Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

Hi de Hi from not so sunny Blackpool. I'm having a lovely time with Carol, we have eaten, and we have laughed. It's so comfortable here, I think she will have to kick me out in the morning. Tomorrow the adventure begins. Tomorrow I must walk, and walk, and walk.
I am aiming for 20 miles a day, we'll see how the old body stands up to that. I'll give it my best shot. Janet is looking after the house and kitties, so all I have to do is put one foot in front of the other, and keep going.

Watching tele now, Carol has a massive screen, it's like being at the cinema.

Thanks for your support, thanks for popping in, next stop Preston, I'll see you there, hopefully.
Toodle pip


  1. Have a great time Ilona, is 20 miles per day a new goal or is this a normal target for you? Looking forward to your reports and pictures.

    1. Hi. It's something to aim for, an average number, could be more, could be less. The total is a similar distance to previous walks, but my body is a few years older now. There won't be many peaks on this one, flatter means faster walking, so it shouldn't be too taxing on the leg muscles.

    2. Sounds good, have a great time.

  2. Enjoy your adventure, I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures.

  3. Hi Ilona, have a great time with your walking and blow all the nasty cobwebs away, love to you, Mo xx

  4. Have a wonderful time and be safe!

  5. Have a wonderful time. :-)
    J x

  6. Safe journey back home


  7. Have a good walk - hope the weather isn't too nasty for you.Look forward to photos

  8. Enjoy your walking. 20 miles seems a big ask day after day, but I'm sure you're game for it. Looking forward to your reports no end.

  9. Hope you are walking up to St Annes, Ilona. There is a fab fish and chip shop, blue fronted as I remember, on the same side before you get to Costa Coffee. Used to love going there and eating on the sea front when we lived in Greater Manchester prior to moving to Wales. Have a lovely time. I find as long as you take Blackpool for what it is you always have a fab time.

    1. Hi. Sorry, that is not on my route,but I may fancy some chips somewhere along the way.

  10. Enjoy...and as I say to cycling mates, "stay rubber side down"

  11. I hope you have a fun adventure! I bet you had to choose your shoes very carefully knowing you'll have to walk so far in them.

    1. Hi. Not shoes, boots are required on a walk like this, strong, sturdy, well fitting boots with two pairs of socks. Mine are Berghaus and cost £100. Wide fitting to accommodate my bunions.


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