Sunday, 11 March 2018

A stomping good party

Hello. I had a lovely time at the party yesterday. The house was full to bursting with friends and family, the very posh shed in the garden was also open for people to sit and chat. It was an open house so people came and went to suit themselves. I met new people, which was very nice. 
The buffet tables were laden with all kinds of scrummy food, something for everyone. Hot food was brought out later. The home made cakes and fresh fruit kebabs looked very colourful.
All under cover waiting for the hungry guests to help themselves. Apologies for the poor quality of the photo, due to the light from the window.

Two birthday cakes, lucky Kerry.

After the speeches, they were cut, and demolished. Not much left Kerry.

It's Sunday, and dry outside. I have to get my house ship shape, I think I have a visitor coming tomorrow for a few days. Still got one toilet seat to fit, got to find some screws of the right size. You would think they could include screws in the fixing kit. The place looks a tip, spare room a dumping ground, need to get it sorted.

Thanks for popping in, enjoy your Sunday, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

PS. I'm going to have to put restrictions on the comments box again. Spam and all kinds of crap are coming in by the bucket load, and they are not being filtered by Blogger. It means I have to be very vigilant and carefully check every one, a hassle I can do without. So, sorry, no anonymous for the next few days. I will review it later.


  1. I don't allow anonymous post on my blog, it's rude to comment and not add your name.

  2. Hi Ilona,
    Can't think why these stupid comments arise. Why start an anonymous argument? Can only think that these saddo's have nothing going on in their lives and are envious of someone who does.
    Best wishes

    1. Thanks for your comment. Most of them are not arguments, Colin. Some are spam, promoting a web site. They are not usually brazen enough to include a direct link, they hint at it, include words that might lead to the web site if anyone cares to goooglie them. It's very sly and underhand.

      A lot of them comment on posts which are several years old, hoping that the administrator (me) won't notice them and click publish. They don't know I keep on top of the job and check every one.

      A lot of the comments read like they are a passage from a book, having no connection at all to the subject they are replying to. I don't know why they do that.

      Other comments are nicey nice, gushing about what a great site they have found. That crap doesn't cut with me, because exactly the same comments appear over and over again. Some of them ask for my advice about their own blog, or how to start one, or tell me what I should be doing to improve this blog. You never heard such a load of twaddle.

      Most of the crap is automatically generated, and should be filtered by Blogger, but it's not happening at the moment.

    2. I get the same crap as well Ilona, very annoying, I have even had people use the contact me box and send me nasty email, why I do not understand I am not a horrible person, I don't understand what they are trying to achieve, I have learn't just to let it go over my shoulder now. I won't let the buggers get me down.

    3. SL, I rarely get any nasty comments, thank goodness, it's the fail of the filtering system that is annoying me. I have to check every Anonymous comment to pick out the crap from the genuine reader. It does help when readers add their name to their text, but many don't. If they do that it's usually a hand typed comment, easier to spot when the electronically generated spam does not include a name.

  3. Read that your guest was coming on his blog. Maybe wait and get him to do the odd jobs. lol
    Salivating looking at all that lovely food.

    1. Do you know, that's exactly what I thought. I've put the new seat on the downstairs loo, looks nice, but I can't figure out how to install the fixing kit on the bathroom toilet seat. Something doesn't quite fit, somehow. That's the first job he can tackle, ha ha.

  4. The food looks wonderful! I would have gone straight for the fruit and cakes.
    Sounds like you had a nice time too. Hope your guest makes it this time and you share some pictures of your adventures.

  5. Certainly well fed at the party. I always dread visitors but it does make you tidy up and usually I enjoy it after all.

  6. Blogger has recently been putting spam comments in my comments page too. Pain in the proverbial.

    1. Definitely a pain, Jill. It's been working alright for ages, spam goes directly in the spam box, a quick skim over to check that they are all spam, and delete. Just lately genuine comments have been found in the spam box, then I have to fish them out and publish. Now there seems to be no filters on at all, and everything is lumped into 'waiting for moderation', which requires more checking.

  7. What a beautiful spread - glad you had a nice night out.

  8. Hello. Everything looks delicious.
    Can you ban spams, trolls and others ?

    1. Hello. I can ban them by disabling the 'Anonymous', option on the comments facility, which I have done. But then I also ban legitimate readers who are not signed up to any social media options like Google. It's not possible to ban individuals, without going through a complicated system which needs knowledge of how the nuts and bolts of it works. I haven't got time for that.

  9. The fruit kebabs looked delicious, I've never heard of them before. Always a good thing to meet new people and talk about ideas which is why I love this blog Ilona.

  10. Glad you had a good time at your friends bday party! Yummy food! Hope you got toilet seat figured out. Usually screws would be in there. We have some at our hardware store!:-> Enjoy your company!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.