Wednesday, 21 March 2018


Ok, so now I am going into meltdown, me who is normally level headed, who normally weighs up the pros and cons of all situations, who takes life as it comes and tries to do the best for myself and all around me, have just had to defend myself on someone else's blog. Unkind, ill mannered, insensitive, I am not. I am sick to death of those who make assumptions without knowing the full facts. I often wonder why I am doing this, at times I want to throw the sodding computer out of the window.

Ok, breath, it isn't all bad. Now I have other things to do. xxx 


  1. You're fabulous and even more fabulous. That's my ten bob's worth!

  2. Sorry to hear you've been upset by comments on someone's blog, Ilona - seems to be a lot of it about recently. I just think there's no point in taking any notice of comments made by people who don't know us, however annoying and even untrue it may be. People who do actually know you will know the truth.

  3. Would it be possible to just turn your back on that blog and totally ignore it so you don't know?
    Much love
    J xxx

  4. Just remember it's your blog, your life. I find people who judge others never have a perfect life. I like many, many others love your positive view on life, and love reading your post.

  5. Sending you a hug Ilona
    Jacquie x

  6. I'm glad that you have voiced your frustrations.
    It is always difficult to share as much as you do without someone having a go at you through another blog.
    I wish people would consider whether they would make the same comments in public if they met someone they critise in print.
    Words that might be shrugged off or softened by others' comments are so much harsher when down in black and white.
    I have never read anything you have posted that has caused me to think you are anything other than independent, courageous, neighbourly and in general cheerful.
    I enjoy your posts and though, as with any blog, there may be different points of view expressed from my own, that's how we learn and continue to be part of society.
    Take notice of those around you, not those who attack from a distance.
    I'm very impressed by your travelling kit!

  7. I don’t think you need to defend anything you do Ilona. You try to be kind, and tread lightly on our earth. The problem is theirs not yours, so in management speak from my previous life” pass the monkey back”.

  8. I think you do this as you have words of wisdom and interests to share , you extend friendship, humour and your caring nature for animals, it helps to keep your mind and computer skills active and most of all we love to dead and listen. Sticks and stones, people can be cruel but they are the minority, please continue to be who you are and do what you do for as long as you enjoy it and (If I could write the sound of a raspberry I would do it here) --- to the lot of them, Regards , Chrissie x

    1. Sorry, that should say READ and listen, I am terrible at typing!

  9. Sorry you had such a nasty experience I can’t understand the mentality of people like that. Surely it couldn’t have been the blogger? Was it another commenter? As a blogger I would delete any nasty posts aimed at other commenters. Just go on being as you are, obviously successful as it seems successful people are the ones who come in for abuse.

  10. Don't let the buggers get you down Ilona. xx

  11. I love and appreciate your blog Ilona and the kindness and consideration that shines through. I hope you have a lovely time on your next walk and that the weather is kind to you. Jane from Cornwall x

  12. I'm sorry you've gone through that. Wishing you a good rest of the week.

  13. That is sad..and not even on your own blog.
    Breathe and carry're doing your best to have a positive stance and share what you've learnt. Nothing wrong in that

  14. F##k em!!! You keep doing exactly what youre doing xxx

  15. Hi Ilona, who ever it was obviously does not know you or your values and morals. Sadly there are people everywhere who will if given the chance bad mouth some one. To the person receiving this type of abuse it’s hurtful and thus we get angry. You do so much good through the sharing of your life I feel like going in to melt down right along with you. I always say ‘you can’t ‘reason with the unreasonable’.

  16. What is it with some people? Please remember that most people are kind, caring and don’t (like me) post positive comments enough. This means that often only the sour warped side of human nature thrusts itself to the fore. Positive affirmation - great blog, please carry on regardless x

  17. I don’t blame you for being annoyed. You have my full sympathy.

  18. I think everyone has a meltdown once in awhile. I certainly do. Take a deep breath.

    Last weekend I listened to a wise man who said you can only control what you do, not what other people do. I sometimes have a hard time remembering that message but I think it is very true.

  19. Ilona,
    You are AMAZING! Anyone who knows you loves you. Carry on!
    Pam, U.S.

  20. Chin up, chesticles out and breathe. There, that feels better doesn't it. Carry on being you xx

  21. Ouch! Deep breath, cup of tea and a break from the computer needed. You are your own person and .*.*.*. to all others!

  22. You don’t need to defend yourself .. those who love you wil still enjoy your blog each day. Those who don’t? Who gives a rat’s patoot? You can’t please everyone .. so just go on doing what you do best! Keep writing because you give us something to look forward to on a regular basis.

  23. Try and ignore them, Meanqueen, those who follow you, know you're a good person.
    Greetings from British Columbia.

  24. Ilona, please don't get upset: some people are really nasty in this world; but you're not so try to ignore the ones who are vile. You have loads of love and friends, and I hope you realise that. Your blog is a joy to read with your endless activities and thoughts. Am so looking forward to seeing where you are off 'a-wandering' next. xx

  25. What in the heck is going on in blogland? First Fruqal Queen exits, then Sue in Wales, John Grey taking a break....please Ilona, don't stop blogging. I don't know the circumstances of what happened, but you are a wonderful blogger and many people consider you a friend (weird, I know!) Keep on keeping on...I think you're great!!

  26. I have never seen you be any of those things. Deep breath! I am pretty much a lurker but I love your blog. Please keep on keeping on!!

  27. Sorry you had to go through this. Unfortunately, for some people the only way they feel better is by making someone else feel bad.
    I would miss you and your perspective on life.

  28. Ilona, I don't know what was said on the other blog, but don't let it get to you. I stopped reading your blog for about 6 months when I was involved with something else. Boy, did I miss you. Didn't realize how much until I started reading again, now I am busy reading backwards to see all that I missed. I love that you are a "somewhat eccentric" lady "of a certain age"...I want to be you when I grow up. And I'm older than you. Your theme song should be "I Did it My Way," and aren't we all glad that you did?

    I'm not particularly creative nor skillful, but you have me sewing again (mostly upcycled jeans items), I'm seeing the difference between movement and exercise, and today I'm going to take a walk--only a mile, but it's straight down and then straight up (I live on a hill). Happy first day of spring!

  29. I'm sorry to hear about this. I know it can be very disheartening (even enraging - even for the mild-mannered among us!). I find the best thing is time - just work away at other things that bring joy and the hurt will mostly fade away after a bit. You are doing a good thing with your blog - helping many people to live better lives. Keep your eye on the goal, if you can.

  30. Oh Ilona, do not let this get you down x I have a meltdown at least twice every week if not more; who cares about someone that does not know you; you are stronger than all that crap, Mo xx

  31. It's amazing how many people seem to get their kicks from rubbishing others. They are best ignored as they seem to thrive on others emotions. Please keep going as I look for your blog every day and you have some interesting things to share.

  32. Now, now Ilona. You are none of those aforementioned things. You share your art and your thrifty advice
    free, gratis and for nothing. You have empowered so many of us to cock a snook at the peeps who are too silly or frightened to be thrifty and live within their means. Those who write derogatory comments are to be pitied and flatly ignored, sometimes a blank lack of response is best. It really rankles to be dismissed without so much as a sniff.

  33. I know you probably don’t want people dwelling on it but really. Wouldn’t it have been wise and good manners if the person in question had messaged you about his anxiety after the event before posting it to his audience? He seems to have no concept of the effort involved in getting ready to host a visitor or that you may also have feelings.Although I have sympathy for his anxiety, I do think he has become too self involved and is only seeing his own feelings as of importance.

    1. I completely agree - I thought that Ilona handled things well (and kept things private) and now everything seems to have hit the fan! Please don't let it upset you too much Ilona. Take a deep breath and think about your lovely upcoming walk. As you can see by the comments - you are well loved.

  34. Agree with the others 1000%. Please don't stop blogging - your positive outlook touches people around the globe ...

  35. Hold your head up high. You are an inspiration!

  36. It must be horrible when the internet bites back like that, but please carry on blogging; I don't follow many blogs but I love yours, especially your photos of trips you make, and your wonderful artwork of course!

  37. I only read one blog,its yours,don't let it get your goat,as the saying goes,just carry on with your blog,i look forward to it as so many of your readers do.

  38. I find this new way to bully people very strange, in the old days no one could come into your home and say mean things about you unless they were face to face or gossip. We have come a long way but not really.Keep your chin up and don't let them get you down. love to you and the kittys.

  39. You're truly inspiring Ilona and I would be very sad if I couldn't check in to hear all about your cats, thrifty ways, craft, walks and who else would film owls calling on a summer night to share with your readers and Yootoob viewers? Your blog is like a ray of sunshine to me and I'm sure many others. I know that being an ex trucker it won't necessarily bother you if I give you two words to say about idiots - f*ck em! xx

  40. some people just love creating drama - try and brush it off - I love your blog & often replay your videos- you have a good heart Ilona and anyone reading your blog can see that, you help a lot of people and my day would not be the same without reading your posts. xx

    1. I read Ilona's blog everyday and I too replay her videos, such a sensible but fun loving lady. Some really vile people in this world, sadly I know a few.

  41. I only read one blog, yours. I want to keep reading it but understand why you feel like chucking the computer through the window if someone is as nadty as that. Very hard to rise above this sort of thing i know but take heart from all lovely comments.

  42. Am sorry about this upset Ilona, it's not nice but I've learned over the years that there is no reasoning with some people online (or even in the "real world")and it's just not worth the aggro at the end of the day. I love your blog, I don't always post comments but I do read along most days. You've helped me with yellow sticker shopping, walking motivation and I watch your videos when I need a pep talk about saving money. I would really miss the blog and hope you will continue with it. I'm planning a long walk to the next town, which is something that I'd never thought of doing until I joined the walking group. Hope you have a fab holiday and will be reading your updates each day.

    1. Good luck with your walk, Kate. One step in front of the other, that's all you have to do.

    2. Thanks Ilona, I did a 6 mile walk today and I can tell my stamina is growing!

  43. There will always be unpleasant people. Try not to be too upset. You give a lot of people such inspiration.

  44. Never worry about what other people think. I know I'm an ok person not the best but definitely not the worst. I'm happy as I am and don't care at all what others think or say about me. As long as I live my life the way I want and help a few others along the way I'm happy. it's your life not other people's Ilona so forget about the keyboard warriers- you know you are a good person and they have a problem not you. Love the blog all the best.

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Best not to publish it.

  46. You are a strong lady Ilona. Take no notice of nasty people. Ive been following your blog for a couple of years now and love your attitude to life. You are kind to animals and full of zest for trying new things. I look forward to seeing your creative ideas and recipes. Onwards and upwards!!

  47. Ask Garcia's mom if you were unkind and insensitive in helping her through a hard time. Ask the many family and friends who host you around the country if you are ill-mannered. Ask the crafty group, your cat rescue friends, your hedgehog rescue friend, the older people who use your cushions at church, the people for whom you do dog walking, the many of us around the world who benefit from your walking group. Don't ask or read or pay the slightest attention to unkind, ill-mannered, and insensitive people who trash you on someone else's blog.

  48. Ilona you are an inspiration. Don't let the stuoid, I'll informed numpties get you down. I'm totstot fed up with blogging at the moment, some people should learn if you can't say anything nice don't say it at all.

  49. I have deleted some comments, and wont be publishing any more on this post. It is dead and buried now.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.