Monday, 25 June 2018

Lots of visitors

Hello. Looks like I caught the sun yesterday, red arms and red neck. The day went really well. It started off a bit slow, the first visitors were my friends Janet and Paul, they wanted to do half the gardens before the football, and the other half after the football. I think others had similar ideas. There was a road closure through the village in the morning for the 10k race, which probably delayed some people getting here. 
An early visitor was blog reader Liz, she brought two friends with her from Nottingham. She kindly gave me a big box of  fabric, which will come in useful for some of my projects. Thank you very much Liz. I haven't a photo of her, she took one of both of us on her phone, but I completely forgot. 
Another blog reader visited, this is the second visit for Nick. Very nice to see you again. Love her outfit, fabulous skirt. 
This gentleman is not a blog reader, but he tells me his wife is. Tall Paul was very chatty, and tells me his wife has picked up all my money saving tips and they are saving up towards moving north for a cheaper lifestyle.

I tried to talk to everyone, at one point I wondered if a bus had discharged it's passengers outside. Quite a crowd had all arrived at the same time. I'm afraid I couldn't give them all the attention that I would have liked, so they were left to wander around for themselves.

I put all the painted rocks around the garden and told people to take one if they see one they like. Many people did, and at the end of the day I only had a few left. This morning I left two of them in the village as I walked through to Crafty Club. When I walked back later I noticed that one of them had gone. This afternoon I saw Ken in town and he said he had picked up one of the rocks to give back to me. He thought someone else had taken it and left it there. I had to laugh.

I had to take a photo this morning, this is Mayze cat saying, 'you might want to get up early, but I don't, I'm staying here'. She always lies in longer than me.

Heidi prefers the window ledge, hidden behind the curtains.

Six o clock in the morning and there are two little faces looking up at me.

I've got to catch up with the walking, it's too hot during the day, so I'm going out now. It's not long to the end of the month and I am a bit behind due to being busy with other things.

Thanks for popping in, I have some pictures of Saturday's Village Fair so I'll put them on tomorrow.
Toodle pip


  1. So glad that the garden tour was such a success and that the weather cooperated. I watched the video and your garden is lovely and much bigger than I'd expected - you've made a marvellous job of it. Congratulations!

  2. Tall Paul is my husband. He enjoyed his visit to see your garden and it was nice surprise to see him on your blog post today. Thank you for including it. I have been reading your blog for the last three years and have picked up a lot of really good tips. Shame I couldn’t be there but I was at home looking after our four cats.

    1. Hello Sarah, it was a surprise for me when Paul said his wife reads my blog. I thought, that's amazing. My friends saw him a bit later on in another garden, can't miss him, ha ha, he is very tall.

      Keep on with the frugal living money saving. It pays dividends eventually when you have saved enough to pay for the lifestyle you want.

  3. Great piccies Ilona.Lovely to see Nick and Tall Paul.Your puddy cats are very lucky to have such a paradise to live in with you-they look so happy x

  4. Thank you for sharing your garden. It’s bigger than I thought it would be. What a nice day you had, by the looks of it.

    1. It is quite big. I filmed mainly the bottom end, but there is more which is lawns and borders, so not so interesting.

  5. Sounds like a lovely day, and great success for a showing of your various works.

    Am tickled you offered up some of your "rocks". As a "rock lover", I am certain it is the kind of gift which could make someone's day.

    1. I don't mind giving my rocks away to people I know and come into contact with.

  6. It looks like you had a good crowd visiting your garden and I like your putting out painted rocks for people.

  7. I was unable to visit you this year, but visited last year and had my photo took with you.I really enjoyed my visit and I will visit next year if you do it again, I have lots to ask you when I see you.

    1. Never mind Alison. Not sure if I will do it again, I will decide in the new year.

  8. Hi Ilona. Yes I did take a couple of photos of us. I am going to try to find the gadget that transfers the photos from the camera to my tablet. When I manage that I will send you the photo. I'm not that good technically so it may be a while. Once again it was a great day Sunday.

  9. So glad you had a good turn out for your open garden tour.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.