Thursday, 14 June 2018

Change of lavvy habits.

Hello. I've been having a stock check on my toilet roll stash, not had a count up for a long time. I have no idea how much toilet rolls cost because I haven't bought any for years. I used to buy them at a cash and carry, at either Lincoln, Sheffield, or Leeds, when I was buying stock for my Mr Puss business, and that has been closed for at least 15 years. I accumulated quite a lot of them so haven't needed to buy any more. 
The count today is 72 in this picture, then I found another four, making 76 altogether. Oh dear, my stocks are going down. I've been looking through previous posts about my toilet roll collecting  habits. In August 2009 I bought 144 from Sheffield. In September 2011 I bought 120 rolls from Sheffield. In September 2012 the count was 154, then I found some hidden in a suitcase in the wardrobe which brought the total up to 194. In June 2015 I bought 72 from Leeds. 

You may remember I posted about how I cut down on my toilet paper usage, my mantra being.....2 for a pee - 3 for a poo. I have been keeping to that and a roll lasts quite a long time in this house. Back in 2011 I did a post about this, counting how many squares there were on one roll. In that same post I also said I was not ready for the wiping with a wet cloth method as I could afford to buy paper. Well here we are nearly seven years later and I have been giving it a try, and it's working quite well.

As you can see, my toilet is very close to the sink, I can reach the cold tap on the right while still sitting on the loo. It's easy, wet sponge, lift bum off seat, wipe drips, towel is on the side of the bath. It has become an automatic habit now, and the toilet paper stays on the roll. Of course it's still there in case I have to use it. My new mantra is 2 for a poo, none for a pee.

My 76 toilet rolls are going to last ages and ages, I may never have to buy any again.

It's very windy outside, dry but windy, I'm doing stuff inside.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I always try to buy Toilet roll made from recycled paper. We had an interesting discussion at work the other day. Scrunch or fold? Which uses less paper? No one could decide. If 76 are left you still have a fair bit of thinking time. Another life lesson I’ve learned is cheap isn’t always good value. My Mum says to me never scrimp on quality when it comes to teabags and toilet paper. I always get a couple of mugs out of one teabag. Toilet paper quantity always depends on the situation. Not sure I’m ready for an alternative choice, but good for you Ilona. The topic needs consideration. Too many trees are disappearing for our comfort. Don’t get me started on disposable nappies!

  2. Surely Ilona, the cost of washing the sponge and towel every day would be more than buying the toilet rolls ? I have IC (Interstitial Cystitis) most painful disease ever and can go to the wee up to 40 or 50 times a day: and also IBS so I use many rolls a week and need to have cushsell as this does not effect my ureatha. There is no way I could use the sponge method because of germs; but hey ho each to their own x

    1. Would Ilona be washing the towel every day? I doubt it. Rather too much information on this comment too. Lets keep our dignity!

    2. I don't think that would be too much information, Braxter. Indeed, I had been thinking along the same lines as Mo, i.e. how often are the sponge and towel washed, and wouldn't this be more expensive than buying toilet rolls? Mind you, a cloth or sponge on the end of a stick is what, or so I believe, the Romans used in their communal toilets. Hence the saying "getting hold of the wrong end of the stick" which wouldn't have been nice!
      Margaret P

    3. Hi Margaret, it wasn't about washing the towel that I meant was too much information - it was the amount of information Mo gave regarding her personal habits!

  3. That made me smile! You certainly cover every avenue!x

  4. There are very inexpensive bidets that can easily be attached to your toilet and they are not only hygenic, but save a small fortune on loo roll. Of course a small amount of cold water is used, but I still think it's better for the environment and our purses too!

  5. A little too much information ..............

    1. A LOT too much information!

  6. I enjoy reading about your money saving tips but for me, not you, this seems too complicated and very unhygenic. It puzzles me how it would work for a family of two or more people. Using sponges in any way are a haven for germs and bacteria.

    1. Hi. It probably wouldn't work for a family, but any single person could try it.

  7. Anything to do with toilets for some reason usually I find funny don't know why but I do.thank you it really made me titter.My Grandma used to call it the lavvy or lav & mum used to say-''don't say that Mam''.She also had loo roll like greaseproof paper & it was outside next to a coal house.Must use a sponge as I buy far too much paper x

    1. Titter away :o) I remember calling it 'the bogs', when I was at school.

  8. Oh I don't it all too much or not? When you think about it you can't possibly get really clean with a dry wipe. It makes sense to do a wet wipe just for the cleanliness. As for washing the cloth, its just a soak and wash job like with cloth nappies. I like the idea of a bidet but with warm water not cold.

    1. You're right, you can't clean yourself properly down below with a dry wipe. I'd like a bidet, don't mind cold water.

  9. That's one saving that I wouldn't ever worry about. We buy and use as many toilet rolls as we need obviously checking prices and bargain buys. Each to their own as they say but likely very difficult to adopt your method when you share a bathroom.

  10. I now have a mental image that I wish I didnt . But I think I waste too much paper so cutting down - useful tip thank you x

  11. Far too much information about intimate habits

  12. Hi Ilona,
    I have gone the other way with toilet paper, I now spend more on toilet paper than I ever have. The reason is I now buy a “brand” called “Who Gives a Crap” it was started in 2012 by 3 young Aussie blokes who wanted to make a difference for the 2.3 billion people around the world who don’t have access to a toilet. That’s almost 40% of the global population. Plus the toilet paper is made from bamboo so no trees are cut down, just so I can wipe my bum. It is also my way of supporting a charity with 50% of their profits going to building toilets and improving sanitation in the developing world. Do what ever floats your boat, I say.
    Have a lovely day,

    1. Hi Fiona - thanks for the info re these boys. Just looked them up. Great way to help others, Jenny in Canberra x

    2. Oh thanks for that info - what a fabulous charity!

  13. Blimey Ilona that's some stock of toilet rolls you have there!! I had a bit of a laugh reading this. This is quite a timely post as recently the government was talking about banning wet wipes as so many people dispose of them incorrectly.
    I do buy cheap loo rolls, although I do notice that some of them contain a lot less paper than the more expensive ones so you have to be careful. As I now have a lifelong bowel condition I don't economise on toilet rolls myself though I do shop around for the value ones. Years ago people used old newspapers cut into squares!

  14. I’m not offended by this at all. Lots of countries don’t use toilet paper and cleaning yourself with water is far more hygienic and helps save trees. I agree this would be more difficult with a family.

  15. There used to be an advertisement on TV where a child said that ones bottom was as clean as a washed potatoe after using a certain brand of loo paper x

    1. I think you might find that the advert was not for toilet paper, but for the additional use of Washlets, a moist toilet wipe. One or two sheets to finish the process and they also break down like toilet roll once flushed.

  16. I think you info is handy for people who haven't given this subject any thought. People pretend they don't go to the loo,. Everyone has their own habits, ilona is just being normal in speaking about this, just as you would explain things to your child/growing up person as a parent. No shame it's normal, we all do it,but yes be very careful about sponges and towels. Urine infections are very painful, you don't know is coming until you're in awful pain.. Back front, trembles and needing to pee every 2 seconds.. Not pleasant☹️ susan

  17. You could put the washed wet sponge in the microwave for a couple of minutes, this is also recommended for the washing up scouring sponges to keep them free of bacteria.

    1. You're joking of course???

    2. Professor Gabriel Bitton at the University of Florida researched this, bacteria including faecal bacteria were eliminated by using a domestic microwave. The sponge needs to be wet to avoid a fire, that's why I said a washed wet sponge.

    3. My problem with this is not the method but the microwave itself. You're going to use your kitchen microwave to clean the sponge; the same microwave you're going to use to warm up and cook your food? Sorry, but not in my house!

  18. Or you could just dab after pee with yesterdays knickers...dry or damp, (personal choice ) rinse out when showering then hang to dry until wash day.
    It's perfectly natural, why be silly about it, time to take responsibility for polution and tree destruction.

  19. I don't find this offensive at all. I use a huge amount of loo paper due to health condition requiring frequent trips and have been stressing a bit about the consumption and cost longtime. This has given me timely food for thought. Thanks for your always interesting blog Ilona. Cheers from Jenny in Canberra xx

  20. I live on a boat so water for flushing the toilet is limited, lots of boating ladies use a cloth to wipe with therefore saving water and paper.

  21. Michelle Rosch15 June 2018 at 07:57

    What was your Mr Puss business ? I don’t remember reading about it....x

    1. Hi. I bought in stock and resold it at cat shows, agricultural shows, craft and gift fairs, anywhere where I could rent space for a day or two. Everything was cat themed, I bought from wholesalers, went on buying trips to Manchester, visited gift fairs at the NEC in Birmingham. After three years sales dropped off when people didn't have any spare cash to spend. I closed it.

  22. I hope this idea works for you Ilona. I am not able to use a cash 'n' carry and the supermarkets prices for loo rolls are very expensive. I do however buy in bulk online and last year got 144 2-ply rolls for £23 - I expect them to last 18 months which I think is a good deal and we don't use reams of it anyway.

  23. Sorry to write again but I'm worried about all of you who think this is a great idea. C. diff (clostridium difficile) is a life threatening disease spread through feces and their spores. I know as my husband was in the hospital for this disease. Guys, this is not a good idea. You need to read about basic bathroom hygiene. Please don't do this. You're putting yourself at risk and anyone in your home. And as an additional thought, you're probably brushng your teeth/washing your face in the same sink where you clean the sponge!

    1. I contracted CDiff after a course of super antibiotics to cure a bacterial infection I got travelling. The bacteria I picked up was from a food handler with questionable handwashing habits after using the toilet.

      I've heard of the use cloth movement but they do it very differently. Multiple pieces of clean, dry cloth in a basket. Dampen and use like toilet paper and then put in a bucket like nappies/diapers. They are then washed as a load and dried to use again.

      I certainly wouldn't be rinsing them out in the sink for further reuse. Nor would I put the in a microwave as someone posted.

      I lost 10 kilos in a week, was weak as a newborn and still have problems with some foods.

    2. I agree with you 100% 50 and counting.

  24. May I remind everyone that Anonymous comments are deleted. Thank you.

  25. Had to add this to the conversation: Rose George, author of The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters, said “Toilet paper moves s***, but it doesn’t remove it.”

  26. Well I'm going to add this, if you're squeamish don't read it. I very rarely have a messy bottom. I wipe with paper and there's nothing on it.

    1. Oh,Ilona I wish I could go for a ...clean poo!!..I wipe 3 times before I even look..and usually after that,I know Im on my way to getting the result I want.I put it down to all the vegetables that I eat,lol.Im loving the comments and can imagine us all sat in a room together having this discusion,lol.I wonder what the queen does and dont tell me that no one else has ever thought that....or is it just me?,haha!,xx

    2. Ilona, I think it was a 'Nellie Know-it-all' post years ago who said something along the lines of: 'if you're pebble-dashing your lavatory you are eating the wrong foods and ought to look at your diet'; wise words. Says it all really. If you need to cut down on loo roll (except if you have a medical condition), use less and don't use bales of it. It's very easy to just get a great wad and use it, so be sensible and if not needed use a little.

    3. I think it is because you are vegetarian.

    4. Debi and Ilona, No ! ! As someone mentioned earlier, TOO much information, and now more mental images I do not want! Loo roll purchase, fine, frugality, fine, and yes we all defecate but again, we don't need to know gross details. Yuk !
      In short,TMI, dignity, unhygienic.

    5. Oh dear, Jean is having a hissy fit. Debi, she sits on the throne ;o) Amanda, I was looking for that post and couldn't find it. I knew I had covered this subject before. Michelle, you could be right.

    6. Throne my dear Ilona, of course, nothing less would do! Gold plated flushing handle and seat. :-) Toilet paper, no, I use purple velvet. Ha ha. ;-)

  27. Lily's Mom is so right. This is a certain way of transmitting very nasty bacteria.

  28. A lady in the States used to blog about frugal matters and I recall one particular post where she said she hadn't bought loo roll or feminine hygiene products for decades!

  29. I won’t go into details in case I offend, but I have a condition called a rectocele. Those who need a lot of loo roll per visit may find this is the problem, it’s worth looking it up online for further info. Personally I welcome an open discussion as bowel problems can be very miserable and isolating.

  30. Certainly agree with Kateonthecoast that discussion of bowel problems should not be taboo. My Mum died 22 years ago aged 69 of bowel cancer. Looking back I think she started suffering from constipation at least 2 years earlier because she starepted eating prunes and AllBran but she never talked about it or went to the doctor's until she was completely unable to poo and was in incredible pain. She had to have an emergency operation but she had a tumour that had spread throughout her abdomen and died 6 months later. Please no one should die of embarrassment!!!

    1. Thank you for that story, Ruth. We should always be vigilant and check what comes out, or doesn't come out, of our bottom.

    2. People over 60 receive a testing kit for bowel cancer every two years. I feel that everyone should take advantage of this free service. However, there are those who do not use it, either because they find it distasteful to do or because they are afraid that something might be found and would rather remain in ignorance. Some people just can't be bothered. This free and simple test done in private could save your life.

  31. Hi Ilona,
    I read recently that some of the luxury brands of toilet paper contain plastic to get that "silky" feel. That makes me mad. Plastic is everywhere and we need to be more responsible and think of the planet.
    Jacquie x

    1. Hi. The quilted paper takes longer to break down as well, it clogs up the sewage systems.

  32. Sensible topic. Personally I wipe with a frugal amount of loo roll then ( I’m tall) perch on the edge of the bathroom sink and wash my butt with soap. And to all concerned about hygiene, I don’t dip my face in the sink or let the basin touch my body ever, it’s used for spitting and rinsing dirty water down the drain. Paper doesn’t clean poo properly at all. For my baby I use rags wet with warm water then wash them and line dry them. For our and about I use eco friendly wipes that will decompose ( no plastic).

    1. Sounds sensible to me. I have been washing my down belows every morning under a running cold tap in the sink, and I haven't caught anything nasty.

  33. I've been vegetarian for 40 years & I do need to use more than I would wish of loo roll. Also when I get anxious I get a queezy tummy & off I go again x

  34. I am very comcerned about the government’s proposal to ban baby wipes. I totally understand we have to protect the environment, but banning them across the board will cause a lot of problems for people with bowel conditions, and those with disabilities etc. I am on the lookout for biodegradable ones.

  35. I use special soft flannel wipes for the number 1 and tp for number 2. I keep them in separate containers and wash on hot water cycle every 3-5 days, a little bleach is added but not much. My clients from Afghanistan ( I was a PSW personal support worker ) introduced me to the practise, they use a watering can and wipes, only one hand is used as the other hand is used to eat with. I love the method and have been using it for a couple of years. I feel cleaner and drier than tp use only. Well you have started a conversation now eh Ilona..

    1. All Muslims, Hindus and Bhuddists traditionally use this watering can (called a "lota"). It is basically a portable bidet and it is used in places where water and electricity are scarce. The not-using-the-left-hand practice is just ignorance/tradition based on ignorance. However people with showers can always hop into the shower and wash the nether regions. Much better than a lota. Plus point - you will never smell as many in the west often do under their smart suits.

  36. You do all the controversial topics Ilona! I really hate cheap toilet paper, its really, really unhygenic for the lady parts (won't go into details as not to offend some of your sensitive readers). I can see cloths working well if done properly.

  37. Hmm i get through quite alot of home bargains/farmfood 16 roll packs think its called nicky they r the best ive found dont like the more expensive around £4 for 16 rolls. If i was on my own i might try this for a wee. Putting rags in diaper bucket though i think.

  38. It seems like a good time to resurrect the good old Bristol Stool Chart:

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. My boyfriend is from India and he only uses his left hand to wipe. He thought everyone did that and I had never hear that before. We have bidets that we bought from Amazon and hooked up to our toilets. We love them and hate having to go without them lol.

  41. how often do you use the sponges before washing and cleaning them?

    1. I have no routine, I wash them whenever I feel like it.


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