name/url. Ignore the url bit, just put your name in the box. Or you can add it into the text like you have done. Glad you like the blog.

  12. Love the way you have done the plaque, hope it gets pride of place.

    Hope tomorrow goes well and you raise lots of money.

    I do hope the weather stays good for so many gardens are open this weekend.

    Hazel c uk

  13. Ilona - you are so creative AND resourceful! The plaque looks terrific - as others have said - hope it's a terrific weekend and I bet you get lots of visitors. Have fun.

  14. You always think outside the box. This is something I try, too, but I am just too conventional.

  15. Love the plaque looks really great xx

  16. great idea and I like it! Matches! I bring home items that come from hardware store where I work that are defective, of some sort. Free. Sometimes they still work. Free is good and I'm watching my money as well. Happy weekend!

  17. I like it better than a rectangular one.


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