Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Village showtime

Hello. Here's me playing catch up with the blog posts now. Pictures from the Summer Fair on Saturday on the village green. The usual array of stalls, charities fundraising, games to play, tombola, groups promoting their activities, bouncy castle, burgers and hot dogs, ice cream, school children singing and dancing, and independent traders selling their wares. 
It was a bit slow in getting started. We are always there early putting up our cat rescue tables. I have them stored in my shed so it's only a matter of putting them on a trolley and dragging them across the road. Then Janet and Sue turn up with a couple of car loads of things to sell. So here are three general shots of the activities. The weather was just right, warm but not too hot, a hazy sun masked by the clouds. 
The tea and cake tent always does well. A day when all villagers can get together and relax with a cuppa and chat.

I skived off the stall for twenty minutes or so to take a look at the WI exhibition in the Village Hall. It was well laid out, with plenty of room to view the beautiful pieces of arts and crafts. I love the work they do, they are very talented. This bead work is fabulous, someone has a lot of patience.

Beautiful machine embroidery.

Hand embroidered pictures, clever ideas.

What a novel way to display stuffed hearts.

Exquisite gold work and bead embroidery.

There was an art exhibition in the church but I didn't take any photo's because the lighting is poor in there, and there were only a couple of artists showing and selling their work. It wasn't the type of painting which excites me, mainly landscapes, still life, and portraits.

Janet and Sue worked wonders on the cat rescue stall, the sales were up on last year, thanks to the kind friends who donate stuff to sell. Some of my shopping bags and cats beds sold. They usually do a few car boot sales throughout the summer months when they have time, which all helps.

It's another hot day today, too hot for me outside. If I do go into the garden it will be in short bursts. I need to trim the front hedges. Then I must go to the mobile library van before Stan disappears at 3pm to go to the school. I'll get off my bum and get on with some work now.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. What absolutely wonderful crafting. Simply beautiful.

  2. What a lot of talented people! And I LOVE those heart wreaths - I've never seen those before. Hope you raised lots of funds for the kitty cats!

  3. Beautiful embroidery. Hope to made lots i of pennies for the cats.
    I am just watching the farmeri cutting the hay in the field. I love my new house

    Hazel c uk

  4. Sorry to read that it is too hot for you outside. What exactly is the air temperature and the relative humidity? Where I now live in central New South Wales, Australia it is now Winter but the daytime temperature still hovers around 20 degrees Celsius.

    1. Today it is 28 C, 30% humidity. It will dip down a bit tomorrow, then back up on Friday, the weekend should be cooler at 24 C.

    2. I’m in Australia too and it’s strange how it’s so different in other countries, 37 or 38 C is tough for us

  5. The thought of threading beading needles for that amount of beadwork stitching leaves me google-eyed!
    What a lovely community your village has.

    1. I couldn't do that either. Even though it looks so pretty I have no inclination to try it.

  6. Isn't it great that these sort of Village fetes are still part of our British summer scene? Well done for. Your support, glad your stall made even more of a profit. Well done to you, Janet and Sue. Gorgeous WI work!

  7. I thought Village Fair day was next month :( I did ask you before when it was but you must have missed my question. I have some stuff for the cat stall so will keep it for another time. Glad the weather stayed nice for you and your garden tour was well visited :)

  8. Hi Lesley. The Fair is always in June. I'm sorry if I missed your question. We are swamped out with stuff for the cat stall, and have no room for any more. We have that much we are donating some of it to charity shops. Yesterday I took a couple of bags to Age UK. Thank you for your offer.

  9. I love those hearts Ilona x

  10. All of the WI crafts are lovely. The beadwork is my favorite. Just gorgeous.

  11. Those loveheart wreaths would be lovely at Christmas...

  12. Im back,here in Leicester after spending the last few days in Brighton and the first thing ive logged on to is your blog Ilona!.I was so looking forward to seeing how your weekend went and it looks like it was a great success!!.Your video is lovely..love your shadow waves!..and it was so nice to see your visitors.I bet you had loads of comments and questions asking how you do these fantastic things.Im so pleased for you because I can only imagine just how much hard work and long hours have gone into it all...Now its all go,for your art exhibition in Burton!!.Im so pleased that your cat stall made lots of money too!,xx

  13. Beautiful art work at your village fair. Thank you for sharing.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.