Friday, 15 June 2018

Jazz it up a bit

Hello. Oh no, not more toilet humour, this blog is going down the pan ;o)
What do you do with a lamp that no longer works. My neighbour threw this out ages ago, it's been in my garden for months. I knew it would be useful for something.

The three lamps can be turned in any direction. I know, turn them facing upwards, and fill them with bird seed and peanuts. Makes a good bird feeder.

Today I tackled the job I have been putting off, wasn't really in the mood. The cat shelter needs a door to cover the plant pots and other bits and bobs underneath the kitty apartment. I had a massive pallet and cut it down to size. It was a beast. A lot of sawing was done. I didn't put hinges on it, I put a bolt on each side to hold it in it's place, when I want to get in it, I just lift the door out.

That's better, a lick of paint to jazz it up a bit. Matches the summer house now.

That's another job ticked off. Things are coming together nicely now. No rain yet so I am watering up. The tall plants took a bit of a battering in the wind yesterday.

It's the weekend, enjoy. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. You certainly use your imagination when it comes to recycling and reusing, love the bird feeder, brilliant!

  2. The door looks really good, but two cats and only one shelter basket? Not fair, a little ladder would be nice too. :-)
    Saw your first picture and thought "Oh no, Ilona is going Potty !" Ha ha. Well, it just had to be said. Tee hee.

    1. There used to be two cat beds, but only Mayze uses it, and she sometimes likes to lie on the carpet and gaze out over the garden.

  3. Wow-I luv the bird feeder Ilona and colours on your cat shelter. I wonder what quirkiness you will do with the loo seat x

    1. A floral summer wreath perhaps. :-)

  4. See, I bet no one has ever thought of using a loo seat for a picture frame let alone done it. Can just see it tarted up a bit with some arty crafty things.

  5. The cat shelter looks great Ilona.If I went to all that trouble with my 5 they would decide that they want to sit on an old newspaper instead!.The discarded circus tent that they were sitting now storage for my garden cushions..although it has been used as a greenhouse as well,lol.Ive thought about sitting in it a crossed leg position,cause its only child that they can claim every seat in the garden!You have made really good use of that lamp.Great idea and high enough so that the birds are safe from the cats.Ive been spending loads of time in the garden again this week.Love it and its starting the look the best it has for years!.Its amazing what you can do for free and a bit of hard work!,Hope every one has a lovely weekend!xx

  6. that lamp is absolutely brilliant, well done!

  7. Good Morning!Rainy start here in Leicester and not looking great for the rest of the day.I think another visit to the animal charity shop will be my plans today.Ive had another small declutter of books that Ive read and realised that its pointless hanging on to them when I can remember the general storyline and ending to them!.All I want to hang on to is my general interest books.Its very near to Aldi,so I will get my food shopping done aswell.I was looking at the door to your cat shelter and it seems so much a better idea to put those bolts on instead of hinges.It looks like it will give you more space in there plus you dont risk getting banged on the head if its a windy day!xx

  8. Hi Ilona,well i didnt get to the shops today,infact I havent left the house,because one of my cats,Filbert,came in this morning badly limping.Im not sure if he has broken his back leg.He has slept most of the day and cries when he went for his water,that he likes from the tap on the work surface.I have spoke to Briony....crafty cats corner...because she has had the same with one of her Fur Babies.I am so upset for him,his Mam n Brothers are sitting around him.Like I said to Briony..its as though they know he isnt well.Im just going to see how he is in the morning and Im going to sleep downstairs near him tonight.If he isnt any better in the morning,Im going to have to see the vet.I am so worried,xx

    1. So sorry Debi,I'm still sleeping downstairs because of my dogs since 6th May.Hope Filbert has a comfortable night xx

    2. Please do see the vet as soon as possible Debi. He could have been clipped by a car, kicked or attacked by another animal and bitten. Cats are very resilient so it must be really painful to make him limp and cry. Like you, I sleep downstairs if one of my fur babies is ill. Phone the vet for an urgent appointment if he is still as bad. A break needs immediate attention if that's what it is. Worried for poor Filbert, please let us know how he gets on.

  9. I sense a little bit if eccentricity coming over you just lately but obviously enjoying life to the full with all these ideas x

  10. The lamp is genius! And I am all for colour in the garden - I wish you could see mine. Everything gets a lick of paint eventually, always from left over garage stuff. :0)

  11. I really love the upcycled lamp idea, that’s very clever thinking.


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