Wednesday, 18 July 2018

A Scrapstore visit.

The ladies at Hull Scrapstore were pleased with the scrap wood, plastic trays, and other stuff I took them this morning. They have recently been on a big Swap event, this is where several scrapstores meet up at a venue and take their excess scrap and swap with each other, so everything eventually gets used for art and crafting purposes. I found some things that I haven't previously seen before. It's a good idea to rummage through it.  

Hull Scrapstore is in an old school building. They have a Facebook page and often advertise on there about new stock they get in. 

The Art department is mainly new stock, bought in at a much lower price than a conventional shop. Items are individually priced.

The scrap is donated by businesses, it would normally get thrown away.

 I spent £5 on a basket. Mainly fabric, mostly fake leather, and a few tester paints.

It was quite busy, I think the school holidays have started early in Hull.

The hedges need cutting so I'm going outside now. Catch ya later. ilona


  1. Hi Liona good shopping today at the scrapstore

  2. what a good idea. Do they charge the public to have some of the scrap?

    1. Hull Scrapstore used to have a system where people could join as part of a group, for a small fee. Now it is open to anyone and is free. You pay by the basket, £5 for a small supermarket size, more for a bigger one, and more for a trolley load. You can get a lot in a basket for £5.There are items which are priced separately, the better quality fabric and art supplies.

      Other Scrapstores have their own way of doing things, some will be the same as Hull, others may still have the old system in place. You need to check out which is local to you. Google place (town) and Scrapstore and see what comes up.

    2. That's a really good idea.
      There isn't one near to me sadly.

    3. It's a pity there aren't more. One in every town would be ideal, it would save such a lot of rubbish going to landfill.

  3. Fun place to shop for what ya need it or not...I'd have fun there too and find something to bring home as well! Happy week!

  4. I love the scrapstore. We have a much smaller one across the street from where I live.

    1. Always good for a rummage to find something useful.

  5. I love the stack of pillows. We don't have any place like that in the US. Well, I have never heard of one.

  6. What a great little shop - Wonderful to see swap events like this to reuse and recycle unused materials for crafts, a great concept - you got some great items too for £5, bargain!

  7. I have just found out there is a Scrapstore literally 5 miles from me , delighted ! Shall be down there as soon as poss , thank you

    1. Brilliant Shelly. If they have a membership system tell them that you are a member of a craft group, or you teach crafts with children. They probably won't be that bothered as they need to get people through the door.

  8. I wish we had a scrapstore like that here in the US. I've been eyeing those white fiberfill "pillows" or at least I think they are pillows??


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now.

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