Saturday, 17 March 2018

Keeping warm

Hello. I was out delivering Parish Council newsletters this morning, oh boy was it cold. The snow was swirling all around, I was battling against the wind, my fingers were numb with cold, and I was flippin freezing. I stuck it for as long as I could, then gave up and came home. I'll go back and finish it tomorrow, or the day after if the weather is no better. 
I've got the heating on, the cats are snuggled up to the radiators, and I was still a bit cold even with a six sizes too big fleecy dressing gown on over my clothes. I needed something to cover up my head and neck, I know, I have a very large headscarf in the wardrobe. 
If a headscarf is good enough for the Queen, it's good enough for me. 

What do you think, stylish eh!. I may even be brave enough to wear the scarf when I go out tomorrow. I don't think it matters what you look like as long as you keep warm. I think these girls who wear skimpy dresses and go out in the cold should at least wear a head scarf. They must be barmy tottering around on six inch heels, with chesticles over flowing and their arse hanging out. Get covered up girls, get yourself a granny scarf. 
Thanks for popping in, keep warm, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Looks lovely your Majesty ;) x

  2. Very sensible headwear on a cold day like me this. I’m glad you have the heating on. Me too.

  3. Suits you Ilona. Nowt wrong with headscarves!

  4. Nothing worse than your chesticles and arse hanging out .......defo go for a cover up!!! Yes it is cold.

  5. Must be very cold for you to turn on your central heating. I am a few years older than you but remember so many ladies wearing a headscarf. Other than the Queen I guess they are now out of style! You definitely need something on your head delivering the Parish Council newsletter. Do you have a wool hat?

    1. Yes, I have two woolly hats. I prefer a jacket with a furry hood.

  6. Form after function. If it works...

  7. I think we should bring back the headscarf. I just bought a gorgeous silk headscarf from a charity shop. My husband calls it my princess Margaret scarf. When I asked why not my queenie headscarf he mentioned that princess Margaret was rather fond of her gin - and Im a bit partial too! Love your blog. Jacqui.

  8. It is cold and windy here in New Hampshire, USA too. We have had three major winter storms in two weeks, and more in the forecast--spring can't come too soon for me! We heat with wood, so no need for royal fashion in the house, but outside it's wool and down all the way.

  9. I wish headscarves would come back in style. I wear one anyhow when needed, but feel like I look frumpy.

  10. If I need my head covered in the house, I use a long knit type scarf on my head and one on my neck. I can barely see or move my But, I my head covered keeps me warmer. I don't have a scarf like yours, and I don't know why. I can go out with my legs bare, but my chesticles need to be covered!

  11. I knew you reminded me of someone!! This weather is totally weird. In Essex we had bright, warm sunshine on Friday, then a couple of inches of snow on Saturday. I have had enough of winter.

  12. I have a large headscarf that I wear when it's cold and windy outside. I put the headscarf on before putting my coat on to stop the chill from hitting my neck. I'm like you, fashion be damned, I'm going to stay warm.

  13. You look great!!!! You crack me up !! I love the young chicky description!!! Stay warm. I think your scarf is perfectly fashionable to wear out about town.

  14. Your scarf looks nice on you! I wear a knitted hat when I'm out and about. Even in chilly weather people don't wear hats or scarves much. I like to be warm as well as you do. Yes, the Queen looks nice in her scarf. Yep, keeping oneself covered in the chest area is good, always makes me a bit chuffed, as you'd say, as well! Especially wedding gowns. Really? It's been chilly here as well. And last weekend it was in the high 60 degree (Fahrenheit). Yesterday we had a thunderstorm and the temp dropped!!! Happy week!

  15. Your room looks cosy Ilona, love the wall hanging abouve the fire. Keep warm xx

  16. "chesticles" Too funny!!! Love the scarf!

  17. Ha, ha, loved your advice for the young girls. At first seeing the photo of the Queen, I thought perhaps she had stopped by for a chat and you had snapped a photo. Maybe she wanted to pick up a few thrifty tips from Ilona.


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