Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Flying the flags with the bunting.

Hello. I think we are about to get some rain, but it's been a hot sunny day today up to now. I have finished the wooden bunting, there are five colours, three of each. After first painting them with a pale emulsion some of them needed two and three coats of acrylic paint. I decided not to decorate them as I didn't fancy spending more time on more painting. They are cheerful enough as they are.  
I decided on string to hang them. I tried cord, wool, and jute but they didn't work, so string it is. It was a bit fiddly to get the gaps between the flags the same distance apart.

I have made them for the Open Gardens. I don't think they would be weather proof so if it rains they will have to go above the door under the porch.

If it's sunny they can go outside in the garden.

Ooooh look, I have a snake in my garden, looks like a cobra to me  ;o)

I might just get my walk in before the rain comes, if I go now. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. That snake is hilarious! I hope it doesn't scare the kitties.:-)

  2. They look fantastic Ilona!They look like they could have been bought from a craft shop for alot of money!.Its been a lovely day again although tomorrow Im hoping to get on with things a bit more! I went sleep for 2 hours this afternoon which makes me wake up feeling rotten,I think its just the heat...we just aint used to it!! Its going to be slightly cooler tomorrow so I hope to be able to crack on with things a bit more.By the way...I love your snake,lol.Only Ilona could come up with something to do with a shower head...brilliant!!xx

  3. Oh my Goodness. The snake is fab !!!! X

  4. Really cute and colourful!
    A friend and I made a very early trip to High Park this morning to see the cherry blossoms - this display is very famous and draws huge crowds. We arrived at 8:30am - walked for over an hour - had breakfast at the park restaurant and then headed out. By the time we got to the park entrance they were closing the gates to all cars - huge park was full and cars were circling and circling trying to find a parking spot. Everyone is told to take transit - there is a subway stop right at the entrance but people just don't listen. This happens every year so you'd think they'd learn by now.
    The display is magnificent and well worth the walk in.

  5. I adore that bunting. The very next skip that I pass is going to be raided for some tatty fence panels... all skips have chip board and old fence panels. I have got to make a string of wooden bunting

  6. Your bunting is great Ilona.I often think about making things but rarely do.I'm thinking about doing something in paper mache or jewelry.The snake really made me smile x

  7. Love tbe bunting ... and that cobra is pure genius 🙄

  8. Wonderful snake, very creative.

  9. The bunting looks great painted up and the snake is a fab idea. You have got a good imagination.

  10. Hello Ilona, I love the bunting and it will last ages. The photo of Flixborough Village Hall brought a memory back from the past!!! The Flixborough disaster I'd forgotten about it, oh sad it was. I like to collect wild garlic and dry it to use in cooking. Thank you for sharing your walk x

    1. Hi WendyT, I was intrigued by your mention of a disaster, and looked it up. Yes, it was very sad, and somehow I feel like it's important for all of us to now and then remember these losses, and maybe say a little prayer. Thanks


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.