Tuesday, 12 June 2018

The planter is finished.

Hello. I'm having a coffee after my lunch. This morning was spent sprucing up plant pots with a fresh coat of paint, and finishing this planter.  I chose Prairie Gold, a Crown matchpot, but after doing the front I realized there wasn't going to be enough to do the whole thing, so I did the rest with Muted Gold, a smooth masonry paint from Dulux. The front and side look the same on this picture, but the Prairie Gold is actually more yellow. 
I am not sure where I'm going to put it yet, but for now it can go in front of the herb planter I made last year. And yes, everyone was right, the mint is rampant. I cut it back, but love the smell of it.

No flowers yet but the plants look strong, cheap from Aldi. I could stencil the front, but if I do the rain might make a mess of it, so I won't bother. It will quick and easy to repaint it at a later date if I leave it plain.

Coffee finished, more to do, I need to go to town, running low on food, it will be a quick trip to the bank, and a whiz round Aldi to pick up a few essentials. We'll catch up later.
Toodle pip


  1. Well done looks great.

  2. hi ilona your planter looks lovely and your garden. heidi and mayze have a lovely garden to snooze in. my two amy and benny sleep under the garden chairs with a good view of the kitchen hoping for something nice to eat. enjoy your day in the garden weather is really warm. love liz amy and benny.xxx

  3. The planter looks lovely Ilona and the one that you made last year is still looking good!.Have you noticed that you dont seem to get as much paint in those tester pots as you used too?The last couple I bought,Dulux ones as well,there was hardly anything in them.In fact,only one side of my planter that looks about the same size as yours,and the pot was almost empty!.I buy the 99p tins now that they sell in the bargain type shops.I bought bright red,bright yellow and matt black and you get a lot more in them.Your plants look really healthy.I bet they will be beautiful when they flower.xx

  4. Greetings, Ilona! I’ve been working crazy hours and just caught up on your blog. You’ve been busy! I love everything you’ve done! The planters are plain but effective, just what I like. My husband made two planters out of old skids? Years later, I decided I didn’t want to bend over them so we put them to the curb with a free sign and someone else is enjoying them.
    I hope this comment goes through. I’ve noticed that my comments don’t always make it with the new system and my iPad. (On other blogs. Yours has been fine, so far.)
    I know you’ll have a fabulous day!

  5. Afternoon Ilona

    Wow... the planters look great and the colours are nice and jazzy! Such a good idea to keep the herbs all together.



  6. Your planter looks great. I wish I could make things like that. I got some ivy-leaved geraniums from Aldi, and they are now hanging in a (store-bought) planter on the balcony railing in full bloom.

  7. Well, the planter has come up a treat. Looks very good where it is with the pinkish colour behind it.

  8. Thanks for the pictures, they are lovely.

  9. Hi Ilona,
    I love the planters, especially the bright pink sided one, colour therapy at its best,

  10. Those planters look good together! I like the stepped effect and the bright colors.


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