Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Looking forward to a new adventure.

Plans are afoot for another walk. After much consideration......... I thought about going to Norwich on the train and walking back towards home and possibly finishing at Lincoln where I can get a bus home. But, it would mean buying more maps, and carrying them with me, too bulky and heavy. So, I am going back to the beginning, the first walk I did was from Blackpool to the Humber Bridge, 137 miles in seven days. I already have some of the maps.

I will choose a different route, coming across the country a bit lower down, Preston, Blackburn, Bingley, Leeds, Selby, Howden. I will start at Cleveleys at my friends house, so a bit further north than Blackpool. Should be a similar distance and time as the previous one.

So, planning to do, what to take with me, travel light with the bare essentials, scale everything down to fit in a backpack, and buy a train ticket. The weather here is good, I am hoping for a rain free week.

Other news, the new wall hanging is progressing nicely, not far off finishing, it's looking good. The room looks a lot more tidy now the cross trainer has gone and I have more room to spread out with the arts and crafts.

Sadly, it's looking like the demise of Garcia is looming. I have been invited to see him later today. One last chance to say goodbye.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon. I'm leaving the comments settings as they are at the moment, because it's bliss not getting any junk coming through.
Toodle pip


  1. I am sorry to hear about Garcia. I often think animals are the best friends we can possibly have but they leave us too soon. Exciting trip coming up for you! Enjoy.

  2. I look forward to reading about your trip Ilona. I've recently been reading your blog from the start...I'm up to January 2012 at the the first trip is still fresh in my memory. I recall you had a lot of weight to carry on that trip. I loved your trip along the Trent too, you had packed lighter on that journey.
    Jacquie x

    1. I have learnt a lot from that first trip, only take the bare necessities.

  3. My thoughts are with you and Garcia. It’s not easy saying goodbye to our animal friends.

  4. No pictures at all? Taking my usually minimalist blogging style one step further?!!! Sorry to hear about Garcia. Bless him. I hope it is a peaceful end. xx

  5. Apparently some libraries and Ramblers have maps on loan? We have brought on line access to OS so just print what we need and tape together - its about the price of 1 map for whole year and whole of UK! I also see second hand OS maps in charity shops - even if old they are cheaper!

    1. Hi. Our library has maps to borrow, but I like to write on mine with a felt tip pen to record the details of the walk. Their maps are laminated and difficult to fold, and heavier. Online access to OS maps would be good for me, but I don't have a printer, and I don't buy online. Thanks for your suggestions.

  6. So sorry about Garcia its awful when we lose a beloved pet albeit when it belongs to us or a neighbour xx

  7. Looking forward to your walking holiday Ilona, you always post interesting photos and info . Enjoy!!


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