Wednesday, 9 May 2018

A local-ish bimble

Hello. A change of routine this morning, it was a sunny start to the day so I decided to go out of the village for a longer walk. I can get too involved in art and craft projects that it takes over, and I have to take a step back and add other activities into the mix. Like putting my boots on and packing a sandwich and drink, and go. 
Down the steep footpath which is a bit overgrown, straight on to the bottom or go to the left?
I'll go left down there.

Nice views over there, lots of oil seed rape giving the fields a lovely yellow glow.

Along the bottom of the wood. There is wild garlic in abundance, love that smell. Sunlight filtering through the trees gives it a magical feeling.

I sat down on the bench outside the Village Hall and ate my sandwich. It was 11.30am, wasn't that lucky that I arrived just at the right time, I joined the ladies and gents for a coffee. Half an hour later after a jolly good natter and I was on my way. .

Now there's someone who takes a pride in their garden. It was all neat and tidy with flowers in the borders, the man was mowing his lawn. We chatted, he built the windmill about eight years ago and has repainted it over the years. He is now planning on building a replacement, and he says it will be bigger. His lady wife came out and that was another half an hour spent chatting. This walk is only supposed to take me just over two hours, fat chance of that when I am such a chatterbox.

The fishing pond looks calm and tranquil, I can see the attraction of sitting on the edge of the water taking in the beauty of it. I can't however see the attraction of dangling a hook into the water and pulling a fish out by it's mouth.

Now this looks like my thing, an outdoor gym, must have a go at this. Place the camera on a bench, set the timer, and pose. By jove, those weights are heavy, careful, don't want to pull a muscle.

Oooh, I like this one. Hold onto the bar and swing your legs, like walking but not getting anywhere.

I was back in time for a very late lunch. Five miles covered. Now I have got the rest of the day and night to myself, back to arty and crafty stuff, ha ha. Still dry and warm outside.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I enjoyed coming on your bimble.

    1. ...and so did I, again!


  2. Cute cobra:). I agree about fishing.

  3. Some lovely views. Thanks for sharing them MQ

  4. Lovely place to walk Ilona,and so nice to come across a village coffee morning,having a chat and meeting new people!,That guys windmill looks amazing and if he is building a new one...I expect to see that one in your garden very soon!!!Those outdoor gyms are great to come across.I remember seeing wood carved ones in Austria about 37 years ago..Hope you are all still enjoying the weather,I forgot to mention yesterday that I had some more Free samples come through the post off the Freebi sites.Last time it was Marmite,this time it was a full treatment pack..3 sachets..of John Frieda hair stuff!...I think he was married to Lulu...Anyway,I had another look on it last night and applied for some other things aswell.I really didnt expect to get anything,so its a lovely surprize when its posted through your letterbox!!Im going on another Mystery Tour,with my Daughter in 10 days time,so I will keep my posh hair stuff and use the night before we go so that my hair feels nice over the weekend!,xx

  5. Replies
    1. Hello, so did I Heather. It was very nice to meet you.

  6. Love that outdoor gym - brilliant x

  7. Very pretty area to walk in.

  8. Thank you for sharing your walk! Greetings from the Netherlands

  9. You have some lovely places to walk!!!! I love the outdoor gym ♥️♥️ You are so inspiring!!! I hate to rush my life away but I am so looking forward to retirement, so I can spend my time doing what I want to do!!! I would love to retire at 55. Here in the US insurance is usually the issue for people wanting to retire early. Until you have reach age of social security which is 62-65 you would have to purchase your own health coverage which is outrageous!!!! But hopefully by the time I am 55 the government will have made some changes where retiring at 55 will be a reality!!!!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.