Monday, 25 June 2018

Video tour of my garden

Hello. Crafty Club this morning, then watering a friends garden, then lunch, now going to town. I will leave you with this video of my garden, and will come back later. 

Toodle pip


  1. Oh Wow, your garden is pretty but your artwork blows me away.

  2. Amazing garden. Full of colour and interest. Be very proud Ilona. I’m sure the visitors enjoyed it. I’m so glad you did a film. I was wondering what it would be like and now I feel like one of the visitors.

  3. You garden is beautiful and I love its all.
    Thank you for letting me as it..

    Hazel c uk

  4. Thank you for sharing. Your garden is beautiful and unique to you. I have full admiration for all your hard work and thrift. An inspiration to us all

  5. Absolutely excellent: full of cheer and colour. What a treasure for people to visit. All that imagination and hard work has paid off, well done.

  6. I was thinking about you yesterday Ilona and was looking forward to hearing about it .Thankyou for the tour it looks beautiful.It must be a very happy ,peaceful place to be x

  7. Arlene from US (NJ)25 June 2018 at 17:05

    I enjoyed your video of your garden very much!! It's so colorful and beautiful. So much of your artwork to look at! You are a very talented artist and to think you made most of it from scraps and stuff people don't want. It's amazing.

  8. Bravo, Ilona! Love your garden as well, and thanks for the wonderful walk down memory lane when it comes to your artwork .. altogether just a brilliant example of what you can do with a huge imagination, large dose of creativity, and a few leftover bits. Thank you!

  9. It was so fun to tour your garden. Thank you for making the video for us!

  10. There is so much to look at in your garden, it certainly is a place of interest.

  11. It's wonderful.. Something round every corner gardens like that ..well done xxx

  12. hi ilona really enjoyed your video your artwork is so creative the garden is lovely and the summer house which you created is great. love from liz amy and benny.xxxx

  13. I enjoyed looking around your garden and all the art work was fab, particularly the work in your shed which I found very interesting seeing at close quarters,thank you for letting us in to view

  14. I enjoyed looking around your garden and all the art work was fab, particularly the work in your shed which I found very interesting seeing at close quarters,thank you for letting us in to view

  15. This was fabulous to watch. I was smiling through it all and one of the best things is your absolute joy in all you have created! You are one happy lady.

  16. Thank you for sharing your garden with us. You have an amazing talent for seeing beauty and potential where others see only rubbish. Your artistic works are beautiful and amazing. Congratulations!!

  17. Everything is beautiful, you are a very talented artist, The pictures especially are amazing. Would have loved to have been there.

  18. Thank you for giving us a tour of your garden. I loved it!! Only wish I was there so I could go through it slowly.

  19. Ilona - thak you so much for sharing your garden of joy. Your happiness and delight with your beautiful and fun creations is a pleasure to see. As is the sunshine, especially today here in Wellington, NZ, where we have a wintery blast coming straight from Antarctica. A good excuse to stay inside, lol!

  20. I can only echo all the other admiring comments. Great and what is even better is everything has been made using material that would have been thrown away.

  21. I love it when youre shadow is waving at us, ilona thank you for the tour, i was stressed this morning and a bit sad but when i saw this video full of color it made me smile and happy!! You have many talents and i loved the color tree, you even had chairs for the people. The world needs more people like you! Youre art is color, love and happiness and i like it!!

  22. Wow thanks for the tour! You are such an original artist: it's fabulous to see everything displayed with your marvellous eye and wonderful combinations.

  23. Your garden looks great and your artworks look impressive! I'm sure all your garden visitors enjoyed looking around as much as I've enjoyed your video. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  24. A truly magnificent garden, wish I’d been there. Well done my friend,xxxx

  25. I love your garden and your 'shed of the year' too.

  26. Just watched your video with my daughter. We think your garden, shed and art are lovely. We have big smiles on our faces. Thank you for brightening up our day (very cold and grey here).

  27. Only caught up with this today as I’ve been on holiday and then very busy since I got back. You’ve created a wonderful and unique garden Ilona and all on a shoestring budget. I hope everyone who came enjoyed it as much as I would have if I’d been able to attend on the day. Keep up your inspiring work.


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