Friday 11 August 2017

Reading with my cat

Hello. Someone is looking over my shoulder, wonder who it is, ha ha. The sun shines through the back window in the mornings, I usually read for half an hour while drinking my coffee. Can you work out the title of the book, or what it's about. Ooops, nearly gave you a clue then, if no one gets it, I will give you the clue. 
 I have a video uploading to yooootoooob, it will take a while.
Back later. Toodle pip


  1. I read with my cat too, am doing so right now. Mr Joseph Shane.

  2. Perhaps, A Cat In The Window, by Derek Tangey, or Alfie ? Jean.

  3. Ilona, I think you're reading 'A Norwegian Tragedy' by Aage Borchgrevink.

  4. Actually, now I enlarge the text and have a read, I realise my first ideas were wrong. I was going by the picture, and also what you said. I have an idea, but will wait for another clue. Jean.

  5. Is it the Celestine Prophecy Ilona? How various encounters have profound meanings in our lives x

  6. I think jeanneke is has got the right answer.Allison

  7. Is the book about gay persecution in chechyna?


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